Well there is a new sheriff in town...
Well there is a new sheriff in town...
CARP is a total loser and looks the part. Bringing him into a meeting is very embarrassing and useless. When someone at that level can't negotiate for a Voyant conversion, the reps hard work is all for nothing.
Nobody here can. I would have had the largest evaluation in the Western US in Voyant. The hospital actually called me, yes, you read that correctly, they called me wanting to evaluate Voyant. Molly got involved and she torpedo'd the entire thing.
If you get a Voyant eval opportunity do not tell anyone above you and act solely on your own. Getting upper mgmt involved only increases the chance of failure. Skip all the stupid steps and VPM meetings and paperwork requests(fyi, your VPM will end up taking all the credit for your work so why bring them in, they add zero value). Give yourself two weeks of wiggle room for the start date and just have the hospital submit a PO for whatever number of boxes of handpieces and the $200 for the generator. Once that PO is submitted wait for the call. When you get it from RSM just say you were talking with a KOL who was extremely excited, you threw out some pricing($400-$425 will keep you safe) and he must have really had some pull and went to materials. What's mgmt going to say? Nobody is selling this crap so they aren't going to scold you. You look incredible for selling this garbage and the VPM are shown as useless. Or follow the rules, get mgmt involved, all the people at RSM who have to go over paperwork and CVA's who throw up roadblocks that only justify their job and more than likely lose the sale. The choice is yours.
That being said only about 3% of you will have that opportunity since we are talking about doctors actually wanting Voyant....