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Was there a positive spin on Metabolic?


Yes, Solvay losers, do tell. Oh wait you are afraid to ever open your mouth and are still counting on Slimeball Jim to save you.
Glad I moved over to HCV and that's really saying something. We are in the layoff line too but you are way ahead of us.

Yes, Solvay losers, do tell. Oh wait you are afraid to ever open your mouth and are still counting on Slimeball Jim to save you.
Glad I moved over to HCV and that's really saying something. We are in the layoff line too but you are way ahead of us.

I'm in Metabolic and a Solvay loser who happens to think people like Jim are an exception in our business especially within Abbott. The employees of Solvay never asked for you to buy us, you were actually the last choice and we all thought that we would lose our jobs as a result of the merger. Fortunately, Jim highlighted to Don that his people (me) would work circles around our cardiovascular peers. You see we don't need a babysitter like you people, we're adults and believe in one guy Jim Hynd to lead our division and one day an entire company. Jim is genuinely about the people, you only need to know that but I fear you are just too dumb to understand that. Now go get that shine box!

I'm in Metabolic and a Solvay loser who happens to think people like Jim are an exception in our business especially within Abbott. The employees of Solvay never asked for you to buy us, you were actually the last choice and we all thought that we would lose our jobs as a result of the merger. Fortunately, Jim highlighted to Don that his people (me) would work circles around our cardiovascular peers. You see we don't need a babysitter like you people, we're adults and believe in one guy Jim Hynd to lead our division and one day an entire company. Jim is genuinely about the people, you only need to know that but I fear you are just too dumb to understand that. Now go get that shine box!
Right on, exactly as most of us feel, there will be no lay off here in metabolic so just shut you foul mouth and go back to work slime ball.

I'm in Metabolic and a Solvay loser who happens to think people like Jim are an exception in our business especially within Abbott. The employees of Solvay never asked for you to buy us, you were actually the last choice and we all thought that we would lose our jobs as a result of the merger. Fortunately, Jim highlighted to Don that his people (me) would work circles around our cardiovascular peers. You see we don't need a babysitter like you people, we're adults and believe in one guy Jim Hynd to lead our division and one day an entire company. Jim is genuinely about the people, you only need to know that but I fear you are just too dumb to understand that. Now go get that shine box!

"Naïve, ignorant ass kisser" does not even begin to describe your condition. Yeah its all unicorns and rainbows in metabolicland UNTIL they pull the plug. You will get no warning and sleazy Jimbo is counting on your stupidity to keep on working until the bitter end.
Have you ever had a clue of impending danger in your life? Maybe you should start jumping out of airplanes without a parachute because Saint Jim gives a rats ass about you.
LMAO. Glad I am also in HCV and not I Metabolics' shoes.
You will be shown the door long before us.

"Naïve, ignorant ass kisser" does not even begin to describe your condition. Yeah its all unicorns and rainbows in metabolicland UNTIL they pull the plug. You will get no warning and sleazy Jimbo is counting on your stupidity to keep on working until the bitter end.
Have you ever had a clue of impending danger in your life? Maybe you should start jumping out of airplanes without a parachute because Saint Jim gives a rats ass about you.
LMAO. Glad I am also in HCV and not I Metabolics' shoes.
You will be shown the door long before us.

Another bitter HCV rep that realizes they should have stayed in Metabolic's. Sucks to be you because the end is near. Buh bye and thanks for playing Abbvie HCV roulette! Be sure to leave your keys and iPad on your way out!

Another bitter HCV rep that realizes they should have stayed in Metabolic's. Sucks to be you because the end is near. Buh bye and thanks for playing Abbvie HCV roulette! Be sure to leave your keys and iPad on your way out!

Not original OP but had to weigh in on this.
At least the HCV reps KNOW that their drug is having major difficulties in the market and therefore strongly and logically expect subsequent headcount reductions soon after product launch is over. It has turned into a price war and we have an inferior product that cannot compete with Gilead's on any front.

