• Mon news: Ventyx gets boost from Sanofi. PhRMA IRA legal challenge gets new life. AZ breast cancer drug disappoints. Teva’s once-monthly schizophrenia med. AZ gets FDA approval for first self-administered flu vaccine. See more on our front page

Was just offered 160 for AD

Oh so you work for the American Cancer Society all of a sudden? No, you work at a for profit pharmaceutical company, selling, yes selling medicine. You are not a trained medical professional putting patients first. If that was really your MO why not work for a non-profit foundation and truly help patients? You selling an me too drug for a bonus check is not putting patients first.

And no volunteering here and there or running a 5k fund raiser is not the same thing as working at a non-profit, patient centric organization your life’s work…so save your ‘patient first’ BS.

So true! The hypocrisy at Eisai is sickening.

Conclusions: These findings reveal the potential for anti-Aβ therapies to compromise long-term brain health by accelerating brain atrophy, and provide new insight into the adverse impact of ARIA. Six recommendations emerge from these findings.
You know what else risks long term brain health, alzheimers! You dolt