Welcome to the Organon board

Wait a minute. I am DM and am a pupppet with no balls to fight the inept 4 Whorseman in NJ. They would be Mikey N, Crappie, Slutz, and Bend over and grab your ankles sweeney!
These are the guys running our company into the ground.
Now, you 4 take that and put it in your pipe and smoke it!
How does it feel to have very low morale, and virtually no loyalty amoung your DMs.
Now thats transparency!

Are you talking about Jerry Sweeney? I worked for Organon several years ago, and he took the training class to lunch at Hooter's in Atlanta. Of course, it it were today, he would have a great big sexual harrassment lawsuit. What a loser!

I've notice a definent drop in the number of posting. Let's explore the reasons:
Posts are being screened and removed for content.
So many people have left the company.

To the editors of Cafepharma:

Would you please clarify your policies regarding IP addresses for the edification of the readers and posters on this board.

Thank you very much,

A dedicated reader (and poster)

Re: disgusted

As a relatively new sales person at organon, I am so disgusted. Just look who they put in charge of zemeron training... santioned by the NIH for falsifying data and submitting fake data for government funding, and fired from his last job! That shows a lot of respect for your sales colleagues.

You are obviously someone that didnt score well with the class. I can't wait to see you make a mistake. Do you know facts? Do your know situations? fallguys?
Bottom line is he works so hard to make the anesthsia program better. He supports everyone. Are you in his class? or are you a
bitchy coward that is only looking to tear someone down that is working hard to do the right thing to make us all better?

Glad I escaped when I did, thx to the holier than thou MH and his little butt munch MB, hope you make beautiful music together. I never worked for a bigger bunch of idiots. Hope the big SP layoff wipes out Roseland.
Got out of pharma after 20 years and could not be happier, there is life after pharma.