Well That Sucks

yes fire everyone who is actually contributing and leave the jackasses who are there making the terrible decisions at the top. I left there years ago of my own volition, but I will say this: be grateful that you got laid off and move ahead. The idiots left at Ironwood are on the Titanic.

yes fire everyone who is actually contributing and leave the jackasses who are there making the terrible decisions at the top. I left there years ago of my own volition, but I will say this: be grateful that you got laid off and move ahead. The idiots left at Ironwood are on the Titanic.
Displaced RSM’s will get to come back as a CSS again, they never learn..

Transparency = Make sure "Officers" of the company don't participate in a conference call with 50% of the company employees. Makes sure the people leading the call have no answers and no ability to commit to anything. Well Done.

Cronyism at its best. Hecht, Milne, Cali & McCourt all become millionaires and everyone else has worthless shares and out of a job.
Don’t forget that buffoon Mellon, he gets to show up and cash in millions on his free options too. These 5 have screwed all of the employees on the “owner mentality” and have a person run a full time job selling ESPP to all the employees.