We Should All Just Pray.

"The LORD then gave these further instructions to Moses: 'Tell the people of Israel to keep my Sabbath day, for the Sabbath is a sign of the covenant between me and you forever. It helps you to remember that I am the LORD, who makes you holy. Yes, keep the Sabbath day, for it is holy. Anyone who desecrates it must die; anyone who works on that day will be cut off from the community. Work six days only, but the seventh day must be a day of total rest. I repeat: Because the LORD considers it a holy day, anyone who works on the Sabbath must be put to death.' (Exodus 31:12-15 NLT)"

So if you have ever done any pre-call planning on Sunday, you should technically be dead right now (and I assume burning in hell).

Religious nuts, please spare me the excuses that have been manufactured concerning this passage designed to keep you brainwashed forever.

My fellow sinner.....please understand we are under GRACE. Not the restrictions of the Old Testament. Jesus died on the cross, paid the price and yes even forgives you for your cold heart that rejects Him.

Yes....the Old Testament. You are referring to the original work that has gone through hundreds of revisions to become the watered down version used in christian based religions today. The one that will have you believe gay people are wrong. All different denominations using their own version and specific belief of course.

Hey, if it makes you feel better go for it.

I love the plan God has had for me. I was laid off last year and am in a much better place now. Even though it was difficult to go through, I survived and looking back can't even believe I worked for such a horrible company.

"The LORD then gave these further instructions to Moses: 'Tell the people of Israel to keep my Sabbath day, for the Sabbath is a sign of the covenant between me and you forever. It helps you to remember that I am the LORD, who makes you holy. Yes, keep the Sabbath day, for it is holy. Anyone who desecrates it must die; anyone who works on that day will be cut off from the community. Work six days only, but the seventh day must be a day of total rest. I repeat: Because the LORD considers it a holy day, anyone who works on the Sabbath must be put to death.' (Exodus 31:12-15 NLT)"

So if you have ever done any pre-call planning on Sunday, you should technically be dead right now (and I assume burning in hell).

Religious nuts, please spare me the excuses that have been manufactured concerning this passage designed to keep you brainwashed forever.
I don't know if I believe in God or not. I do know one of my favorite lines states that God did not fax the bible down from heaven. I don't like the bible at all. I agree that religions interpret it to mean whatever suits them, and who would want to worship that God in the old testement any way. The bible was written over 100s of years by no one really knows who and the Catholic church decided what books they liked and what books they did not. I realize that is a very simple explanation, but it does not add up to something I want to live by!!

Exactly! Couldn't have said it better myself.

There is definitely something out there we do not understand, but taking fairy tales and lessons written in the bronze age and basing 100% of your behavior on it is crazy. The bible can be disproven a thousand different ways, and has absolutely not a shred a proof for it's validity. Think about it...not one shred of proof. Now....if I were the head of a church, or a king in charge of a kingdom (let's just call him King James), I'd want to keep control of my congregation/kingdom somehow, and make sure tithing/taxes were paid on time to keep this whole thing up and running. How about this: tell people they need to act a certain way, and if they don't, they will burn in a place, we will call it hell, forever! Now, when the slightly more intelligent people begin putting two and two together and asking questions about what reasons we have to believe this, throw this term at them: faith. The very meaning of which makes us believe something that cannot be proven. An all encompassing "don't ask any more questions" answer. Why not just say "because I said so?" Believe in something because you know it to be true, not because someone told you you should believe it with no basis. Why is believing in something without proof a good thing.....why would this make you a good person?

How is it religious zealots are able to explain away evolution....which has been proven unequivocally? We know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that this earth is billions of years old. How can you seriously think the world was created only a few thousand years ago?

Why does the bible not reference anything in modern times we have discovered? The electromagnetic spectrum, DNA, the planets in our solar system? Perhaps because the people who wrote this book couldn't have known these things existed at the time it was written? Wouldn't it make sense to address things that could raise questions as to our "creation" (DNA!)

Why, besides natural death and disease, is the number one killer over the last two thousand years holy wars in the name of christianity? Why is the "holy land" consistently the most violent place on earth? Of course we wouldn't know about this in America with our our watered down, only obey the parts of the bible that are convenient mentalities.

