Well, how much do you have in your 401K and how old are you?

52 yrs old
Married, 1 grown child
Home 450K already paid off
Spouse retired at 51 with government pension that kicks out $5,100 Net each month for the rest of both or our lives.
$126K cash liquid
$740K combined 401Ks, 457 and Roth
Zero debt of any kind
Health care covered by spouses former employer for us both until 65 and Medicare kicks in.
Future inheritance ~200K
I consider us already financially independent but I keep my pharma gig to stack paychecks. Will wait for a layoff and walk away from it all.


2.7 mm in 401K
425 K in IRA & ETFs
260 in brokerage
140 K cash reserve
100 K in options

230 K on mortgage at 3.5% = $1800.00 month/payment (only debt) - 500K in equity

Divorced, grown kids and no plans to retire anytime soon. This stay at home gig is not bad.

52 female

1.1 mil in 401k
Husband 30000 401b

100,000 cash (thought the market would drop to re invest dumb move)

60000 brokerage acct

130000 in farm land investment (surprising good)

15000 or more in collector items. Husband classic cars, antique guns, graded gold/silver coins and baseball cards, balls etc (loves Mickey and DeMagio) I guess it’s not liquor and women

Last kid in college-paid

A few small pensions from pharma companies (never really count on them)

Husband-if he survives a few more years-full teaching pension

Morgage-120000 debt. Equity 400000+

no other debt

52 female

1.1 mil in 401k
Husband 30000 401b

100,000 cash (thought the market would drop to re invest dumb move)

60000 brokerage acct

130000 in farm land investment (surprising good)

15000 or more in collector items. Husband classic cars, antique guns, graded gold/silver coins and baseball cards, balls etc (loves Mickey and DeMagio) I guess it’s not liquor and women

Last kid in college-paid

A few small pensions from pharma companies (never really count on them)

Husband-if he survives a few more years-full teaching pension

Morgage-120000 debt. Equity 400000+

I’m the post above you. Nice equity. Stay liquid on the cash. You have time to reinvest when the volatile markets stabilize in 2021-2022.

no other debt

52 female

1.1 mil in 401k
Husband 30000 401b

100,000 cash (thought the market would drop to re invest dumb move)

60000 brokerage acct

130000 in farm land investment (surprising good)

15000 or more in collector items. Husband classic cars, antique guns, graded gold/silver coins and baseball cards, balls etc (loves Mickey and DeMagio) I guess it’s not liquor and women

Last kid in college-paid

A few small pensions from pharma companies (never really count on them)

Husband-if he survives a few more years-full teaching pension

Morgage-120000 debt. Equity 400000+

no other debt

Your pharma pensions as probably cash balance pensions that have small returns. See if you can roll them over to an IRA.

So you have around 1,315,000 total net worth, not including the teachers pension. I hear a teachers pension is decent. Not what law enforcement pensions are, but decent. You should be fine. Get your house paid off.

52 female

1.1 mil in 401k
Husband 30000 401b

100,000 cash (thought the market would drop to re invest dumb move)

60000 brokerage acct

130000 in farm land investment (surprising good)

15000 or more in collector items. Husband classic cars, antique guns, graded gold/silver coins and baseball cards, balls etc (loves Mickey and DeMagio) I guess it’s not liquor and women

Last kid in college-paid

A few small pensions from pharma companies (never really count on them)

Husband-if he survives a few more years-full teaching pension

Morgage-120000 debt. Equity 400000+

no other debt

many of the posts, are doing great. Esp. the 52 year who posted, a few up from this one. Congrats to you all.
I have been retired for 7 years now. I'm 65 and healthy. I started when I was 28 year old in Florida. I had ~$3,000 in the bank. My mortgage was at 10% interest back then. Then Mr. K who owned the KC Royals and Marion Labs, hired me. I met him in training, and we went to his house. He got most reps aside and told them that this was a great career, and if I was honest with the docs/nurses I would do well. I launched "Cardizem" for them, and hit really did well. Of course Marion was bought out and I worked for 2 other larger companies, I still loved it. Mr. K died in 1993.
So this sums it up:
1. House paid for cash many years ago
2. $1.7 million in retirement accounts
3. $300,000 in savings accounts
4. Rental condo in Bigfork, MT
5. Gov't savings bonds: $155,000
6. SS month me: $2,6000
7. SS month wife: $1,200
8. Retirement check month $2,750

Plus we only spend about $3,000 month.

So, yes pharma was a Gold Mine and it was fun for 32 years. congrats to you all.

Mid-50’s, married, one pre-teen

$3.0M in 401k, IRAs (all but $100k tax deferred) so take 40% off that.

$1.5m current value of stock options

$7.25m Home and investment properties and mortgages of $2.1m. Positive annual cash flow of $50k (including our home)

Brokerage of $50k (fun investments)

$300k cash on hand

Zero debt (except mortgages)

many of the posts, are doing great. Esp. the 52 year who posted, a few up from this one. Congrats to you all.
I have been retired for 7 years now. I'm 65 and healthy. I started when I was 28 year old in Florida. I had ~$3,000 in the bank. My mortgage was at 10% interest back then. Then Mr. K who owned the KC Royals and Marion Labs, hired me. I met him in training, and we went to his house. He got most reps aside and told them that this was a great career, and if I was honest with the docs/nurses I would do well. I launched "Cardizem" for them, and hit really did well. Of course Marion was bought out and I worked for 2 other larger companies, I still loved it. Mr. K died in 1993.
So this sums it up:
1. House paid for cash many years ago
2. $1.7 million in retirement accounts
3. $300,000 in savings accounts
4. Rental condo in Bigfork, MT
5. Gov't savings bonds: $155,000
6. SS month me: $2,6000
7. SS month wife: $1,200
8. Retirement check month $2,750

Plus we only spend about $3,000 month.

So, yes pharma was a Gold Mine and it was fun for 32 years. congrats to you all.

Loved Mr K!!

57 years old
Spouse is SAHM
IRA/401k accounts - $1.6 million
After tax investments - $2.9 million
Value of home - $950k
No debt
2 kids grown and out of the house, with 2 more that are going through college
Not sure when I will retire as I like to work

Are you still working? I am the poster who said congrats on the 2 upper posts.

I retired at 58 from AZ. I'm 65 now and I should have worked more as I like it.

I'm doing good but not as good as you. I'm the one who post about Mr. K and Marion Labs above.

I am the 57 year old. I was a rep at one point, but moved up. I was not that great at saving early in my career. Wish I could do it over again. I have enough now to retire, but I don't know what I would do with all that time on my hands and also worry about brain atrophy by getting out of the work cycle. I will probably spend the next few years figuring out how best to transition to something else, like volunteer work, etc.

I am the 57 year old. I was a rep at one point, but moved up. I was not that great at saving early in my career. Wish I could do it over again. I have enough now to retire, but I don't know what I would do with all that time on my hands and also worry about brain atrophy by getting out of the work cycle. I will probably spend the next few years figuring out how best to transition to something else, like volunteer work, etc.

Sounds like you have a good plan. When I use to go see my dad at Long term care, place people (pts') their were nice, and like to talk. I think I had more fun then them. I would ask them about their life and the good things they did.....many would get happy tears, and my dad would join in.....Good Luck to you!!