What happen to the FED/GOV people?

What would “radioactivity” be if it weren’t for Marie Curie, notably one of the most influential women in nuclear medicine? Marie’s achievements include discovering two radioactive elements, being the first woman to win a Nobel Prize in Physics, and much more. Marie is in the Upjohn Hall of Fame.

Definitely could be Dick but I bet it is a disgruntled ex-MSL manager who did not make the cut with Pfizer. He was forced to stay in Kzoo and hopes for TUC to be resurrected from the scrapyard of pharma.

I believe the frequent poster is an ex-marketing boss at TUC. You can tell by folks he references as well as his Kzoo reports. Probably is suffering from a form of dementia and hates still living in the gray snowbelt of Western Michigan. I believe I know who his is but don't want to out him. He wasn't a very nice man in the past and I hear is worst today. Glad I went to Jersey!!

I believe the frequent poster is an ex-marketing boss at TUC. You can tell by folks he references as well as his Kzoo reports. Probably is suffering from a form of dementia and hates still living in the gray snowbelt of Western Michigan. I believe I know who his is but don't want to out him. He wasn't a very nice man in the past and I hear is worst today. Glad I went to Jersey!!
Just stay in Jersey!