Who are you kidding. There is nothing honest about MB nor this company. We all risk get put on a pip due to dicks like him and his superiors. Have you evaluated how many people have been let go not because of performance but merely for the satisfaction of their managers/directors?
We aren't afraid of deficits being revealed because when it's our turn to get fucked, they'll make up shit to get us fired too.
The only relationship the FL team will have with MB is one based on lies. No one trusts him - now tell me how that's going to work for building a relationship.
He's a piece of shit as are DE and RSL.
Your posts are depriving a group of decent people the chance to move on and try new approaches. Is success certain? Negative. Just like you.
I have no stake in the FL outcome, but really could you just Piss the Fuck Off? You are ever so tiresome.