Exactly! Couldn't have said it better myself.
There is definitely something out there we do not understand, but taking fairy tales and lessons written in the bronze age and basing 100% of your behavior on it is crazy. The bible can be disproven a thousand different ways, and has absolutely not a shred a proof for it's validity. Think about it...not one shred of proof. Now....if I were the head of a church, or a king in charge of a kingdom (let's just call him King James), I'd want to keep control of my congregation/kingdom somehow, and make sure tithing/taxes were paid on time to keep this whole thing up and running. How about this: tell people they need to act a certain way, and if they don't, they will burn in a place, we will call it hell, forever! Now, when the slightly more intelligent people begin putting two and two together and asking questions about what reasons we have to believe this, throw this term at them: faith. The very meaning of which makes us believe something that cannot be proven. An all encompassing "don't ask any more questions" answer. Why not just say "because I said so?" Believe in something because you know it to be true, not because someone told you you should believe it with no basis. Why is believing in something without proof a good thing.....why would this make you a good person?
How is it religious zealots are able to explain away evolution....which has been proven unequivocally? We know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that this earth is billions of years old. How can you seriously think the world was created only a few thousand years ago?
Why does the bible not reference anything in modern times we have discovered? The electromagnetic spectrum, DNA, the planets in our solar system? Perhaps because the people who wrote this book couldn't have known these things existed at the time it was written? Wouldn't it make sense to address things that could raise questions as to our "creation" (DNA!)
Why, besides natural death and disease, is the number one killer over the last two thousand years holy wars in the name of christianity? Why is the "holy land" consistently the most violent place on earth? Of course we wouldn't know about this in America with our our watered down, only obey the parts of the bible that are convenient mentalities.
And geography? Do you honestly think if you lived in the middle of Pakistan you would believe in the father, the son, the holy ghost? You'd believe in Mohammed, trust me. Where you are born on the earth doesn't seem like the proper way to choose your God, does it? If a child is born into a mormon family, what are the chances that kid will end up protestant? Less than 1%. The child will most likely be indoctrinated with the beliefs of the mormon church well before the human mind has begun developing critical thinking skills.......forever hard wiring the brain to the belief. We believe what we believe because it has been passed on from generation to generation and we are taught we are bad and will go to hell at a very young impressionable age if we do not believe it. Well.....in most cases anyways. There are always the people who convert based on the previous destructive lifestyle and need to set themselves straight, or perhaps finally found the significant other of their dreams and their lack of belief in a specific religion is a deal breaker. Although admirable, not a reason to believe in a specific almighty being.
Sorry for the rant....this is based on years spent in the church, trying to make sense of it, watching the constant and consistent hypocrisy that exists, and the lack of basic logic applied to these ideals.
It's just logic people. Take it for what's it's worth.