VP LOTZ "You owe to your family to talk w other co- I encourage you to"

How can he make the DMs not have their reps post externally? How would any of them even know?
He cant prevent them at all.
All he is doing is narcissistic blabbing on leadership calls about taking legal action to prevent people from leaving. Its all smoke and bark with no bite as he himself was a suicide bomber on that leverage with his rep direction at National Sales Meeting in Feb.
Now that most of the reps took him up on his advise , he is panicking as he has heard everyone is interviewing.

He cant prevent them at all.
All he is doing is narcissistic blabbing on leadership calls about taking legal action to prevent people from leaving. Its all smoke and bark with no bite as he himself was a suicide bomber on that leverage with his rep direction at National Sales Meeting in Feb.
Now that most of the reps took him up on his advise , he is panicking as he has heard everyone is interviewing.
He gave everyone a get out of I&I jail card.
Lesson learned- dont run your mouth when you cant back it up when people take you up on your words.
Pfizer can make all threats in the world to reps in that NSM general session & they can not do anything in the court of law & will loose in front of any jury in America... and likely loose counter suit on a number of areas.

North America Vice President Jeff Lotz at NSM encouraged all Xeljanz and I&I employees to talk w other companies to see our market value. More than 500 reps witnessed his encouragement & direction to go out and see if the "grass is greener w other companies" as well as "see what our financial worth is" and "if we are good enough to win a job"

On the big stage at general session during annual National Sales Meeting.
He can not hold it against anyone who followed his advance, direction & encouragement to interview with other companies.

Also with this evidence on film and over 500 employees as witnesses to subpoena in court , non competes will be invalid. (They are illegal or non enforceable in court of law in many states anyway) The top guy in charge gave ALL reps the green light to look for another job with his blessings & encouragement .
Even said he himself talks w other companies but hasnt found any better financial offers yet.

"You owe it to yourself & your families to increase your financial worth"
Game Set Match for the reps!!!!!!
Yes sir! He sure did and I have never thought of leaving Pfizer nor had resume updated in 15yrs, after his motivational inspirational speech about how we owed it to our family & kids for their financial security & if we find something better that he wished us the best....
Then I updated my resume & got it out there.
While i have not gotten an offer, I have made it to several finals & boy am i glad I took Jeff Lotz up on his advice! The $$$$$ out there for my 15yrs of experience is VERY much in demand & valuable. Not so much my Xeljanz exp but more so my Rare Disease & Institutional experience. Total yearly packages discussed have been 250k -300k a yr.... lot of that big stock allotments to all reps every year regardless of rank.
Thank you Jeff to opening my eyes to opportunities that I had no idea existed from my skills & experience. Literally will put me 10-15yrs ahead in earning power.
My Family also thanks you for the encouragement & support to finding my market value. While I am 100% comfortable & happy with Pfizer, you opened my eyes non-emotionally about taking care of myself & my family.
After all we are just an employee # that is easily backfilled.

Yes sir! He sure did and I have never thought of leaving Pfizer nor had resume updated in 15yrs, after his motivational inspirational speech about how we owed it to our family & kids for their financial security & if we find something better that he wished us the best....
Then I updated my resume & got it out there.
While i have not gotten an offer, I have made it to several finals & boy am i glad I took Jeff Lotz up on his advice! The $$$$$ out there for my 15yrs of experience is VERY much in demand & valuable. Not so much my Xeljanz exp but more so my Rare Disease & Institutional experience. Total yearly packages discussed have been 250k -300k a yr.... lot of that big stock allotments to all reps every year regardless of rank.
Thank you Jeff to opening my eyes to opportunities that I had no idea existed from my skills & experience. Literally will put me 10-15yrs ahead in earning power.
My Family also thanks you for the encouragement & support to finding my market value. While I am 100% comfortable & happy with Pfizer, you opened my eyes non-emotionally about taking care of myself & my family.
After all we are just an employee # that is easily backfilled.
Bye-bye, don’t let the door hit you on the backside on the way out. People act like they will be hurting PFE if they leave, fact is he was ENCOURAGING your unmotivated butts to leave! Much cheaper than packages, which is where most of you are heading if your don’t take his less than subtle hint...

Hindsight it might look like he was giving us a hint to leave because of upcoming blood baths with I&I come Jan. But in reality he was just not thinking of his comments allowing us off the legal hook to go interview with his blessings

Hindsight it might look like he was giving us a hint to leave because of upcoming blood baths with I&I come Jan. But in reality he was just not thinking of his comments allowing us off the legal hook to go interview with his blessings
We haven't had a January lay off since 2009. The calls go out in December and the new organization begins in the new year.

Don’t be too sure non competes are out the window. Heard the legal team at pfizer will enforce them
They can try but with 300 witnesses & video evidence of his direction & encouragement in Feb, it would be thrown out at first evidentiary hearing. Also Pfizer is WIDE open for lawsuit by any employee or a class action if they tried to enforce. (Could say Lotz engaged in entrapment, misrepresentation, inducement, verbal coercion) BIG BIG LIABILITY FOR PFIZER IF THEY EVEN BREATH NON COMPETE.

They can try but with 300 witnesses & video evidence of his direction & encouragement in Feb, it would be thrown out at first evidentiary hearing. Also Pfizer is WIDE open for lawsuit by any employee or a class action if they tried to enforce. (Could say Lotz engaged in entrapment, misrepresentation, inducement, verbal coercion) BIG BIG LIABILITY FOR PFIZER IF THEY EVEN BREATH NON COMPETE.
Very accurate according to my father in law who was an employment law attorney now a judge.

Hope you are correct. But reps still need to hire an attorney to represent them. $$$. Plus, hiring companies may overlook candidates that are potentially entangled in legal non solicit agreements

With paying attorney $100 for a letter to Pfizer outlining the above actions of VP to the entire salesforce
Once Pfizer knows you lawyered up & legal letter outlines VP action & legal recourse of his action, Pfizer will fold like an accordion