Was there a positive spin on Metabolic?

You are an immoral slimeball. I quit Androgel after my doctor advised me of strong risk of cardiovascular risk associated with testosterone. Screw that. You are a disgusting bunch of weasels for not leveling with doctors and in fact telling them the opposite of what the Cleveland Clinic is saying. These testosterone drugs are not worth the risks. Most doctors are already getting that straight so good luck as you continue to fail on selling them differently.
To continue trying to sway them is immoral.
That Lady Gaga show during the superbowl was cray cray!

So we're getting ready for the national sales meeting and in their infinite wisdom sales training has pushed down three tests that not only take us out of the field for approximately a half a day per test but a ridiculous seek and fine. Who is running this sales training department in Chicago what kind a loser idiot have a put in place up there that is wasting our time with this nonsense, what is the point of it all does anyone have any idea. I don't think they have a clue as to how to operate a salesforce in Chicago.
Investors beware, the crazies are running the insane asylum.
They are more interested in where is Waldo then letting us do our job.
The tests are designed to make some suits in corporate feel really important. When BS like this comes down, guaranteed they are doing it to CYA. It moves the sales needle backwards, but have no fear they will puff out their chests and strut mightily at the meeting, bustle around with their phones in their ear scowling and pretending they are important.

The tests are designed to make some suits in corporate feel really important. When BS like this comes down, guaranteed they are doing it to CYA. It moves the sales needle backwards, but have no fear they will puff out their chests and strut mightily at the meeting, bustle around with their phones in their ear scowling and pretending they are important.

this person has been to many an AbbVie meeting.

So we're getting ready for the national sales meeting and in their infinite wisdom sales training has pushed down three tests that not only take us out of the field for approximately a half a day per test but a ridiculous seek and fine. Who is running this sales training department in Chicago what kind a loser idiot have a put in place up there that is wasting our time with this nonsense, what is the point of it all does anyone have any idea. I don't think they have a clue as to how to operate a salesforce in Chicago.
Investors beware, the crazies are running the insane asylum.
They are more interested in where is Waldo then letting us do our job.

Where is Waldo, that's a really funny thing, I remember when my kids were young and we used those books, yes, ABBVIE sales training is pathetic.
I think testing is important to measure where we are but to give a test with no explanation and no understanding of what we're doing with the test or why were taking a test or the point of the test is absurd. That's the problem, no explanation, is it timeed, what's the point of us doing this, is it to measure understanding so that we know where to find things in the package insert? If they would just explain things to us, that would go a lot further.

Where is Waldo, that's a really funny thing, I remember when my kids were young and we used those books, yes, ABBVIE sales training is pathetic.
I think testing is important to measure where we are but to give a test with no explanation and no understanding of what we're doing with the test or why were taking a test or the point of the test is absurd. That's the problem, no explanation, is it timeed, what's the point of us doing this, is it to measure understanding so that we know where to find things in the package insert? If they would just explain things to us, that would go a lot further.
Just shut up and take the damn test. It's designed to make me feel impotent.

Let the festivities begin. Cue the role play. Act excited about everything. Talk real positive when the suits are there. But don't be a dumbass and believe anything, cause this isn't Disney World.

The biggest irritant amongst fellow reps is the lack of consistent accountability for metabolics.
Humira is being rode like a whipped mule and I hear that HCV reps are also constantly being harassed and threatened with their jobs if sales numbers are not met. Metabolics? We see no headcount or expense reductions for a franchise that is solely justifying its existence on a 55 year old drug that admittingly needs to be sampled and reminded to DAW. THe mainstay drug Androgel has been virtually acknowledged as a dead animal writhing with consistent 25% sales reductions year after year after year.
We really need to coddle these met. reps in such huge numbers and overlays to provide samples and say DAW? Really? That is insane and reflects a true lack of expense control diligence that is not in line with required sales skills nor headcount necessary. I know many metabolic reps who openly admit they are forced to fake most calls so as to avoid further alienating the offices and flat pissig them off.
Steps should of been taken years ago to address this inconsistency in headcount allocation amongst franchises.
Everyone knows the burden of sales expectations for both Hum and HCV were/are ridiculous, but do we add insult to injury by allowing a deadend franchise like Metabolics continue to get a pass at stockholders expense. Not the way to run a business.

