What’s access really like out there?

I think your mistaken, Trump supporters in 2016 suggested that he will be great for pharmaceutical companies, well he did do something great, he introduced fair pricing meaning the cost of drugs we sell in the US is going to go down in price, so that means companies have to cut back and where do you think they will start, I’m guessing they will start with the sales teams that cannot get into hospitals and offices due to Covid, so stop going on about liberals and politics, the only thing you need to know is that cutting drug prices is the right thing to do and it comes at a price and that is your job!!!!!!!

“Trump supporters in 2016 suggested that he will be great for pharmaceutical companies,”.
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I’m in the NE and getting ready to launch Breztri! Ugh!! Going to be a massive shit show!!

I'm in the central/south east of the mid-atlantic. Big hospital system says, "NO REPS" I drive around dropping off e-store crap all day. It's what they've wanted for some time now and the wuhan was the perfect excuse to execute their desire to lock reps out.

So good reps find a way to get in office run by hospital systems that dictate, NO REPS!? I'll hang up and listen...

Bullshit. Many years ago a "good" could find his/her way into a closed hospital. That has changed drastically. One hospital system states that if a rep is caught working any of their hospitals they may lose formulary coverage for repeat violators. I know of one hospital rep with another company has ONLY closed hospitals. He works the parking ramps trying to see docs. Pharmacy will only email him if they have a need for something. How awful of a job is that.

This virus is not going anywhere for a longtime. The Democrats want to turn this country into socialism - be careful what you wish for in the healthcare industry. As far as Trump, well he is going to negotiate to lower the cost of drugs so that medication is accessible to patients. Therefore, this over needed correction will affect everyone in the industry
Um. Isn’t Trump intervening on drug prices a form of socialism? Government influencing the market and choosing winners and losers?

“Trump supporters in 2016 suggested that he will be great for pharmaceutical companies,”.
Can you provide verifiable support for this comment?
Ummmmm really, look at all of the billions of dollars he is giving out to pharma for a vaccine and treatment, did I say billions. Case closed my friend!!!!!

Ummmmm really, look at all of the billions of dollars he is giving out to pharma for a vaccine and treatment, did I say billions. Case closed my friend!!!!!
Pharmaceutical industry is like the NRA, the lobbyist and dollars we give to Washington is never going to stop and what Trump is promising, is to appease the masses, but how long have we heard this issue from the democrats or republicans, nothing is ever done, the boys and girls in the senate and house seats know and need those financial dollars that feed them. Trump 202011111