VP LOTZ "You owe to your family to talk w other co- I encourage you to"

We won our freedom to be a Free Agent on the open market with the verbal support & blessings of the Top Boss.
Whether you are good enough to "interview & compete" land another job offer as Lotz says, is different thing.
Free Agent so now it is up to you to sell your skills & talent for the highest offer
Free agent? For what? There are less and less sales reps jobs out there and a LOT of unemployed reps...wake up, only place we have to go is the unemployment office. Lotz knows this, he wants us to know it.

Free agent? For what? There are less and less sales reps jobs out there and a LOT of unemployed reps...wake up, only place we have to go is the unemployment office. Lotz knows this, he wants us to know it.
Not if you are good as a dozen reps have left Xeljanz this year. Yes the virus shutdown has slowed hiring but in March there were tons of companies hiring Experienced, 10yrs plus specialty reps, with 3 Top 20% in past 5yrs.
If your good , experience, with hardware to prove it then lot of specialty positions out there.
They will resume hiring in the Fall. Put a resume together & get to a recruiter and just see how much interest you have (if you have above average performance )

Not if you are good as a dozen reps have left Xeljanz this year. Yes the virus shutdown has slowed hiring but in March there were tons of companies hiring Experienced, 10yrs plus specialty reps, with 3 Top 20% in past 5yrs.
If your good , experience, with hardware to prove it then lot of specialty positions out there.
They will resume hiring in the Fall. Put a resume together & get to a recruiter and just see how much interest you have (if you have above average performance )
Free at Last !!!!
$$$$$ Time "for yourself & your family financial future"

so? What have we won? what game, set or match? We are still here. Still miserable. We can't go anywhere. Not because of any non-enforceable non-competes, but because we are stained by being Pfizer. What have we won? Name a thing?
You won nothing, there are no sales rep jobs out there. You don’t get it, thousands of unemployed reps and very few jobs left. No where to go. Lotz knows this, he was telling you idiots that with his comments

You won nothing, there are no sales rep jobs out there. You don’t get it, thousands of unemployed reps and very few jobs left. No where to go. Lotz knows this, he was telling you idiots that with his comments
So you think Lotz was challenging and daring us to find something better than Pfizer then?

You won nothing, there are no sales rep jobs out there. You don’t get it, thousands of unemployed reps and very few jobs left. No where to go. Lotz knows this, he was telling you idiots that with his comments
You apparently didnt take him up on his encouraging support.
Lot companies hiring until.April and are still hiring making offers just pushing back start dates.
Seattle Oncology
Bausch Lamb
Pfizer Oncology
AZ Oncology

You apparently didnt take him up on his encouraging support.
Lot companies hiring until.April and are still hiring making offers just pushing back start dates.
Seattle Oncology
Bausch Lamb
Pfizer Oncology
AZ Oncology
Your VP did all of you a big favor so take advantage of his direction!

However, it will not be Gilead they are loading up w Genentech reps given our CEO VP NSD and half RDs are from Genentech.
They are more scientific problem solvers than Xeljanz reps who are check the marketing box yes men not having to think.
Genentech are true specialty reps that being value vs Xeljanz primary care reps that your VP has created a culture of.
If your VP or mgt is worried about loosing half reps to Gilead, rest assure that is NOT the case. Maybe a couple have been given verbal offers waiting on background check to resume, but most offered has been Genentech.

Really, and you think Pfizer management is upset or worried by that? There is a plan to significantly reduced the Sales force, this saves the company money, no package needed.
Well regardless, Lotz had 500 witnesses & on camera when he said it a 2nd time at the NSM in General Session . So he gave his blessing, support, encouragement, and even said "grass on both sides & need decide which on you want to play on. If you find something better, wish you all the best"
--- that was after "you owe it to yourself & your family to seek financial opportunity and see your value" comments.
Enjoy the application process as this summer jobs will start to open up post virus

Well regardless, Lotz had 500 witnesses & on camera when he said it a 2nd time at the NSM in General Session . So he gave his blessing, support, encouragement, and even said "grass on both sides & need decide which on you want to play on. If you find something better, wish you all the best"
--- that was after "you owe it to yourself & your family to seek financial opportunity and see your value" comments.
Enjoy the application process as this summer jobs will start to open up post virus
Yes, the application process, for a few open jobs in industry and hundreds of applications for each of the jobs from out of work reps. Good luck with that.

Not if you are good as a dozen reps have left Xeljanz this year. Yes the virus shutdown has slowed hiring but in March there were tons of companies hiring Experienced, 10yrs plus specialty reps, with 3 Top 20% in past 5yrs.
If your good , experience, with hardware to prove it then lot of specialty positions out there.
They will resume hiring in the Fall. Put a resume together & get to a recruiter and just see how much interest you have (if you have above average performance )

3 top 20% lol. How good are your photoshop skills.

3 top 20% lol. How good are your photoshop skills.
You apparently are not a top performer.
3 top 20 in 5yrs is about what you need with Pfizer to get a career ladder promotion from SHR 3 to SHR 4. Challenging but a few do it & it are those few who are coveted by Biotech.
You think they are giving 250-300k yr total packages for 1 yr wonders????

Well regardless, Lotz had 500 witnesses & on camera when he said it a 2nd time at the NSM in General Session . So he gave his blessing, support, encouragement, and even said "grass on both sides & need decide which on you want to play on. If you find something better, wish you all the best"
--- that was after "you owe it to yourself & your family to seek financial opportunity and see your value" comments.
Enjoy the application process as this summer jobs will start to open up post virus
Heck he praticaly begged all of us to look for better paying jobs! Basically gave us a guilt trip about family obligations & financial security, basically telling us we are stupid if we dont talk to other companies & try to get more money.
Ownership & Responsibility for me leaving to BMS is on his head, not mine or any reps.
We all followed his direction, encouragement, support from a superior direct leadership position .

Agree with everything posted. 100% accurate.

This is how narcissistic looney "Trump Style" VP Lotz is.... at NSM he touts and encourages all us reps to see if we can command a higher value other companies. Then when most the reps start posting for Biogen, BMS, Gilead, Seattle Oncology, he gets wind of it & tells our DMs he will not allow it and can legally fight what he directed all the reps to do in the 1st place!
If there is any person in the pharma industry a dead ringer for Trump's personality, it is this looney bin of a VP. The pharma version of Trump.
Well if push come to shove legally he had zero legs as we have what he said at NSM on video along with the entire I&I sales force as witnesses......
Next time, dont run your ego mouth on the big stage unless you want 250 reps to call your bluff! You blew yourself up , as we only did what you told us to do!

Agree with everything posted. 100% accurate.

This is how narcissistic looney "Trump Style" VP Lotz is.... at NSM he touts and encourages all us reps to see if we can command a higher value other companies. Then when most the reps start posting for Biogen, BMS, Gilead, Seattle Oncology, he gets wind of it & tells our DMs he will not allow it and can legally fight what he directed all the reps to do in the 1st place!
If there is any person in the pharma industry a dead ringer for Trump's personality, it is this looney bin of a VP. The pharma version of Trump.
Well if push come to shove legally he had zero legs as we have what he said at NSM on video along with the entire I&I sales force as witnesses......
Next time, dont run your ego mouth on the big stage unless you want 250 reps to call your bluff! You blew yourself up , as we only did what you told us to do!
Next he will forget he said it, deny it, or Give our job to his unqualified son “Biden-Style.”