What can Solstas employees expect?

News won't be final till Thursday. Offers given to some today. Tension is growing

Those who own their performance and add value at every turn, like my team of superstars, are as cool as cucumbers...this situation is as soft as a warm Caribbean breeze...which is where many of us are headed as soon as you people are gone and the paperwork is done.

Those who own their performance and add value at every turn, like my team of superstars, are as cool as cucumbers...this situation is as soft as a warm Caribbean breeze...which is where many of us are headed as soon as you people are gone and the paperwork is done.

So we should take it that you will be shafting those on your team who aren't superstars, huh?

Anyone who has failed to become a superstar on my team has shafted himself (and his family).

You must think people owe you a living, junior. It doesn't work that way, sugar t*ts.

Hey, you're the one who recruited them, hired them and kept them on your team until the bitter end. Must've been the best you could get with what you had to offer, limp nads.

Love all the deceitful comments on here. 'Your team of winners'.. I bet you don't even work at Solstas. Loser.

No one in Florida kept a job except BH in Jax and one offered in Tampa. Everyone else gone. GA, some kept, some offered a better position and Manager jumped ship and took his performers with him. Carolina's.. Oh, Carolina's.. More to unfold there by Friday. Interesting turn of events. Specialty teams dwindled and CRS's shown the door. Praised leaders in different 'strategic roles' (chuckles, for a short time)

Should I go on?

Those who own their performance and add value at every turn, like my team of superstars, are as cool as cucumbers...this situation is as soft as a warm Caribbean breeze...which is where many of us are headed as soon as you people are gone and the paperwork is done.

I wonder if you actually believe this or that you are so bored you have nothing else to do? One way or the other you are becoming more and more boring.

Love all the deceitful comments on here. 'Your team of winners'.. I bet you don't even work at Solstas. Loser.

No one in Florida kept a job except BH in Jax and one offered in Tampa. Everyone else gone. GA, some kept, some offered a better position and Manager jumped ship and took his performers with him. Carolina's.. Oh, Carolina's.. More to unfold there by Friday. Interesting turn of events. Specialty teams dwindled and CRS's shown the door. Praised leaders in different 'strategic roles' (chuckles, for a short time)

Should I go on?

Yes, please go on. What about the Carolina's?

I figured they were the safest in the company. What's up there?

Love all the deceitful comments on here. 'Your team of winners'.. I bet you don't even work at Solstas. Loser.

No one in Florida kept a job except BH in Jax and one offered in Tampa. Everyone else gone. GA, some kept, some offered a better position and Manager jumped ship and took his performers with him. Carolina's.. Oh, Carolina's.. More to unfold there by Friday. Interesting turn of events. Specialty teams dwindled and CRS's shown the door. Praised leaders in different 'strategic roles' (chuckles, for a short time)

Should I go on?

What about the Tennessee team?


Who stays and where?

Again, you kept them on your team until the bitter end. Must've been the best you could get with what you had to offer, Carm-Carm.

And again, you are hardly in a position to question your leaders, son.

You will do exactly what you are told, when you are told, and how you are told, for as long as we decide to keep you. And when you are let go, you will sign the non-compete and find a job in a different industry (if you are able to do so).

We simply gave opportunities to those we thought had a greatness and a worth to be superstars. It is not always an exact science at this elevated level, junior. Many are called, but few are chosen.

Now go get your shine box, boy.

Looks like someone just watched Goodfellas. Just remember what happened to the guy that said that.....

We simply gave opportunities to those we thought had a greatness and a worth to be superstars. It is not always an exact science at this elevated level, junior. Many are called, but few are chosen.

Now go get your shine box, boy.

Oh, brother. And there you have it folks. In Papi’s head, this is what he imagines leadership to be … not owning one’s performance and simply giving opportunities to those he thought were superstars. This is the sum of what you imagine leadership to be?

Let alone, not owning your performance for training, mentoring, coaching, motivating etc… You’re simply stating you’re not “owning your performance” for a bad selection process and subsequent bad hires.

You continue to embarrass yourself Papi and I hope you find work soon.

Oh, brother. And there you have it folks. In Papi’s head, this is what he imagines leadership to be … not owning one’s performance and simply giving opportunities to those he thought were superstars. This is the sum of what you imagine leadership to be?

Let alone, not owning your performance for training, mentoring, coaching, motivating etc… You’re simply stating you’re not “owning your performance” for a bad selection process and subsequent bad hires.

You continue to embarrass yourself Papi and I hope you find work soon.

What was that about "finding work" junior? hahahahahahahahahaha