Well, how much do you have in your 401K and how old are you?

age: 41

401(k) - $488k
Stocks - $110k
Real Estate Investments - $25k
Liquid Savings - $35k
Current Pension Value Retiring at 62 (13 years of service) - $2300/mo - 100% survivor (meaning wife gets same amount if I die first)
Home Equity - $90k

The pension is my main reason I stay with my current company. Nothing like it our there, anymore.

age: 41

401(k) - $488k
Stocks - $110k
Real Estate Investments - $25k
Liquid Savings - $35k
Current Pension Value Retiring at 62 (13 years of service) - $2300/mo - 100% survivor (meaning wife gets same amount if I die first)
Home Equity - $90k

The pension is my main reason I stay with my current company. Nothing like it our there, anymore.

27 years old
Roth IRA:$1,500

QUOTE="anonymous, post: 5499087"]26 years old
401K $16,000
Roth 401K Rollover $2,500
Savings $7,000
Brokerage $3,000
HSA $1,500

I feel behind for my age. I'm also looking to be debt free in 1.5 years as well and stay debt free.[/QUOTE]

Age 50
401K $ 1,250,000
Investments outside of that $ 800,000
$ 1.1 million home ( paid for)
company ownership in Private entity worth $ 3.5 million - probably selling it this year and pulling the ripcord on work.

Age 53
401k&IRAs - $1.2 Million
Investments/savings - $2.3 Million
Sold home 2 years ago (proceeds are part of savings listed above).
Currently in markett where it is cheaper to rent a home than buy.

Right now (mid 40s):

2 Houses Owned, worth about 600k total, getting rent.

25k in the 401. I didn't put in because I just don't want others controlling my money.

about 200k in stocks.
50k in cash.

$400k (401k)
$36k (savings)
$150k (equity in condo)
$80k investments

I feel like I'm doing ok, but I'd recommend putting off early marriages... divorce took a chunk and this is now all I pretty much have.

44 and 500k 401k
1.6 Min liquid investments
1m in equity real estate
200k in cars and boats paid cash
Ownership in 2 business ventures with cash flow of 20k monthly
No debt but still kiss doctors asses to have health inaurance lol