What if people liked working here?


Imagine for a moment what it would be like if people actually liked working for Novartis.

Your stress level would go way down, which would improve both your work life and more importantly your home life. You would be able to be a better mother, father, husband, wife, etc. and your family's quality of life would also improve.

The company would benefit from much better sales results, less turnover which means less expense around hiring, training and firing, and an improved image in the business world.

As a shareholder, I am tired of the way Novartis is being run. The current leadership is costing me shareholder value, which means they need to be replaced.

Many of us do like it here! If you've worked someplace else, you appreciate more what is here. A great pipeline, dedicated people, and many, many people that take pride in their jobs and like going to work each day. You can't use a bitch board as your gauge for what people think. The poisonous part you hear is far more from a bunch of lazy, entitled reps than it is from management. There are too many reps and they know it so they are complaiing and cashing in on everything they can. It used to be common sense that if you didn't like it, you left but there is no where to go so they stay and complain. I will say, I have never worked anywhere with more whiners in the sales ranks.

Having been from another company, I can tell you my pay is higher, benefits better, car nicer, and stress FAR less than most other places. Always a mix of good and bad but the majority of people who really care about doing a great job.

Many of us do like it here! If you've worked someplace else, you appreciate more what is here. A great pipeline, dedicated people, and many, many people that take pride in their jobs and like going to work each day. You can't use a bitch board as your gauge for what people think. The poisonous part you hear is far more from a bunch of lazy, entitled reps than it is from management. There are too many reps and they know it so they are complaiing and cashing in on everything they can. It used to be common sense that if you didn't like it, you left but there is no where to go so they stay and complain. I will say, I have never worked anywhere with more whiners in the sales ranks.

Having been from another company, I can tell you my pay is higher, benefits better, car nicer, and stress FAR less than most other places. Always a mix of good and bad but the majority of people who really care about doing a great job.

What you describe is not what I have observed. I understand that this board is negative, but based on what I hear at meetings and in conversations with my peers, your view of Novartis is in the minority. I hope your situation stays positive, but I don't think it is norm.

As someone posted; even if 5% of what is posted about this co is true, it is a nasty place to work, especially if you have no alternative. However for most of us who left there is a better life beyond Novartis and bigpharam. You just have to look it up.

Many of us do like it here! If you've worked someplace else, you appreciate more what is here. A great pipeline, dedicated people, and many, many people that take pride in their jobs and like going to work each day. You can't use a bitch board as your gauge for what people think. The poisonous part you hear is far more from a bunch of lazy, entitled reps than it is from management. There are too many reps and they know it so they are complaiing and cashing in on everything they can. It used to be common sense that if you didn't like it, you left but there is no where to go so they stay and complain. I will say, I have never worked anywhere with more whiners in the sales ranks.

Having been from another company, I can tell you my pay is higher, benefits better, car nicer, and stress FAR less than most other places. Always a mix of good and bad but the majority of people who really care about doing a great job.

Agreed.... the silent majority must speak-up or the NEGATIVE will define us all.

Agreed.... the silent majority must speak-up or the NEGATIVE will define us all.

The very vocal minority is always louder. When are you more likely to speak out, when you are happy or when you are seriously angry about something? The worst, in my experience, are those who have never worked anywhere expect Novartis and have no idea just how good it is here.

Many people do like working here. But you can't post about it! There is concerted effort to remove positive posts. Now if you bitch, say HR is all wrong, everyone in any position but rep is horrible, name names and sling shit, why that is OK! BTW, older female here and like working here. Better than most places I've been. Of course I'm not an idiot and don't think this is my family, understand it is not socialism and their job is not to take care of me, and that I have a job to do and that I am totally replaceable. Oh, and if someone else gets a promotion over me, it might just be because they were more qualified.

If people liked working here there'd be;
no discrimination lawsuits
no 'tobi' 72 milion $ lawsuit
no off lable 'no contest' 430 million $ lawsuit
no 27 million annual CEO
no need for cafefarmer

  • cafead   May 30, 2011 at 01:18: PM
Many people do like working here. But you can't post about it! There is concerted effort to remove positive posts. Now if you bitch, say HR is all wrong, everyone in any position but rep is horrible, name names and sling shit, why that is OK! BTW, older female here and like working here. Better than most places I've been. Of course I'm not an idiot and don't think this is my family, understand it is not socialism and their job is not to take care of me, and that I have a job to do and that I am totally replaceable. Oh, and if someone else gets a promotion over me, it might just be because they were more qualified.

Absolutely untrue post. Nothing to stand on in saying this. Cafepharma always works to remove policy violations when they are found, including personal attacks on named individuals, as well as troll posts and posts denigrating women (or any other group).

