Wes Wheeler/Tim Arendt-Twin Destroyers??

What a scheming bunch of snide children. A department which by their own admission was well run and doing their jobs properly broken up by a group of the most inept incapable bullies that ever drew breath.

Now what are we left with? A transport department that works better and is better led and more professional when it's 'Manager' (don't make me laugh!) is off having his latest breakdown & A complete melt down and loss of almost all the decent work they once had.

Decent drivers lied to constantly whilst their work is given away to sub-contractors and they are left to fight for the scraps of overtime that the very people that have a duty of care towards them allow them to see. Sub-contractors phoning up and demanding to know why they are not getting promised work?? Something smells here.

Drivers that once would have broken through walls for MKN now refuse to do anything because despite what the 'management' think they are not stupid and see through their lies.

Every prediction made by the TCV team regarding TCV work has proved correct. The market is still growing; other companies led by managers and directors with a modicum of intelligence recognised this and have moved resource towards TCV and away from 'box and ice' work simply because the intergrator companies like DHL can do it far cheaper than MKN can.

We now have the ridiculous situation where customers still come to MKN for TCV work and we are having to borrow and rent back the very vehicles cancelled and returned just a few months ago. The reason they still come back is because TCV is still run by people trained by Craig Cutts, someone who has vision and ability far beyond that of the assholes he reported too and was forced out by.

The reason some don't leave and work still towards the future at MKN is in the vain hope that perhaps hard work and defiance towards systematic stupidity may one day be recognised as the logical common sense that it is and Bob Ellis et al may one glorious day realise that the business here is viable as long as he puts someone in charge that isn't threatened by people more capable than himself but instead listens to them and makes use of their counsel and ideas.

How does one join the Craig Cutts appreciation society

Following the recently leaked emails the senior management have decided to set up a new security regime to ensure that all emails will be monitored at all times. In order to achieve this it was felt imperative that only the 3 most trusted managers should provide this cover.

In order to maintain their anonymity only their initials and their first names will be used to form this rota. There will be 2 shifts each comprising 2 of the 3 managers.

The first shift will be known as the WANC shift and the second shift will be known as the WILLEE shift.

This shift pattern will be named in honour of the 2 most senior managers and will be known as the WA & NC Esoteric Rota Sytem or WANCERS for short. The WANCERS shift pattern will be made up of two 12 hour shifts each day and will begin with immediate effect, the initial rota will run in the following sequence:-

where did you have you're songwriting lessons - i cannot make this work to the great escape

(NB. Due to the esoteric nature of this system only a few of you will understand it so in order to follow it, its best to sing along to the theme tune from the 'Great Escape'.)


If you don't like the rota don't worry cos the WANCERS will probably change it next week anyway.

If for any reason any of the above cannot complete their rota commitments 2 volunteers from of our new branch in Fuchnoswhereorwye will take over.

They are 'Charlie Upisooter' and the rather lovely Russian girl 'Nigellina Taterfield-Spudpikin'.

Their initials will form the name.........er.......wait a minute.... it was that shift that got us into trouble in the first place....

where did you have you're songwriting lessons - i cannot make this work to the great escape


There is a clear message among these posts have a look read through them I can confirm that the majority of these posts are indeed 'posted by current employees for anyone who doesn't understand the word it means those currently employed by Marken Contrary to what Marken management believe they do not come from those who have left Marken I know because I speak to those who have left 'all might I add a lot more competent than some of the shower that are left !! from Stuart & Lina to Don RT Mr Nix Craig Dom & Les all excellent ex-employees

Some left feeling pretty angry but like the decent people they are 'they just got on with it of course not perfect but they all worked hard and cared about the company Simon Low highlighted in the recent emails 'redundant one day not the next working in one office moved to another!! dumped in a job one day told he couldn't be left alone the next!! called great one day and an idiot the next I know those who worked with Simon including Craig & Shaun they found him excellent the very type of person Marken could have looked to in the future Even the the HR person at the time was shocked by his treatment a disgrace really!! so some of those still left be careful you could be next and for those smug gits who sit there making judgements on others without knowing the facts (You know who you are) why don't you do some work instead of sitting there doing f**all while every one else in ops runs around after you... the very dead wood Marken need rid of..

