Well, how much do you have in your 401K and how old are you?

I love it how all of you forget history, and pump your chests out here, now that the market is booming (fake boom, fake market), when in 2009 you wimps were crying to your mothers.

Face it.

Most of you, if not all of you, don't know crap about investing.

You throw crap up against the wall, and hope it sticks.

Save you cash, because you might need it for toilet paper someday.

I love it how all of you forget history, and pump your chests out here, now that the market is booming (fake boom, fake market), when in 2009 you wimps were crying to your mothers.

Face it.

Most of you, if not all of you, don't know crap about investing.

You throw crap up against the wall, and hope it sticks.

Save you cash, because you might need it for toilet paper someday.
Many of us have lived through the ups and downs of the market and have done just fine. If you don’t know how to properly diversify your portfolio, then find someone that will manage your money for you.

I love it how all of you forget history, and pump your chests out here, now that the market is booming (fake boom, fake market), when in 2009 you wimps were crying to your mothers.

Face it.

Most of you, if not all of you, don't know crap about investing.

You throw crap up against the wall, and hope it sticks.

Save you cash, because you might need it for toilet paper someday.
Thanks for checking in, Warren Buffett. I am sure you will get rich off of that Beanie Baby collection someday.

I love it how all of you forget history, and pump your chests out here, now that the market is booming (fake boom, fake market), when in 2009 you wimps were crying to your mothers.

Face it.

Most of you, if not all of you, don't know crap about investing.

You throw crap up against the wall, and hope it sticks.

Save you cash, because you might need it for toilet paper someday.
Shut up, Karen Orman

No money in 401k.
Used it to buy businesses and real estate.
Never punched a clock.
Never had a field ride.
Never had an annual evaluation.
I think 99% of you are clueless about sales and about how to make money.

No money in 401k.
Used it to buy businesses and real estate.
Never punched a clock.
Never had a field ride.
Never had an annual evaluation.
I think 99% of you are clueless about sales and about how to make money.
You forgot to mention that you are also broke. It is obvious from the mindless posts that you make. You obviously post here because you couldn’t cut it in pharma and are suffering from sour grapes. You then lash out here to somehow make yourself feel better about yourself. Otherwise, you would have no need to keep posting.