Absolutely untrue post. Nothing to stand on in saying this. Cafepharma always works to remove policy violations when they are found, including personal attacks on named individuals, as well as troll posts and posts denigrating women (or any other group).

No, that is a lie. I personally have flagged posts with personal attacks on named individuals and you defend the post. I have had at least a dozen posts removed this weekend that have not been negative in any form or fashion but because I do not bash the company or blindly support thinking all women were wronged here then you delete them. Hell, I even tried speaking with someone about how to find mentoring opportunities and why she should seek out a successful male and female as a mentor and you deleted those. I pointed out at least 6 or 7 threads with full names and hateful posts but you deleted the posts highlighting it but not the thread. You are as dishonest as they come.

  • cafead   May 30, 2011 at 03:10: PM
This post appears to be from a user who grew incensed when we refused to remove a single post about him/her that included reasonable criticism. Cafepharma does allow posts that include reference to those in management and reasonable discussion and critique. We remove posts that include posting violations when they become aware of them (such as trolling, personal attacks, etc.).

We have a strong record of working with companies and individuals to quickly respond to requests to review posts.

As far as having a dozen posts removed, if this poster was the one making the misogynistic, trolling posts on this board, then yes, they were removed.

No, that is a lie. I personally have flagged posts with personal attacks on named individuals and you defend the post. I have had at least a dozen posts removed this weekend that have not been negative in any form or fashion but because I do not bash the company or blindly support thinking all women were wronged here then you delete them. Hell, I even tried speaking with someone about how to find mentoring opportunities and why she should seek out a successful male and female as a mentor and you deleted those. I pointed out at least 6 or 7 threads with full names and hateful posts but you deleted the posts highlighting it but not the thread. You are as dishonest as they come.

I see. So to post that many women are cashing in who were not harmed, or to suggest to a woman who complained because she told the company she can't move for her husband's job and she thinks this is the reason she wasn't promoted, and therefore thinks it is discrimination because a man got a promotion without moving...suggesting some options for mentorship with a man and woman so she can learn the game and what to say and NOT say for promotability.... this is misogynistic. Whatever. It is clear, like with the polit board, you are going to control statements based on your personal bias.

And you also LIED again. Yes, you refused to remove a post previously even though it blatantly broke board rules. Here again you offer your flimsy rationalization for board rules not really being the rules. In five minutes, I pointed out at least a dozen other threads that break board posting rules yet you justify those too. In your little mind, you think moving into a management positions means that slander and libel should be tolerated, and in fact, encouraged on your site.

Do you have the guts to post the truth? I thought not.

  • cafead   May 30, 2011 at 08:45: PM
I think if you will go back and look, the posts you are describing are still there. Perhaps one or two of your posts were inadvertently deleted by a mod in the midst of deleting a rash of someone else's troll posts, so you simply assumed all were deleted.

We in no way encourage slander or libel of anyone. We allow reasoned critique of management and companies, however.

You are certainly allowed to complain about things you disagree with on our boards. We have truthfully addressed your complaints, and now YOU are starting to cross over into trolling territory.

I see. So to post that many women are cashing in who were not harmed, or to suggest to a woman who complained because she told the company she can't move for her husband's job and she thinks this is the reason she wasn't promoted, and therefore thinks it is discrimination because a man got a promotion without moving...suggesting some options for mentorship with a man and woman so she can learn the game and what to say and NOT say for promotability.... this is misogynistic. Whatever. It is clear, like with the polit board, you are going to control statements based on your personal bias.

And you also LIED again. Yes, you refused to remove a post previously even though it blatantly broke board rules. Here again you offer your flimsy rationalization for board rules not really being the rules. In five minutes, I pointed out at least a dozen other threads that break board posting rules yet you justify those too. In your little mind, you think moving into a management positions means that slander and libel should be tolerated, and in fact, encouraged on your site.

Do you have the guts to post the truth? I thought not.

Many of us do like it here! If you've worked someplace else, you appreciate more what is here. A great pipeline, dedicated people, and many, many people that take pride in their jobs and like going to work each day.
You are a fucking clown ! Go join the circus with this kool aid act.
I been hearing this pipeline crap for over a decade & there is nothing but me too
garbage or useless crap like starlix , zolair , zelnorm , fanapt etc etc etc etc etc
People I know that took pride were pipped out or layed off .
Oncology was humiliated with fucking prius's in some lame psychological war.
Neuro was totally dicked on the MS drug & underperforming overpaid outsiders were brought with little to show for it.

This dung company was fined over 1/2 BILLION by the feds for inept corrupt management
not including the gender discrimination debacle

Have fun at ringling bros you tool !