What happen to the FED/GOV people?

Loser Harbaugh and the Meeeecheeegan Wusserines were afraid to play the Buckeyes today! I guess when OSU's coach said they were going to put up 100 points on the Wusserines, Harbaugh sucked his thumb and trembled in fear!! U of M home of the cowards!

Happy New Year TUC Alumni! I just moved to The Villages in Florida and am trying to connect with TUC alumni for lunch. If you live here or know someone who does, please reply. Please no silly return posts.

Looking to rent a home on Gull Lake from June 1 to Sept 1. Minimum of 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, pier, and motor boat for skiing and tubing. Willing to pay market rental price.