Well-Known Member
- tinkrbelle   Oct 24, 2011 at 11:04: PM
Well-Known Member
DRUG DUMPER's Picks (7-5)
1. West Virginia Vs. Syracuse +14 LOSS
2. Cincy Vs.South Florida -3 WIN
3. Oklahoma State Vs. Mizzou +6.5 WIN
4. North Carolina Vs.Clemson-10.5 WIN
5. Kansas State Vs. Kansas +11 Win
6. Georgia Tech Vs. Miami -3 LOSS
7. Auburn Vs. LSU -21 WIN
8. Penn State Vs. Northwestern +4 WIN
9. Tennessee Vs. Alabama -29 LOSS You should have picked my Crimson Tide!!
10. Southern CAL Vs. Notre Dame -8.5 WIN
11. Wisconsin Vs. Michigan State +7 LOSS
12. Boise State vs. Air Force LOSS
Note: The following is the time DD edited her last post:
Last edited by Drug Dumper : 10-21-2011 at 05:49 PM.
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*She edited her post on Friday so she is 7-5, now get over having your arse kicked by two girls!!!!
I think you are right-- either way Bama Boy-- you are doing a great job! Thank you for puuting it all together for us.