What do Oncology managers actually do all day?

Poster #16 is correct. Do the math dip $#!+!

And just way till the new compliance staff starts working with you to give you "zingers" and possible "firings"! Heard it hear first and coming to a territory near you soon!

Look at the roster OB sent out fuckface. MOST Onc districts have 9 or 10 reps. A couple have 8. Go to hell you jackass math guru.

either way you do the math---- there are just way, way, way too many managers!! typical- they get rid of the front line but leave all of the useless Generals barking orders everywhre. Good planning and execution, and you wonder why sales are going down??

eisai-san...you mus use Abacus to do calculation. 120/14=8.5714. Wif you talent you are ready to take step to home office to do rotation in IC department wif fuzzy math..after you complete year of twice a month FC with new boss man!!

Here's what my DM's did:
1) Lot of overnights to get Marriott points
2) Ask me to have lunch and breakfast constantly to get free meals
3) Talk constantly about how to get more bonus
4) Calculate how much bonus we might get
5) Talk about how bad senior mgt is
6) Tell me how important reach and frequency was
7) Tell me I needed to synch FOCUS 4x a week

THIS is what they get paid 150K+ for?

This is a good DM. They're covering their tracks for senior management to look like they're working. Any reps who think this is just about points deserves to be in this bs job here. If you realized the game, proceed to go.

It's sad that you think that's a good DM. It sure is at Eisai, but we know they're the bottom of the barrel when it come to pharma. Perhaps you want to be a DM here someday so you can spend your life sucking up to dumb people who don't know what they're doing. That's a REALLY good DM at Eisai.

Sounds like my former boss MB! I heard he did this same s#i+ in TN. Maybe why LF got the job and not him! Serves him right!
I think LF got the job because of what she can do and to who and it doesn't have anything to do with work. She was having some extra fun with one of her reps so perhaps she was having some extra fun with her old DM? Perhaps??

Most of us post here several times per day. Unless we are at home office then you notice a direct correlation of fewer number of people viewing and posting.

Shampy is major poster, Crist, Q, Carter, Rand, that Fag James, Hilman, Walzy, Rad might be the biggest of them all. Myers is another closeted poster as were Keith Woods and Mirani.

A better question is what work do we accomplish all day? Not much, a lot of starbucks, a lot of lunches, a lot of hilton and Marriott points. And we gossip to eachother daily. All of this leads to a toxic work environment we all know it but were just covering our own asses as well.

Most of us post here several times per day. Unless we are at home office then you notice a direct correlation of fewer number of people viewing and posting.

Shampy is major poster, Crist, Q, Carter, Rand, that Fag James, Hilman, Walzy, Rad might be the biggest of them all. Myers is another closeted poster as were Keith Woods and Mirani.

A better question is what work do we accomplish all day? Not much, a lot of starbucks, a lot of lunches, a lot of hilton and Marriott points. And we gossip to eachother daily. All of this leads to a toxic work environment we all know it but were just covering our own asses as well.

Most those people don't work here anymore Moron.

I think LF got the job because of what she can do and to who and it doesn't have anything to do with work. She was having some extra fun with one of her reps so perhaps she was having some extra fun with her old DM? Perhaps??

If you are willing to put the DM's initials in the post you should put the reps initials in the post as well. That's only fair.

If you are willing to put the DM's initials in the post you should put the reps initials in the post as well. That's only fair.

I think I know who the poster was talking about and I do not believe it. They are very close but that is it. Stop trying to start something about two people that has no merit. I respect her and him a lot.

I think LF got the job because of what she can do and to who and it doesn't have anything to do with work. She was having some extra fun with one of her reps so perhaps she was having some extra fun with her old DM? Perhaps??

You sound jelous. I thought we all F#*$& our managers during overnights. Isn't that the Eisai way. You should be proud of your fellow collegues.

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