What the hell does Metabolic see at their beck and call that would avoid their impending doom? Generics, major cardio risk baggage, huge revenue shortfalls with only more to come? Have heard Lupron being bantered about as a possible home for some of you.
That is NOT even close to being a safe haven for more then just a handful of Met reps.
Have you ever played musical chairs? When the music stops and you don't have a seat, you are OUT of the game.
Is AbbVie going to just allow Met reps to suck up salary and benefits indefinitely while your products are dying on the vine. Oh yeah, there is Synthroid, but do you REALLY believe they can keep your army around for a sample drop?
Puhhleese enlighten us as to your logic because maybe we are missing something. Is there a DEFINITE new product coming out SOON to redeem us all? Is there another major company in the works for our acquisition? (yeah that went real well with Shire, you mighta had a chance if that had ever happened)
What are we missing or do they medicate you with some agent that we need to be taking that will make us delusional and oh-so CONTENT also?

Not original OP but had to weigh in on this.
At least the HCV reps KNOW that their drug is having major difficulties in the market and therefore strongly and logically expect subsequent headcount reductions soon after product launch is over. It has turned into a price war and we have an inferior product that cannot compete with Gilead's on any front.

What the hell does Metabolic see at their beck and call that would avoid their impending doom? Generics, major cardio risk baggage, huge revenue shortfalls with only more to come? Have heard Lupron being bantered about as a possible home for some of you.
That is NOT even close to being a safe haven for more then just a handful of Met reps.
Have you ever played musical chairs? When the music stops and you don't have a seat, you are OUT of the game.
Is AbbVie going to just allow Met reps to suck up salary and benefits indefinitely while your products are dying on the vine. Oh yeah, there is Synthroid, but do you REALLY believe they can keep your army around for a sample drop?
Puhhleese enlighten us as to your logic because maybe we are missing something. Is there a DEFINITE new product coming out SOON to redeem us all? Is there another major company in the works for our acquisition? (yeah that went real well with Shire, you mighta had a chance if that had ever happened)
What are we missing or do they medicate you with some agent that we need to be taking that will make us delusional and oh-so CONTENT also?

HCV haters gonna hate. As a reminder don't forget about the keys and the iPad on your way out.

#13 has a serious axe to grind. Grinding so hard there's not going to be much left but a handle. Let it go dude, move on...geez!

Dude obviously isn't hooking at up at meetings in HCV like he was in Metabolics. Let's be honest the Metabolic reps are hotter than the HCV reps especially after happy hour. Wink.

Not original OP but had to weigh in on this.
At least the HCV reps KNOW that their drug is having major difficulties in the market and therefore strongly and logically expect subsequent headcount reductions soon after product launch is over. It has turned into a price war and we have an inferior product that cannot compete with Gilead's on any front.

What the hell does Metabolic see at their beck and call that would avoid their impending doom? Generics, major cardio risk baggage, huge revenue shortfalls with only more to come? Have heard Lupron being bantered about as a possible home for some of you.
That is NOT even close to being a safe haven for more then just a handful of Met reps.
Have you ever played musical chairs? When the music stops and you don't have a seat, you are OUT of the game.
Is AbbVie going to just allow Met reps to suck up salary and benefits indefinitely while your products are dying on the vine. Oh yeah, there is Synthroid, but do you REALLY believe they can keep your army around for a sample drop?
Puhhleese enlighten us as to your logic because maybe we are missing something. Is there a DEFINITE new product coming out SOON to redeem us all? Is there another major company in the works for our acquisition? (yeah that went real well with Shire, you mighta had a chance if that had ever happened)
What are we missing or do they medicate you with some agent that we need to be taking that will make us delusional and oh-so CONTENT also?

Best, most accurate post I have ever seen on CP. Metabolic reps sure seem to be in their own imaginary world. That Jim guy should be out raising money for some phoney church like Jim Baker did in the late 80s. He must be not only a brainwasher but a hypnotist as well.
I cant wait for the ax to begin its job as at least we have a shot of them making their expense reduction targets with just the annihilation of the entire metabolic organization.
My honest, eyes wide open fear though, is that it wont be enough to spare many more of us.

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