We Should All Just Pray.


Stop worrying and put your faith in GOD. Seek strength and direction from GOD. In prayer seek guidance and prioritize what is most important in life. Have faith in yourself and remember that GOD loves you and no matter what GOD will be there for YOU ! You will be ok and you will survive.

GOD Bless You All.

Stop worrying and put your faith in GOD. Seek strength and direction from GOD. In prayer seek guidance and prioritize what is most important in life. Have faith in yourself and remember that GOD loves you and no matter what GOD will be there for YOU ! You will be ok and you will survive.

GOD Bless You All.

Thanks Tebow! Congrats on your win against the Steelers tonight.

I will second that idea and thank you for your courage for posting. God has an awesome plan for every person far beyond Novartis. He is faithful and never fails. Pick up your Bibles people and read Jeremiah 29:11. For He knows the plan He has for you.....and I and I trust His plan is always good. God bless you all and your families in this transition.

Stop worrying and put your faith in GOD. Seek strength and direction from GOD. In prayer seek guidance and prioritize what is most important in life. Have faith in yourself and remember that GOD loves you and no matter what GOD will be there for YOU ! You will be ok and you will survive.

GOD Bless You All.

Thanks Tebow, and congratulations on the big win today against the Steelers. Praise the Lord.

Wow-I'd regret those words if I were you, know WHO you are speaking of before you open your mouth. Do you realize He holds the very breath you just ignorantly uttered?

There must be a God. That douche of a talent, Teebow, won. Looking forward to the Patriots destroying him and his God.
You know what. I did something tonight I have never done befoe. I love football & I watched Denver tonight. I'm not a big Teebow fan, but I do respect his beliefs & admire his abilities. He is religious and he thanks God for his successes. Not my thing, but it works for him. I was angry at how the CBS Sports team makes fun of Tim's praying. They were rude and out of line and owe him an apology. I hope they are asked to give him one.

Oh yeah, I forgot about the big guy! Maybe things will work out with the help of God. I didn't think about him playing a part in the impending layoff. Hopefully he is paying more attention than he was last year because he really dropped the ball!

Oh yeah, I forgot about the big guy! Maybe things will work out with the help of God. I didn't think about him playing a part in the impending layoff. Hopefully he is paying more attention than he was last year because he really dropped the ball!

God here. My bad. I was in prolonged talks with Pastor Harold Camping abouth the end of the world, which distracted me from the Swiss Christmas.

I hear your prayers, but the Swiss don't hear me talking to them.

There must be a God. That douche of a talent, Teebow, won. Looking forward to the Patriots destroying him and his God.

I dont understand the hatred towards Tebow. He has done nothing to anyone and is a good moral role model. He has respect for everyone, especially the ones who ridicule him like you. He has contributed to society a hell of alot more than you, me and the rest of the NFL so lay off. Ex, Missionary work and helping the less fortunate, which maybe YOU when you get laid-off you moron. The soup kitchen may be you meal plan so dont play with God. Why arn't people ridiculing Vick and Roethlisberger, One is a rapist and the other is a dog killer with a record. What have they done for society and mankind. Absolutely nothing except make millions for throwing a football, raping women, and killing mans best friend.
Yes, your the true evil jerkoff that needs a lesson in morals. Go back to your hole because after the layoff that will be your new home.

Ever realize there is no correlation between faith, praying, and good things happening? Some people have faith, some don't. Good things and bad things happen to both groups in the same ratios.

The only thing that can help make good things happen is sacrifice, intelligent decision making, hard work, and following the Golden Rule. Even with that, there is no guarantee.

Ever realize there is no correlation between faith, praying, and good things happening? Some people have faith, some don't. Good things and bad things happen to both groups in the same ratios.

The only thing that can help make good things happen is sacrifice, intelligent decision making, hard work, and following the Golden Rule. Even with that, there is no guarantee.

You are a complete dumb ass. Faith isn't about guarantees. Faith is all about working hard. Free will is what happens on earth, faith helps us see our way through it.

faith in what? should i just sit around and wait for his plan to take over?

You should hold yourself accountable to being responsible for your own life here on earth while seeking knowledge and guidance through GOD. That is his plan if you have the faith to see it through. Remember this, its all about free will, and what you choose to do with it.

GOD Bless