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Was Pfizer saying Vax covers Delta 90% a Big Lie?

People die everyday. Heart disease is more deadly than COVID. Yet, nothing is being done about the high levels of fat, sodium, and sugar in our foods. We have the choice to eat what we want. Similarly, we should have the choice to not get vaccinated. If I want to instill fear, and have the backing of the media, I will easily instill fear. If you think the government cares about your health you are sadly mistaken. COVID is all about money and nothing more.

People die everyday. Heart disease is more deadly than COVID. Yet, nothing is being done about the high levels of fat, sodium, and sugar in our foods. We have the choice to eat what we want. Similarly, we should have the choice to not get vaccinated. If I want to instill fear, and have the backing of the media, I will easily instill fear. If you think the government cares about your health you are sadly mistaken. COVID is all about money and nothing more.

You are 100% correct.

The media only reports what they want.

Many other sources completely contradict the govt. etc. and show how the v is not "always safe" or "effective"

The biggest con of all is the whole anti-vaxxer movement that thinks COVID is harmless. It began with a researcher that linked vaccines cause autism who then admitted that he made up the whole thing. Yet the movement continues to believe and expand on the lie.

The biggest con of all is the whole anti-vaxxer movement that thinks COVID is harmless. It began with a researcher that linked vaccines cause autism who then admitted that he made up the whole thing. Yet the movement continues to believe and expand on the lie.
No, the biggest con is being forced to get vaccinated even if you've already had covid. All of a sudden, there is no such thing as natural immunity

This is hilarious. All the anti vax MAGA trolls in full force on this thread. Or maybe it’s MAGA bots. Everyone in my family is vaxxed and doing fine post shots. Go let yourself get herd immunity red state deniers, I know I’m safe.

Or Maybe Dr. Mercola knows more than anyone and all of the hundreds of thousand of Pages of data submitted by Pfizer are all deep state trickery designed to lure the sheep to a state of powerlessness. So then the deep state can open a pedophile ring in a pizza shop and Hillary will be the overlord of them all!!!!! Until Trump rides in on a white horse carrying a scepter of gold and we all bow down to his omniscience.
Bunch of science denying clowns on this site.

This is hilarious. All the anti vax MAGA trolls in full force on this thread. Or maybe it’s MAGA bots. Everyone in my family is vaxxed and doing fine post shots. Go let yourself get herd immunity red state deniers, I know I’m safe.

Or Maybe Dr. Mercola knows more than anyone and all of the hundreds of thousand of Pages of data submitted by Pfizer are all deep state trickery designed to lure the sheep to a state of powerlessness. So then the deep state can open a pedophile ring in a pizza shop and Hillary will be the overlord of them all!!!!! Until Trump rides in on a white horse carrying a scepter of gold and we all bow down to his omniscience.
Bunch of science denying clowns on this site.

Can you define safe?

This is hilarious. All the anti vax MAGA trolls in full force on this thread. Or maybe it’s MAGA bots. Everyone in my family is vaxxed and doing fine post shots. Go let yourself get herd immunity red state deniers, I know I’m safe.

Or Maybe Dr. Mercola knows more than anyone and all of the hundreds of thousand of Pages of data submitted by Pfizer are all deep state trickery designed to lure the sheep to a state of powerlessness. So then the deep state can open a pedophile ring in a pizza shop and Hillary will be the overlord of them all!!!!! Until Trump rides in on a white horse carrying a scepter of gold and we all bow down to his omniscience.
Bunch of science denying clowns on this site.
Do some research, high percentage of blacks and Hispanics not vaccinated, they all MAGA. Try doing some research and thinking for yourself rather than spewing liberal narratives

This is hilarious. All the anti vax MAGA trolls in full force on this thread. Or maybe it’s MAGA bots. Everyone in my family is vaxxed and doing fine post shots. Go let yourself get herd immunity red state deniers, I know I’m safe.

Or Maybe Dr. Mercola knows more than anyone and all of the hundreds of thousand of Pages of data submitted by Pfizer are all deep state trickery designed to lure the sheep to a state of powerlessness. So then the deep state can open a pedophile ring in a pizza shop and Hillary will be the overlord of them all!!!!! Until Trump rides in on a white horse carrying a scepter of gold and we all bow down to his omniscience.
Bunch of science denying clowns on this site.

People die everyday. Heart disease is more deadly than COVID. Yet, nothing is being done about the high levels of fat, sodium, and sugar in our foods. We have the choice to eat what we want. Similarly, we should have the choice to not get vaccinated. If I want to instill fear, and have the backing of the media, I will easily instill fear. If you think the government cares about your health you are sadly mistaken. COVID is all about money and nothing more.

Maybe because heart disease isn't extremely contagious. And maybe because heart disease cannot be passed on and spread exponentially.

Maybe because heart disease isn't extremely contagious. And maybe because heart disease cannot be passed on and spread exponentially.

If something is contagious the government is concerned enough to trample on our liberties pretending like they care, but if something isn't contagious then no big deal?


Can we use something that is contagious to achieve our hidden agenda, while keeping people addicted to things that are more of a threat to their lives?

The latter makes more sense because the consumer is going to keep consuming and numerous industries are going to keep the profits coming in. If 80% of Americans ate healthy and exercised regularly the entire economy could collapse.

People die everyday. Heart disease is more deadly than COVID. Yet, nothing is being done about the high levels of fat, sodium, and sugar in our foods. We have the choice to eat what we want. Similarly, we should have the choice to not get vaccinated. If I want to instill fear, and have the backing of the media, I will easily instill fear. If you think the government cares about your health you are sadly mistaken. COVID is all about money and nothing more.

Because you can eat a Big Mac and not pass that Big Mac onto my entire family

You have the right to eat whatever you want but your dont have the right to infect other families with a virus

Because you can eat a Big Mac and not pass that Big Mac onto my entire family

You have the right to eat whatever you want but your dont have the right to infect other families with a virus
How many colds and flu bugs has your family had over the years? Turn off CNN and this is just another cold and flu season. Florida's always starts in August and in parts of the south because kids are back in school already

Because you can eat a Big Mac and not pass that Big Mac onto my entire family

You have the right to eat whatever you want but your dont have the right to infect other families with a virus

Remove power and money from COVID and it is less dangerous than a heart attack or an opioid overdose for most individuals.

If you are worried about me passing on the virus to your family then dress them up in masks made from an old tee shirt and get them vaccinated.

Bottom line truth!

- Pfizer current 2 vaccines work on China/UK variant 90%

- Pfizer 2 current 2 vaccines do not work on Delta (and that has been misleading lies from the co & US Gov the past 4 months. The EU, Asia, India, Israel real world Delta data was correct)

- Current Vax worked well in past orginal viruses thus the world got under control & went back to normal. Current Vax does not work current mutations variants.
FACT , just look at hospitals maxing out bed capacity across US.

Lies Lies Lies about Delta for $$$$$