VP LOTZ "You owe to your family to talk w other co- I encourage you to"


North America Vice President Jeff Lotz at NSM encouraged all Xeljanz and I&I employees to talk w other companies to see our market value. More than 500 reps witnessed his encouragement & direction to go out and see if the "grass is greener w other companies" as well as "see what our financial worth is" and "if we are good enough to win a job"

On the big stage at general session during annual National Sales Meeting.
He can not hold it against anyone who followed his advance, direction & encouragement to interview with other companies.

Also with this evidence on film and over 500 employees as witnesses to subpoena in court , non competes will be invalid. (They are illegal or non enforceable in court of law in many states anyway) The top guy in charge gave ALL reps the green light to look for another job with his blessings & encouragement .
Even said he himself talks w other companies but hasnt found any better financial offers yet.

"You owe it to yourself & your families to increase your financial worth"
Game Set Match for the reps!!!!!!


North America Vice President Jeff Lotz at NSM encouraged all Xeljanz and I&I employees to talk w other companies to see our market value. More than 500 reps witnessed his encouragement & direction to go out and see if the "grass is greener w other companies" as well as "see what our financial worth is" and "if we are good enough to win a job"

On the big stage at general session during annual National Sales Meeting.
He can not hold it against anyone who followed his advance, direction & encouragement to interview with other companies.

Also with this evidence on film and over 500 employees as witnesses to subpoena in court , non competes will be invalid. (They are illegal or non enforceable in court of law in many states anyway) The top guy in charge gave ALL reps the green light to look for another job with his blessings & encouragement .
Even said he himself talks w other companies but hasnt found any better financial offers yet.

"You owe it to yourself & your families to increase your financial worth"
Game Set Match for the reps!!!!!!

so? What have we won? what game, set or match? We are still here. Still miserable. We can't go anywhere. Not because of any non-enforceable non-competes, but because we are stained by being Pfizer. What have we won? Name a thing?

We won our freedom to be a Free Agent on the open market with the verbal support & blessings of the Top Boss.
Whether you are good enough to "interview & compete" land another job offer as Lotz says, is different thing.
Free Agent so now it is up to you to sell your skills & talent for the highest offer

Handcuffs hand cuffs are off with strong support from the VP of Sales.
He said it as I was there & witnessed it with all 600 reps from Derm BioSimilars & Xeljanz at General Session at the National Sales Meeting in Feb just 90 days ago.
There were cameras filming & all the brand, marketing and management team witnesses is encouragement , support & direction.

I was in attendance also. Those quotes are precise & spot on. He kinda made it sound like we would be Stupid if we didnt interview w other companies and see what they would offer us. Think one quote was "we need to always know our value " .

Yes it was absolutely an inventation to unlock the doors & allow us to talk w other companies. He even mentioned Gilead Biogen saying talk to them & see what they will offer you.

I had zero intentions or desire to look at or interview with other companies until Lotz said directed us to do so at the NSM General Session. Myself & a most reps I know with Xeljanz left the mtg & immediately put a resume together to post for other companies.
We just followed his orders.

I want to thank him because i was offered a job 30k more base, 20k more bonus & 50k RSU stock a yr--- over 100k yr more total comp.
So THANK YOU Mr Jeff Lotz for all the Encouragement, Support, Direction & Guilt for my family if I did not do what you said.
This put about $2 million more career earnings in my pocket the next 20yrs. $$$$$$

Wow a 100% truth thread! I was witnessed him saying these exact things encouraging us to interview w other companies and he did say Biogen & Gilead "go talk to them & see what your value is. You owe it to yourself & family...."

Did say "if you get an offer you can not pass up , wish you all the best"

Handcuffs hand cuffs are off with strong support from the VP of Sales.
He said it as I was there & witnessed it with all 600 reps from Derm BioSimilars & Xeljanz at General Session at the National Sales Meeting in Feb just 90 days ago.
There were cameras filming & all the brand, marketing and management team witnesses is encouragement , support & direction.
YES Sir! My cousin is an employment attorney and she said, by his own comments & encouragement that any non-compete is invalid now in court unless he wants to be counter sued for Entrapment & Coercion with his encouragement for employees to seek better financial gain with other companies.

