watch out tfs

this is a strong team to lead us into the next phase of growth
check out this telling quote '

According to the suit, two women in Quest's upper management, Michele Zwickl, vice president of sales for AmeriPath and Tara Botarelli, AmeriPath sales director for the East, "encourage and support" an "old boys' club," at the company.

1st DM(Capital area) hired by the old girl, MZ, "was the first Ameripath rep she ever slept with".
Take note boys, it's pays to keep "the boss" close.
If you are lucky you might just make the stud wall (hot guys calendar) in TB's office. It's legendary.

Those two are a piece of work.

I would encourage any TFS employee reading this to take these comments with a serious grain of salt. These comments are obviously written by one of the few (and yes, there are a few) very bitter, litigious former employees who cannot seem to turn the page on the fact that they were not advanced at their old organization. They would be better off accepting that perhaps they were not promoted due to horrible people skills and talent. They continue to quote from a lawsuit, which was thrown out by the way.

My understanding is that the lawsuit was NOT thrown out, is just in Arbitration, due to employee contracts. Very different than being thrown out.
Get your facts straight.
Fact is that TFS has gone from making horrible decisions on management time and time again.

I would encourage any TFS employee reading this to take these comments with a serious grain of salt. These comments are obviously written by one of the few (and yes, there are a few) very bitter, litigious former employees who cannot seem to turn the page on the fact that they were not advanced at their old organization. They would be better off accepting that perhaps they were not promoted due to horrible people skills and talent. They continue to quote from a lawsuit, which was thrown out by the way.

Who are you? The great defender of a corrupt and discriminatory organization? If no one told their story after they left then nothing would change. People who file lawsuits don't necessarily do it for monetary gain or because they are bitter. They do it so it won't happen to someone else. Looks like this company never learns.