There ain't no malcontent community, you *&&^%$%$#.What there is, is the fact that this Co is as bad as any other with some good things that some of uou think are equal to cloud nine.It's been proven guilty of criminal and unetical shit, which means that you as sales reps and other employees not involved in organizing that crime, were asked/ordered to do the crime for them. Some of you did it knowing what went down but many did not even know you were asked to to their crime, by bribing, lying,promiting unaproved indications (and most likely killing some patients Rxed improper mediactions as result of you laying to docs the drug is OK for it) and other illegal stuff your co does.
So some of you like and love this whole thing, consider the job at Novartis a career with future and so on. But you don't think it is wrong to be used as a mafia style "soldier" to be the "earner" for this co that is in fact mafia like organization. But you don't know it, you don't want to know it or you simply do not want to admit it. What is it that prompts you to stand up for this shithole and claim that all others are just, how do you say it(?) malcontent?
It just ain't so.
If you want to be taken seriously, try spell-check or perhaps a basic grammar class... Show me some proof of "Killing patients" you are almost too absurd to even respond to, but I can't help but be entertained by your Jerry Springer-type posts. Keep 'em up.... they crack me up so very consistently.