She also said Stupidity, Ignorance, Idiot & Fool are not a defense in court.

So we are free agents $$$$$$$$

so? What have we won? what game, set or match? We are still here. Still miserable. We can't go anywhere. Not because of any non-enforceable non-competes, but because we are stained by being Pfizer. What have we won? Name a thing?

Yes - so if you interview with other companies and compare offers, you’re just doing what your Pfizer bosses told you to do.

it’s no fun if your just doing what you were told.

Little Jeffrey Napoleon unlocked the legal dungeon gates for all of us. So send him a big thank you for allowing us to improve our quality of lives bettering ourselves & "family"
$$$$ free at last....

I pursued Gilead for one of their Inflammation positions last week. Had a great phone interview with the hiring manager who seemed eager to move me forward, but that's as far as I got. They take non-competes seriously, and their legal dept reviewed the non-compete I signed before Pfizer hired me. So while my gut tells me that non-competes are hard to win, and Lotz' speech certainly gives a green light to go where we want, we're still at the mercy of the comfort level that a direct hiring competitor has or doesn't have. While every state is different, the big factors with non-compete in my state seem to be 1) Was it signed before the hiring date (yes), 2) Do you have access to proprietary or competitively sensitive information (yes) and 3) Do you make more than the median family of four (yes). I'd be very curious to know if any I&I reps are moved forward with Gilead's inflammation division (not HIV, HCV, etc).

I pursued Gilead for one of their Inflammation positions last week. Had a great phone interview with the hiring manager who seemed eager to move me forward, but that's as far as I got. They take non-competes seriously, and their legal dept reviewed the non-compete I signed before Pfizer hired me. So while my gut tells me that non-competes are hard to win, and Lotz' speech certainly gives a green light to go where we want, we're still at the mercy of the comfort level that a direct hiring competitor has or doesn't have. While every state is different, the big factors with non-compete in my state seem to be 1) Was it signed before the hiring date (yes), 2) Do you have access to proprietary or competitively sensitive information (yes) and 3) Do you make more than the median family of four (yes). I'd be very curious to know if any I&I reps are moved forward with Gilead's inflammation division (not HIV, HCV, etc).
This is true. While Lotz unlock the gates green light support & encouragement, hiring companies do take it serious if you disclose you have a non compete.
Some Big Pharma will call Pfizer's bluff like Lilly Novartis and recently BMS hired 6-7 Xeljanz reps nationally to launch their GI drug in 2021 (putting reps on MS drug now in 2020 as a bridge gap )
Smaller co & Biotech who are paying HUGE compensation do not want to risk, so it falls onto the hiring companies legal dept & lawyers if they want to move forward w a candidate.

It does sound like over 100 Xeljanz reps posted for Biogen & that company is NOT moving forward w any Xeljanz reps w a non compete in the same territory.

So if you want to pursue a smaller co or even a Biotech, do not disclose you have a non-compete & take responsibility if Lotz tries to enforce it (he cant due to his own direction to reps & if he did then he is legally liable for inducing entrapment).
Or just apply for a different territory than you have now as non-competes are only for the same customers you have called on in the past 12-24months

LOTZ is a complete Moron Idiot. Plain & simple. He had ZERO game even though he thinks he does with his loud big mouth trying to establish an imagine.
Bottom line Jeff Lotz cares but nobody except himself- Period.
He is not like some previous leaders who actually care what you thought & viewed you more than an employee number.
This guy is a tool & really a bozo when it comes to leadership IQ.
What leader says the things he says & runs his mouth trying to be big shot & cocky?? Only one that I know & that guy is in the White House.

Surprise the walking emotional intelligence time bomb is still around after all these yrs with negative comments & jokes toward Females, Lesbians, Blacks and minorities. The guy is a liability for Pfizer.
But he tries to paint an image w stories of his family, kids college, family outings etc. He is narrsasistical clown who has a false ego created by insecurities just like the guy he personally says he likes & admires- Trump.
"Trump mini me in Pfizer".
Glad I left the division into NY HQ before he became VP-- how the hell did that happen having not every being a rep or manager or anything in Sales?