Can't argue with this. But your jeolousy is too obvious. If you were in mets you would love it too. Sorry you are feeling the pressure in your area but better you then me.

Can't argue with this. But your jeolousy is too obvious. If you were in mets you would love it too. Sorry you are feeling the pressure in your area but better you then me.

Ditto to this post, the reason your managers are putting so much pressure on you guys and gals is because they are crappy managers, probably left over from the bad culture at Abbott.
Look, we have good managers who don't manage by fear or pressure. That was a Solvay culture, your culture is a mess and thus your unhappy, don't dump on Metobolic, try to get your managers to copy ours and your lives will be better and your sales will sore and you will meet goal as we have. Think about it.
This company belongs to all of us and we should be pulling as a team, tell your managers that.

Ditto to this post, the reason your managers are putting so much pressure on you guys and gals is because they are crappy managers, probably left over from the bad culture at Abbott.
Look, we have good managers who don't manage by fear or pressure. That was a Solvay culture, your culture is a mess and thus your unhappy, don't dump on Metobolic, try to get your managers to copy ours and your lives will be better and your sales will sore and you will meet goal as we have. Think about it.
This company belongs to all of us and we should be pulling as a team, tell your managers that.

You metabolic clones make many of us sick to our stomach. You have the balls to actually give us advise? You have been given a dead animal to revive and you have shocked it and made its involuntary muscles move. Wow, you are frickin heros!!! If you were in a real job with real pressure to perform and not just a bad excuse for a job, perhaps you wouldn't be so smug.
I am still hopeful that this crazy company has appropriate plans to eradicate most of you in the near future. This insanity of having a brigade chasing DAW scripts has got to become more obvious to these idiot bosses eventually. Androgel has essentially been thrown overboard. Before it started tanking in sales several yrs ago, you had a viable excuse to keep many more of the sales force people. Not anymore.

You metabolic clones make many of us sick to our stomach. You have the balls to actually give us advise? You have been given a dead animal to revive and you have shocked it and made its involuntary muscles move. Wow, you are frickin heros!!! If you were in a real job with real pressure to perform and not just a bad excuse for a job, perhaps you wouldn't be so smug.
I am still hopeful that this crazy company has appropriate plans to eradicate most of you in the near future. This insanity of having a brigade chasing DAW scripts has got to become more obvious to these idiot bosses eventually. Androgel has essentially been thrown overboard. Before it started tanking in sales several yrs ago, you had a viable excuse to keep many more of the sales force people. Not anymore.

Wake up or find another job, this post is stupid ok, this person knows nothing of their Metobolic business, I would not have believed it myself but what these cats in Metobolic say seems to be true, maybe, just maybe they got something there that we in Humara could learn from?

Wake up or find another job, this post is stupid ok, this person knows nothing of their Metobolic business, I would not have believed it myself but what these cats in Metobolic say seems to be true, maybe, just maybe they got something there that we in Humara could learn from?
So articulate...and highly credible.

You metabolic clones make many of us sick to our stomach. You have the balls to actually give us advise? You have been given a dead animal to revive and you have shocked it and made its involuntary muscles move. Wow, you are frickin heros!!! If you were in a real job with real pressure to perform and not just a bad excuse for a job, perhaps you wouldn't be so smug.
I am still hopeful that this crazy company has appropriate plans to eradicate most of you in the near future. This insanity of having a brigade chasing DAW scripts has got to become more obvious to these idiot bosses eventually. Androgel has essentially been thrown overboard. Before it started tanking in sales several yrs ago, you had a viable excuse to keep many more of the sales force people. Not anymore.
Look, stop being a hater. I'm sick of hearing that MET is terminal. All sales forces are just trying. When you think about it; all divisions are terminal sooner or later.

You metabolic clones make many of us sick to our stomach. You have the balls to actually give us advise? You have been given a dead animal to revive and you have shocked it and made its involuntary muscles move. Wow, you are frickin heros!!! If you were in a real job with real pressure to perform and not just a bad excuse for a job, perhaps you wouldn't be so smug.
I am still hopeful that this crazy company has appropriate plans to eradicate most of you in the near future. This insanity of having a brigade chasing DAW scripts has got to become more obvious to these idiot bosses eventually. Androgel has essentially been thrown overboard. Before it started tanking in sales several yrs ago, you had a viable excuse to keep many more of the sales force people. Not anymore.

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