And geography? Do you honestly think if you lived in the middle of Pakistan you would believe in the father, the son, the holy ghost? You'd believe in Mohammed, trust me. Where you are born on the earth doesn't seem like the proper way to choose your God, does it? If a child is born into a mormon family, what are the chances that kid will end up protestant? Less than 1%. The child will most likely be indoctrinated with the beliefs of the mormon church well before the human mind has begun developing critical thinking skills.......forever hard wiring the brain to the belief. We believe what we believe because it has been passed on from generation to generation and we are taught we are bad and will go to hell at a very young impressionable age if we do not believe it. Well.....in most cases anyways. There are always the people who convert based on the previous destructive lifestyle and need to set themselves straight, or perhaps finally found the significant other of their dreams and their lack of belief in a specific religion is a deal breaker. Although admirable, not a reason to believe in a specific almighty being.

Sorry for the rant....this is based on years spent in the church, trying to make sense of it, watching the constant and consistent hypocrisy that exists, and the lack of basic logic applied to these ideals.

It's just logic people. Take it for what's it's worth.

Oh what fools these mortals be.........The ability to rationalize......free will of choice........the non believer must find the excuse to continue to deceive themselves !

The whole purpose of the thread is about keeping the faith and not loosing yourself in the process.

Those that don't believe always feel the need to lash out at those that do believe.

“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”

Keep your god(s) to yourself. Religion deserves no respect.

While there is still time-let me kindly remind you that "EVERY" knee shall bow and "EVERY" tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. I pray that when you see Him one day-and every person will that your previous post will not be your answer to Him. In due time my friend....

While there is still time-let me kindly remind you that "EVERY" knee shall bow and "EVERY" tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. I pray that when you see Him one day-and every person will that your previous post will not be your answer to Him. In due time my friend....

Stop dragging me into this bullshit. I know you and I do not even like you never mind love you. Get the hell off CP and get to work. Your fate is in YOUR hands junior, not mine.

Hey post #27 who is so happy with god's plan that had you layed off last year....if you are in a "much better place", then what the f are you still doing a year later reading and posting on cafe pharma???!!! Wow, sounds like you are sooooo happy. Such a dope.

I like how religious people, when faced with questions they could not possibly answer regarding the validity of their religion, always revert back to the threat of judgement day and burning in hell for all eternity. That's the guy I want to worship.....the one that allegedly gave me a rational mind that can find no proof of the fairy tales in the bible, but if I don't buy into it he is going let me burn for all eternity. What a great role model. Instead of baseless threats of the worst imaginable fate we could face when we die, how about just answer the question? Unfortunately I know the answer to this: you can't and won't. You have been brainwashed with these ideals for so long that it is blasphemous (in your mind) to even consider it is not real.

Really people? Come on. Do you detail your doctors and tell them to just have faith that the pill will work, or do you have to provide them with significant evidence of it's efficacy? Why is it we use science to promote our products, make a living, and feed our families (at least some of us anyways) yet completely abandon the basis of that science each time we go to story book hour on Sunday.

Stop praying, and start networking. Your family needs you to be effective with your time right now, doing things that actually produce results

While there is still time-let me kindly remind you that "EVERY" knee shall bow and "EVERY" tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. I pray that when you see Him one day-and every person will that your previous post will not be your answer to Him. In due time my friend....

Once again with the threats! The threats that keep control of the congregation, and most importantly, the money in the offering basket. I know all too well though....the pastor has to eat too and has a family to provide for. The bank that financed that church needs it's mortgage money or it's back to the high school gym where you started this business venture up in the first place.

Oh, the fears that have been instilled in you my friend. If you are a good person and do your best to treat others fairly, you should have nothing to worry about! One day you will have to bow and confess? I know a lot of great people who I respect immensely.....none of them expect me to bow and proclaim how great they are. Sounds like he has some serious control issues. How about just a warm embrace when you finally meet up on ol' judgement day? Wouldn't that be a better way for him to show his love?