As I sit here inputting this in to my i phone I look around at the very people I'm talking about!! leave 'why should I'

Why don't those pulling the company down go.. it is amazing that the owners those running the business keep quiet.. anyone lessor employing a sales person without first checking them out!! paying them a stack of money providing a fuel card all the perks then find out he has no background in sales would be out the door?? not this lot instead use the money lost to try and get rid of people to balance the books.. under the carpet it goes $$$million contract lost because no checks made on the sales persons quote it was tendered to late?? under the carpet with that one to.. instead those from the higher echelons of the company can only post comments about winging employees the very winging employees fighting for the company that they enjoy working for that they were once proud to work..

Take a look at the posts go on read them it's not the winging ones!! stabbed in the back by long term workmates!! shooting off emails behind there back just to seek a little kudos with the boss.. Someone asked the other day' don't you feel sorry for Nigel Aubs & William Hague (Willy Hague) his nick name amongst the troops.. don't know if it's cos he looks like him or cos he acts like a right c u n Tuesday.. Speaking of government I heard on BBC news today while walking through reception!! the government being accused of employing friends & family in to excessively over paid roles.. roles they don't have the experience to carry out.. Has Weeler joined the British Government .. sounds very familiar

Telling them a different story to there face I heard recently some who have gone would never move on!! Stuart cared put in more than expected but not ' a Yes Man' say it as it it is he's and there style no ego trips no pretending they were something else.. no yes sir 3 bags full just a work ethic lost on those who managed them.. Malcolm the most despised employee at Marken a man with balls .. a man who stands up is the reason management despise him someone who can think for himself.. just a driver (A TCV DRIVER NO LESS) ha never he's miles ahead a very clever individual.. He runs Olympic rings around those who constantly put him down.. The emails yes those emails dating back around 2 years now but some as recent 'as July' I don't know where they came from but they are genuine I have seen the originals .. I think the company should have them now and the feeling is if they don't respond by the end of this month the originals will be put on here.. From top end directors to drivers inc Malcolm everyone will see the truth about this shower.. To Aubs credit he does in some instances stick up for his staff.. a clear conflict between him & Diddly .. the general transport team get a right slagging from there master.. the power has gone to his head.. It's Will this driver did that .. that driver did this Will Will Will Shaun did this Hayley did that Simon is thick Simon did a good job yesterday.. Simon is F*** useless I want him out.. and so on.. Even the CS team come under attack .. and of course those who have left including some very damning stuff for those who wrote it.. that must be bordering on the illegal!! about 1 or 2 of them .. directors don't escape either RT Don.. Dan with his big Brown Nose (He's not as popular as he thinks) and for good measure there is a few in there from Scotland Paris & West Coast..

Well my lunch hour almost over Aub just back in his company car (Spare white transit) Diddly s saab in the car park so don't want to catch there eye.. I might give it away so a quick trip to the Tesco express and I will get back to work with a rye smile.. Wake up Marken .. World are out of site .. the whole industry loves this site.. I see some comments on twitter recently to.. Seems like those in charge forgot those lied to and ignored can now have a platform.. a platform the powers have no control over.. can even read it in the kitchen 10 min after posting.. other companies take note!!

Take a look read the posts read them all and then think about your reply.. winging leave if you don't like it.. No No No these are people the company gladly used to there benefit.. it was always said Marken was it's staff.. indeed it was.. we have a platform to answer back its called the www..

You clearly do not know what you are talking about you little stirring sh*t. There are no e mails. TCV wheelbarrow man with no balls could not even run rings round a tree.

people in london are happy and enjoting their mwork.

Whellbarrow - the man with balls. You mean the man with NO balls.

He has the balls to hide behind the anonymous post!

Derrrrr! whats your name then super gonads?

