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Was just offered 160 for AD

Trust me…..eisai is DIFFERENT
Nope. Don’t say how Eisai is different. I took time out of my day to interview. Was told I would hear back. Do you think I heard back? Nope. Crickets. This company is just like all the other POS drug companies. NOT DIFFERENT! If it is too difficult for you to send a thanks but no thanks letter to candidates, you are an incompetent manager. End of story.

You sound angry. Calm down…we are all in the same interviewing boat..not that big of a deal. Yes, I agree they should let you know something either way but this is never a fast or efficient process.

I was not in the least bit impressed with the Eisai manager I interviewed with for AD. Not well spoken or put together, Didn’t seem to have any confidence either. Seemed to be one of those managers that only new how to repeat stuff! Not a good lunch for the company. Good luck everyone.

I was not in the least bit impressed with the Eisai manager I interviewed with for AD. Not well spoken or put together, Didn’t seem to have any confidence either. Seemed to be one of those managers that only new how to repeat stuff! Not a good lunch for the company. Good luck everyone.

It’s Eisai…what did you expect? Their VP’s of sales make less money than frontline managers at good oncology biotechs. You get what you pay for. Oh how do I know this? I received a call for a second line job and when I told them my salary requirement they literally said, that is more than our VP’s make…it’s a joke of a company. Big pharma, primary care mentality is what you get when that’s all you can afford.

It’s Eisai…what did you expect? Their VP’s of sales make less money than frontline managers at good oncology biotechs. You get what you pay for. Oh how do I know this? I received a call for a second line job and when I told them my salary requirement they literally said, that is more than our VP’s make…it’s a joke of a company. Big pharma, primary care mentality is what you get when that’s all you can afford.

Eisai is the punchline of the industry.

That's peanuts. Reps are making well over $200K in base and don't have overnights...way to underachieve...oh I forgot, you are at Eisai...you already underachieved.

Anyone in this industry has underachieved. Most of you don't even consider the products you sell. Sheep is what you are, most of you. I hate to be mean, but its true. Now, go get your shot and shut up.

Anyone in this industry has underachieved. Most of you don't even consider the products you sell. Sheep is what you are, most of you. I hate to be mean, but its true. Now, go get your shot and shut up.

I don’t know about that. I make $400k a year and have been bought out three times for several million dollars. Not a bad haul while doing what amounts to a part time job.

I am sure it’s about the patient for you first and teamwork second.

Oh so you work for the American Cancer Society all of a sudden? No, you work at a for profit pharmaceutical company, selling, yes selling medicine. You are not a trained medical professional putting patients first. If that was really your MO why not work for a non-profit foundation and truly help patients? You selling an me too drug for a bonus check is not putting patients first.

And no volunteering here and there or running a 5k fund raiser is not the same thing as working at a non-profit, patient centric organization your life’s work…so save your ‘patient first’ BS.

Oh so you work for the American Cancer Society all of a sudden? No, you work at a for profit pharmaceutical company, selling, yes selling medicine. You are not a trained medical professional putting patients first. If that was really your MO why not work for a non-profit foundation and truly help patients? You selling an me too drug for a bonus check is not putting patients first.

And no volunteering here and there or running a 5k fund raiser is not the same thing as working at a non-profit, patient centric organization your life’s work…so save your ‘patient first’ BS.