Welcome to the Medtronic board


Staff member
  • cafead   Jul 20, 2004 at 03:21: PM
Welcome to the Medtronic company board. Anyone is welcome to post here, whether they are an employee of the company or not. You may post anonymously without registering (registered users please logout before posting if you wish to do so), or with a registered username.

Managers and reps are encouraged to communicate with fellow employees here. If you are interested, we can also provide you with a private, password-protected board for district, etc. Just email webmaster@cafepharma.com for the details.

Hello, I am a career oriented 33 year old with a background in Respiratory therapy. I have worked as a clinical educator for the last five years and also have a bachelors degree in business. I would very much like the opportunity to become a CRM specialist, but am unable to get my foot in the door. Ive read up on a school in S. Carolina where pacemaker training is offered. Is this necessary to land a position with Medtronics???

First of all if you want to work with Medtronic you have to learn to lye and cheat. Managers at Medtronic Wil sell their mothers to get a sale.
Advice get on with an honorable company such as St. Jude or Guidant.

I have been stuck in Pharma for over 6 years, any chance of getting back to real seeling medical devices?? I have had 4+ years of B2B sales prior to pharma, any help?

my family has been touched by medtronics, recently my grandmother got an implant to help with her nerve disease what we think is OPCA but primarily for her RSV. NE ways it has been almost miraculous and I would love to know how I could pursue a career selling these medtronic stimulators!

Medtronic Neurological's therapies are fantastic; working there is a nightmare. That was my experience, anyway. Poor management. A toxic place. They are due for a shake up. The CRM division might be better, I don't know. Don't be fooled by their PR. They are not as good as their reputation. They finally got knocked off Fortune's 100 Best Employers List.

Hi there...the name of the school is Arrhythmia Technologies INstitute (www.arrhythmiatech.com). I am attending their summer program starting the end of May. It is not necessary to attend to get a Clinical Specialist position, however it greatly increases your chances and you gain lots of good info. They have 2 programs - an 8 month program that they accept about 25 students to per year - they do not guarantee placement - but in the past 18 years, they have had 100% placement!!! Medtronic, Guidant and St. Jude all recruit from the school.

The information that I have discovered is anywhere from $40-60k salary, car allowance, laptop...the basics...and working from a home office for the most part with some of the companies (medtronic) having district offices that you can touch base with for doing things like faxing, making copies, etc.

Medtronic Neurological's therapies are fantastic; working there is a nightmare. That was my experience, anyway. Poor management. A toxic place. They are due for a shake up. The CRM division might be better, I don't know. Don't be fooled by their PR. They are not as good as their reputation. They finally got knocked off Fortune's 100 Best Employers List.

I would love to buy you a cup of java and talk sometime about the Medtronic Neurological division. Here's my e-mail


You won't believe some of the crazy things I have seen. I don't think anyone short of a former employee would!

Hello, I am a career oriented 33 year old with a background in Respiratory therapy. I have worked as a clinical educator for the last five years and also have a bachelors degree in business. I would very much like the opportunity to become a CRM specialist, but am unable to get my foot in the door. Ive read up on a school in S. Carolina where pacemaker training is offered. Is this necessary to land a position with Medtronics???

After 7 long years at Medtronic, 3 layoffs rounds, and numerous managers, I would recommend you seek employment elsewhere. So many errors from management, I cannot count. No rewards for production just who likes you.
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Does anyone know the contact person for Medtronic? I would like to send a resume.
Save your paper!! After 4+ years with this piece of crap company I would suggest you search else where. The money may not be as good but you will maintain your sanity. The front line managers are a joke. There is not an ounce of LEADERSHIP in the entire team. They simply dicate what upper management wants them to dictate. One rep will do something that is successful in their area then it becomes mandatory for the rest of the sales force no matter your specific territory situation.

This company is really making me sick. First, they lay off hundreds of people (most who have commited 20+ years to this company) then they scrap all the merit raises this year. Shit man, cut some of Fart Collins money and distribute that. Can't wait till his old ass leaves. Maybe our stock will go up. And this new Pat McCrackin clown comes in and all this new BS is coming about. Can't do all this stuff that we've always done like write in charts and bring patients back to rooms for checks. Someone is soooooo out of touch with reality it's fuggin sick. Is this company run by godddammm lawyers or what? What a joke. I am freakin sick of all the lies that come out of the senior management too. I hope those bastages sleep well at night. I am sure they do in their million dollar homes. Jerks. Rant:eek:ff.

I would have to agree with most of the comments below. Leadership from the top down to the field is at an all time low. Moral is in the toilet.I have not seen one thing in the last 6 years to impress me. The only thing they have left going for them are some great products which most do not know how to sell and a mission statement that no-one supports from McCrackin on down. What a terrible sad story for a company that had such great beginnings and really wonderful visions. I think the end is nigh
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