I pursued Gilead for one of their Inflammation positions last week. Had a great phone interview with the hiring manager who seemed eager to move me forward, but that's as far as I got. They take non-competes seriously, and their legal dept reviewed the non-compete I signed before Pfizer hired me. So while my gut tells me that non-competes are hard to win, and Lotz' speech certainly gives a green light to go where we want, we're still at the mercy of the comfort level that a direct hiring competitor has or doesn't have. While every state is different, the big factors with non-compete in my state seem to be 1) Was it signed before the hiring date (yes), 2) Do you have access to proprietary or competitively sensitive information (yes) and 3) Do you make more than the median family of four (yes). I'd be very curious to know if any I&I reps are moved forward with Gilead's inflammation division (not HIV, HCV, etc).

If you have a non compete which half the I&I reps do, even though Lotz left you off legally now in the court of law, Biotechs will not touch you unless it is a different geography or role.
Big Pharma will hire you like BMS GSK but not established well respected Biotechs like Genentech, Gilead, Biogen.

I had zero intentions or desire to look at or interview with other companies until Lotz said directed us to do so at the NSM General Session. Myself & a most reps I know with Xeljanz left the mtg & immediately put a resume together to post for other companies.
We just followed his orders.

I want to thank him because i was offered a job 30k more base, 20k more bonus & 50k RSU stock a yr--- over 100k yr more total comp.
So THANK YOU Mr Jeff Lotz for all the Encouragement, Support, Direction & Guilt for my family if I did not do what you said.
This put about $2 million more career earnings in my pocket the next 20yrs. $$$$$$
Same here sister!
I had zero intentions of applying with other companies until Jeff Lotz told us we should & said he even talks to companies to see how attractive offers are.
I am OK w Pfizer, not good not bad in I&I for me but I did start posting for jobs w other companies after Lotz direction after the NSM encourage me. I ve had several interviews set up even completed a few phone interviews to move to next round then Virus lockdown & froze a lot of hiring. But the hiring directors are keeping touch with me every week or 2 to stay connected (more than I ve ever heard from my Xeljanz RD )

Just smile all the way to the bank $$$$
Lotz did all of us a favor with his supportive comments to look at what other companies have to offer.
I witnessed his NSM General Session arrogant speech of "grass is green on both sides... just decide which grass is good for you"
The comment about "we owe it to ourselves and families for financial security.." was what got me to pull the trigger to get my resume updated & on the streets
(As much interest I have generated, I am glad he encouraged us to pursue what is financially best for our families)

Just smile all the way to the bank $$$$
Lotz did all of us a favor with his supportive comments to look at what other companies have to offer.
I witnessed his NSM General Session arrogant speech of "grass is green on both sides... just decide which grass is good for you"
The comment about "we owe it to ourselves and families for financial security.." was what got me to pull the trigger to get my resume updated & on the streets
(As much interest I have generated, I am glad he encouraged us to pursue what is financially best for our families)
He said it.
We did it
He can not get mad because we took his advice.
Checkmate to our VP!

He said it.
We did it
He can not get mad because we took his advice.
Checkmate to our VP!
Yes he did and in front of the entire I&I division including 600 reps.
Game Set Match for us. No way he can even try to enforce any non compete in court as if you lawyer up , big $$$$ counter suit victory for us under several legal charges --supporting, encouraging and giving direction to look for other jobs & see what offers we warrant for our value & skills. NOT JUST ONCE BUT SEVERAL TIMES INCLUDING NSM, LEADERSHIP MTG, AND SEVERAL CONF CALLS.
Even law school student would win counter suit on these grounds.
Ladies ,we also had additional ammo of behavior if needed and he wants to fight fire with fire--- you all know exactly what I mean!
(Going all way back to Wyeth days)

All of us were surprised when he said it at the managers mtg in Atlanta in front of entire Leadership Team for Derm Biosimilar Xeljanz.
Then he said it a 2nd time at NSM to all the reps.
Since those encouraging directive speeches people who had no desire to talk to other companies have and left with big financial gain.
I even got interviews with 4 companies and in final stages with 2.