We should all be very worried!

Who’s going to cut us? The VP of sales? The president of Sales? Head of marketing? Think about that. If they cut us, their job is what? Gone. What’s the incentive for CEO’s to cut us? To give them significantly less people to be above? Doesn’t that diminish their job? They are no longer worth their pay then. I know people joke that Pharma reps are “useless”, but don’t underestimate the value of your relationships with doctors and your natural abilities. Sales comes in all forms. To us this job is simple because it’s second nature to us to interact with random people, speak in front of a group, have a back-and-forth conversation with people who are way above our education level. But to the majority of the world, talking in front of a group gives them hives. Drumming up conversation hour after hour day after day is near impossible for so many socially awkward people. We don’t see any of it as a talent because it’s a natural attribute we are born with. It is not something you can teach so clearly it has to be innate. I know I’ll catch some slack for this, but I really believe that just because we dont typically work 8am-5pm 5 days a week doesn’t mean we aren’t worth what we make. We DO increase HCP’s knowledge and awareness of drugs