Drug Dumper
Well-Known Member
- Drug Dumper   Oct 29, 2011 at 06:36: PM
Drug Dumper
Well-Known Member
That post did not call you a "cheater". Read it again. You are making things up. In fact, in a previous post you "inferred" that you cheated - just not intentionally. Read that one again while you're at it. If you want to be a baby and run off - that's your choice. We're not going to beg you to come back. Face it. We were in Week 8 and you still claimed not to understand spread calculations. You must think we just fell off the turnip truck. Grow up emotionally and laugh at yourself once in awhile. If you're old enough to hold down a pharma job you're old enough to be held accountable on the boards. If my scores are fudged I EXPECT to get called out and criticized. And I will PROFUSELY apologize for my errors. And I will normally do it in a humorous manner. And I PROMISE I will not act like a child and run away from the boards if someone fingers me.
Btw, Vag attacked me first. Go back and read his post. I merely retaliated. So get your damn story straight.
I appreciate your offer to kiss my ass. I humbly decline.
Grow up.
Two responses! More than I hoped for. You attacked ME. I guess it's all in the interpretation, isn't it? Quite honestly, your interpretation may be a bit skewed.