Weekly Ranking Report

Natera’s comp plan is remarkably flawed and the proof is in the ranking report.

Managements direction clash with sales comp plan. Too much admin.

Difficult to track against goal. Projections have huge shifts like never before and we can’t trust the numbers.

Confusing and illogical. My manager cannot even explain the plan. Also why do we have HWM when we know without a doubt volume ALWAYS drops in Q2 and Q3? Unfair right from the start.

Growth is the same regardless of territory. I have same goal as my team BUT I have 60%+ market penetration.

Failure to adjust plan as business grows. The growth is not there like in years past but the same expectation of growth is demanded.

I have been here a long time and thought I’d stay forever but I have passively started my job search. If this doesn’t get corrected for Q3-Q4 I know of 13 old timers that are as good as gone.

They don’t care about the sale team. If they make any change it’s not because they care it’s because bto is kicking our ass and they can’t afford to lose volume.

What a let down. Holding onto 6k kits against Bto but not growing a bloated goal gets me 3k??? Wow I am better off somewhere else. Phil obviously doesn’t care about culture or the CFS’s.

How does natera reward our hard work?

A) Add more admin work to distract from selling
B) Reduce commissions for MI
C) Tell us there will be changes for Q3 but then not follow thru
D) Not pay for managing baseline of thousands of kits
E) All of the above

Natera’s comp plan is remarkably flawed and the proof is in the ranking report.

Managements direction clash with sales comp plan. Too much admin.

Difficult to track against goal. Projections have huge shifts like never before and we can’t trust the numbers.

Confusing and illogical. My manager cannot even explain the plan. Also why do we have HWM when we know without a doubt volume ALWAYS drops in Q2 and Q3? Unfair right from the start.

Growth is the same regardless of territory. I have same goal as my team BUT I have 60%+ market penetration.

Failure to adjust plan as business grows. The growth is not there like in years past but the same expectation of growth is demanded.

I have been here a long time and thought I’d stay forever but I have passively started my job search. If this doesn’t get corrected for Q3-Q4 I know of 13 old timers that are as good as gone.

If phildo doesn’t fix it for Q4 I am taking November and December off.

Comp plan is a mess

Clearly we are underpaid

One size fits all quota lift is simply just lazy.

get off your ass Phildo and add some value!

Umair modifies the plan as the year progresses to make sure he hits his budget. That’s why the numbers are cloudy and no clear answered questions.

Biggest comp scam of 2023 is taking 10k kits from Q1 and moving them to Q2. Make no mistake this was a calculated move to reduce nearly everyone’s Q1 commission but also reduce the optics of the volume drop from Q1 to Q2.

Umair modifies the plan as the year progresses to make sure he hits his budget. That’s why the numbers are cloudy and no clear answered questions.

Biggest comp scam of 2023 is taking 10k kits from Q1 and moving them to Q2. Make no mistake this was a calculated move to reduce nearly everyone’s Q1 commission but also reduce the optics of the volume drop from Q1 to Q2.

Spot on.

There has been enough noise about the comp plan that they have essentially let everyone know exactly what everyone’s commission is. Funny how most of the presidents club winners have very favorable contracts and the rest don’t. Namely Flipping state screen business in CA, giving free tests away in PR.

It is odd that Jennings is nearly 300% payout but 3rd and the 1-2 spot are nearly 100% below??