What did you think of the DMs at the interviews?

You know I think this is the way companies are starting to hire now-a-days. They come up with some sort of formula for what they're looking for thinking they're going to get the "perfect" candidates and its going to be executed without a problem while the hiring managers are forced into this process by HR. Some spots will fall perfectly into the algorithm but many won't and you get this square peg round hole approach. The pharmaceutical business is a joke because of these sorts of games. Trust your management team to hire quality candidates and let them have normal conversations with them not this idiotic approach.

Agreed !
They get paid to think up these whacky "processes" - gives them job security.
HR individuals could never cut it in sales - nitwits

I had a phone screen a week ago for FAS position and was told would hear something. I have left the recruiter a message and have not heard back.

Consider that a blessing. I went to Dallas for face to face interviews and the woman in charge of the FAS group is completely clueless. She definitelty does not have the experience to be leading this group. She comes from some small biotech start-up that I never heard of. This launch will be a complete cluster fuck.

Amateurs who are in over their head
They already proved it by believing there is a market for a self injectable in Cardiology
If they believe this I have a property I'd like to sell them too !

Amateurs who are in over their head
They already proved it by believing there is a market for a self injectable in Cardiology
If they believe this I have a property I'd like to sell them too !
Lol...clearly you are an idiot and don't understand biologics are the future. Go back to pushing pills and being a glorified caterer and UPS driver.

I interviewed with new DM NY, seems like a pushover no sales experience completely green. He spent the time talking about himself. Apparently he is very well regarded by senior mgt who insisted on putting him in position when he said he was leaving. Sounds like this will be the top performing region. Can't wait to work for him.

I actually really liked one of the MidAtlantic managers I had a phone screen with. I didn't sense any management experience, but he came to Regeneron with corporate account management experience. I just didn't like the opportunity.

I interviewed with a DM that claimed he was a DM in CV at his previous company. Problem is I worked at his previous company in an adjoining district the same number of years he was there and he was a REP. He never was a DM at his previous company and on top of that he does not have any cardio experience as he claims. None.
Way to go Regeneron. You definitely did not do a back ground check on this "experienced cardio DM". He pulled one over on you. The roar of laughter you heard this week when his old company heard how he pulled a good one on Regeneron.

Agree with previous poster....everyone that I have encountered at Regeneron has been very nice and very professional. Of course flying out to Dallas was annoying, answering behavioral questions that most people bull shit their way through was annoying and having to role play was annoying but hey life is annoying....clearly all the negative posters are the bitter ones who didnt make the cut....not the end of the world people!

Very Shady hiring process . . . I have years of reimbursement experience with a biologic that is ordered through speciality pharmacy, I did a phone screen for a FAS spot and discussed this as Praluent will be ordered through the speciality pharmacy channel . . .I was told by some hag at Leslie Gaber that I they were not moving forward with me because the other candidate interviewed better than me . . . .I find out a few days later that this person chosen over me was a sales rep with no experience in access or reimbursement . . . .I've heard similar stories from a few others. I'm convinced they're purposely going after lesser talent so they don't have to pay much and less experience so they can dumb the whole process down for them. So disappointing.

You and previous post all sound too familiar! Gaber stated emphatically that SPP and injectable experience a MUST! I have 10+ years biotech, injectable, SPP, buy n bill exp the list goes on...hired a guy who had stain (PO) experience. Seriously?! That is the "really strong candidate pool?" Blessings are sometimes subtle...and Im calling this one a blessing! Good luck selling an outpt injectable IN the hospital! Never will happen unless its the first free-sample-- ha, that'll pay some big bonus-NOT.

Agreed. The DM for the FAS California was not impressive. He doesn't have any real knowledge of the market/management. Not impressed for the most part with the management team. I cannot imagine a Sanofi person, a regeneron rep and a reimbursement person (with their managers) not driving cardiologists crazy. I hope it works out but it doesn't look like this is a specialty position...feels like primary care that happens to be an injectable.

Are you talking about northern or southern ca DSM?I thought CA was already hired? Anyone know what wave and how many Ca positions filled? I'm interested in FAS if this is a real access position like oncology/RA/MS biologics.

For earlier poster.....Manager for NorCal/Seattle just hired this week is awesome....knows market and over ten years of Biologics/specialty pharmacy experience. Easy to work for and supportive of her reps...