So why would FDA let it go through then? Isn't FDA a regulatory agency proscribed to determine the risk/benefits of these drugs? I mean, what's the point of having an FDA then? I don't follow your logic here in this.

The FDA made a statement 3 weeks ago, that bleeding was no worse with Pradaxa than with warfarin. This was after a through post marketing review.

Question, because you seem to ask questions you know the answers to, do you think anybody else "knew that pradaxa would kill people?" Or, only BI knew that there would be unfortunate deaths on this drug. I would like to contact you if you have insider infiemation.

r*****s. People will die from bleeds on Pradaxa. People will die from bleeds on Xarelto. People will die from bleeds on warfarin. People will die from bleeds on Apixiban. It's an unfortunate consequence of addressing the main risk, that of which is Stroke. Take your damn head out of your ass.

Everyone knows about the bleeds. It is the fact there is no reversal for Pradaxa. How many times do you entry level reps need to read this statement. THERE IS NO REVERSAL FOR BLEEDS ON PRADAXA. That is the problem. There are way more than 400 lawsuits too. There are over 600 deaths and over 13000 bleeds. The drug will be pulled. Sorry for the facts and I work for BI. I wish this was not the case.

Everyone knows about the bleeds. It is the fact there is no reversal for Pradaxa. How many times do you entry level reps need to read this statement. THERE IS NO REVERSAL FOR BLEEDS ON PRADAXA. That is the problem. There are way more than 400 lawsuits too. There are over 600 deaths and over 13000 bleeds. The drug will be pulled. Sorry for the facts and I work for BI. I wish this was not the case.

There is no reversal for bleeds on Xarelto. Check their PI. Same of which will be true for Apixiban. If you are a Xarelto rep please direct us to where in your PI it states there is "a reversal agent". None of the NOACs have a "reversal agent". There are steps for managing bleeds. Ask any Thought Leader or KOL. Regarding your stats, funny that for the 3rd time the FDA reviewed PX post approval safety data and concluded again that any bleeds are aligned with RE-LY and are not more so than warfarin. And you don't work for BI you ass clown.

Thought leader and KOL. Lol. Classic terms from an entry level rep. You are in denial little man. Pradaxa is done. I actually may feel just a little compassion for your ignorance and loyalty to such a 2nd rate company. KOL makes me laugh really hard.

Rely was paid for by BI little entry level. The real world has way more bleeds with Pradaxa. The reality is people are suing because they lost a spouse and family member to this drug.

4000. Google it. First page of cafe pharma had the article. So sad

Um, you used an opinion blog site as a proof-source?

Try again. You got caught lying on this. Own up to it.

Oh, and I found a Cafe Pharma page devoted to the existence of BigFoot. So I am I to take it Big Foot is real now? Scary entry level stuff I guess.

Cars kill people, lets stop making them, people can walk
Planes kill people, stop making them, people can run
Alcohol kills people, stop making it, people drink only water
McDonalds kill people, shut em down, only eat apples n berries
Cigarettes kill people, stop production
Warfarin kills people, more people stroke out on it, and die from it.
Sue the company, oh wait we can't its generic, lets sue pradaxa instead.

Hope you get the point.

And if you didn't, my uncle stroked out, slipped into a coma then died because his warfarin was severely sub therapeutic after being on vacation.

When the perfect end all be all drug is available, let us know.

We may be screwed because when a reversal is going into phase 2 trials and will include in their study apixaban as well as yet another possible new one betrixaban. Well we just better hope that there is some medical evidence that this factor xa reversal will do the same with Pradaxa. What happened to BI's reversal study maybe it is with the DVT study.

We may be screwed because when a reversal is going into phase 2 trials and will include in their study apixaban as well as yet another possible new one betrixaban. Well we just better hope that there is some medical evidence that this factor xa reversal will do the same with Pradaxa. What happened to BI's reversal study maybe it is with the DVT study.

What the eff are you gibbering on about? There is NO reversal agent for ANY new oral anticog. Anyone can they have one in Phase 2, hell, I have one in phase 2 as well. Until it's on the table and released then we talkey-talk. Also, the one hinted at with betrixaban probably fully reversed out Pradaxa as well.

What the eff are you gibbering on about? There is NO reversal agent for ANY new oral anticog. Anyone can they have one in Phase 2, hell, I have one in phase 2 as well. Until it's on the table and released then we talkey-talk. Also, the one hinted at with betrixaban probably fully reversed out Pradaxa as well.

No, that was a factor xa inhibitor reversal agent.

A big advantage of warfarin is that it does not actually inhibit any clotting factor. It inhibits their production. If you can administer clotting factors, they will clot. Hence, the clotting factors, themselves, are the reversals agents.

Not so if there are direct inhibitors of these factors present in the patient's blood.

Who cares. Collect your paycheck and go home.
Any care an employee once had for this company is gone for good.
Doesn't matter if we're first or last. Has no effect on us.
Just as long as it doesn't get pulled.
Although, then we'll get spiriva back, the only drug launch
The company got right.

No, that was a factor xa inhibitor reversal agent.

A big advantage of warfarin is that it does not actually inhibit any clotting factor. It inhibits their production. If you can administer clotting factors, they will clot. Hence, the clotting factors, themselves, are the reversals agents.

Not so if there are direct inhibitors of these factors present in the patient's blood.

I'm so sick of no-nothing reps. The science of betrixabans reversal agent will work on dabi. I appreciate your cut n paste wiki on warfarin but its a little more complicated that that. Do you even understand protein c and s? Go back to calling in cookie trays, you're clearly over your paygrade.