What Do You Like About Grifols?

Grifols is a resting place for the terminally inept and social r*****s. GR is an executive poser and always has been and BZ is just plain loud and obtrusive. Jewel Disabelson is Canadian, what more should I say. And by the way, what does Sed lack. Ask his yoga instructor. You'll be surprised at his answer.

Me likes how all the men wear skinny jeans to show off their minny packages while the women wear tight halter tops to show off their chest hairs. GR doesn't sport a porn stach. It's an extension of nose hairs you tweeb.

I like this about Grifols: I will receive a paycheck in 2 days which allows me to
pay my bills and have a little left over to save for college for my 2 children, save for my retirement one day and also contribute to the campaign that encourages family businesses such as Grifols where you and I are employed.