What a mess in Puerto Rico!


The best thing is that Jessica Colon is gone. She used PR as a trampoline to get into E&C, what a joke, a person who violated the rules now to determine who violates the rule. Bye, bye "jefesita", you got what you wanted here, a lot of ass kissing. Nobody ever respected you, we only said what you wanted to hear and did what we wanted. You are a moron. Jajajaja.

The good about all these is that we got rid of Jessica Colon and the Colombian drug lord! jajaja. Both are incompetent and narcissist. They both broke the E&C rules and NPC, but your wrong doing will reach you and everyone will know what both of you are made off and will live the same fate of your mentor Chris Kaplan. No more a.. kissing for either one of you. Don't ever look back to PR because no one cares about either one of you and be sure that no one will never, never miss you. We never respected you and we all know your dark side.