The proof of the balls is in the licking, so I bow to your superior knowledge.

Not sure if you meant whelkbarrow or wheelbarrow but as it's a lame attempt at rhyming slang I'm gonna assume you're one of the many fishey plastic cockneys that we see around here ever day.

By the was thats Whellbarrow 'TCV' driver in spite of all attempts to prove otherwise to you ballbag. Gore Blimey Luv a Duck come on the 'Wall .


You clearly do not know what you are talking about you little stirring sh*t. There are no e mails. TCV wheelbarrow man with no balls could not even run rings round a tree.

people in london are happy and enjoting their mwork.

Spoken like true dictator...I am sure that people in N. Korea hear the same from their 'leaders'. Unfortunately in UK this was interrupted by....freedom of speech :)

How does one join the Craig Cutts appreciation society

It's simple you either appreciate him or you don't. Marken didn't, 4 of Markens rivals that are all out performing Marken did.

Failure to appreciate simple facts like that is why so many of Markens brighter staff have left but luckily they appreciate crotch divers so your job is safe.


You clearly do not know what you are talking about you little stirring sh*t. There are no e mails. TCV wheelbarrow man with no balls could not even run rings round a tree.

people in london are happy and enjoting their mwork.

TCV being the operative phrase and you lot had better get back to rimming a few rings if you wanna keep your jobs.

Whellbarrow - the man with balls. You mean the man with NO balls.

He has the balls to hide behind the anonymous post!

As you are no doubt well aware the previous HR managers...yes her and the other one.....er......no not him the other one knew all about what went on because of Mr Barrow, he hid behind no one and stood against demeaning bullying like you're attempting again here. The only reason it's not all out in the open is because of gagging orders put in place because you all know that your behaviour was so dumb and abusive that you have no defence, so you hide behind the Legal department because God forbid the truth should ever be outed.

You're the one with the power big balls if you don't like this forum why don't you leave?

By the way, where's your Username.

Following the recently leaked emails the senior management have decided to set up a new security regime to ensure that all emails will be monitored at all times. In order to achieve this it was felt imperative that only the 3 most trusted managers should provide this cover.

In order to maintain their anonymity only their initials and their first names will be used to form this rota. There will be 2 shifts each comprising 2 of the 3 managers.

The first shift will be known as the WANC shift and the second shift will be known as the WILLEE shift.

This shift pattern will be named in honour of the 2 most senior managers and will be known as the WA & NC Esoteric Rota Sytem or WANCERS for short. The WANCERS shift pattern will be made up of two 12 hour shifts each day and will begin with immediate effect, the initial rota will run in the following sequence:-

(NB. Due to the esoteric nature of this system only a few of you will understand it so in order to follow it, its best to sing along to the theme tune from the 'Great Escape'.)


If you don't like the rota don't worry cos the WANCERS will probably change it next week anyway.

If for any reason any of the above cannot complete their rota commitments 2 volunteers from of our new branch in Fuchnoswhereorwye will take over.

They are 'Charlie Upisooter' and the rather lovely Russian girl 'Nigellina Taterfield-Spudpikin'.

Their initials will form the name.........er.......wait a minute.... it was that shift that got us into trouble in the first place....

The 'Charlie Upisooter' and 'Nigellina Taterfield-Spudpikin' shift are clearly on this morning. Hope HR and Legal are on stand-by.

This whole thread is full of people with far too much time on their hands. Get a life. Who sits on a forum all day moaning about a company?

Oh the irony. We all form a queue and take it in turns returning the half baked accusations and comments left by mkn's glorious leaders.

NB The ones moaning today are the management and their lacky's in London genius.

Have to say it is feeling a bit like bullying, a battle of wits with un-armed men.

It's simple you either appreciate him or you don't. Marken didn't, 4 of Markens rivals that are all out performing Marken did.

Failure to appreciate simple facts like that is why so many of Markens brighter staff have left but luckily they appreciate crotch divers so your job is safe.

Wow - has he really worked for 4 rivals since leaving Marken. He must be popular.