

Interestingly, we went from 65 scripts to 120 according to the t/c.
But its the same time period we were given last week
what a bunch of crap

company doesn't get it
this drug is a dog
bring back liptruzet
it would be better than this crapper

Interestingly, we went from 65 scripts to 120 according to the t/c.
But its the same time period we were given last week
what a bunch of crap

company doesn't get it
this drug is a dog
bring back liptruzet
it would be better than this crapper

How many total patients treated to date since launch?

Interestingly, we went from 65 scripts to 120 according to the t/c.
But its the same time period we were given last week
what a bunch of crap

company doesn't get it
this drug is a dog
bring back liptruzet
it would be better than this crapper

Maybe patients are using mail order now so the are counting the 3 months of refills to come up with the 120.

The question is...how many total patients treated and how many total providers treating?
(Breadth and Depth?)

What is criminal is that the TIMI group writes great subgroup data in journals but reuses to write even a single script! The East coast is on life support with scripts and only the South is getting anything done with the brand.

This has to be a tax write off for the company. This is a loser like the Grastek division. They don't sell enough to warrant their pay checks. Who's running this ship? Is it the Juvisnyc MBA working his magic? How does one really allow this crap to continue?

I am a new patient on Vorapaxar, and am shocked to find the posts here about this product. What is wrong with your people? If you are selling a product that isn't working, or worth the price, or whatever, what on earth are you doing?
Now I wonder why I am on this drug if it was because one of you sales rep that walked into the office the morning before I did?
What is a better alternative than Vorapaxar for me? This is a sick website. I am talking about my health my life, and you seem to be crying about your job, your boss, your career, your lifestyle..... I don't care anything about that, sorry, I am just trying to live, and see my granddaughter get into first grade.

I am a new patient on Vorapaxar, and am shocked to find the posts here about this product. What is wrong with your people? If you are selling a product that isn't working, or worth the price, or whatever, what on earth are you doing?
Now I wonder why I am on this drug if it was because one of you sales rep that walked into the office the morning before I did?
What is a better alternative than Vorapaxar for me? This is a sick website. I am talking about my health my life, and you seem to be crying about your job, your boss, your career, your lifestyle..... I don't care anything about that, sorry, I am just trying to live, and see my granddaughter get into first grade.

This website is for us, not patients. If you want the load of crap we feed the patients, go somewhere else. Merck will tell you all of the company bullshit there. You shouldn't believe any of it, of course, but it will make you feel better about the complete lineup of crap that we sell.

CV rep here, The drug has value for sick cath lab patients with multi-vessel disease and in PAD. I have a number of cards writing the drug in both places. What is frustrating is that we are not getting enough support from the home office in regards to having available speakers for MMFs and in regards to creating positive buzz with academic thought leaders around the country. Many community-based cards are amenable to our messaging but we are getting killed in academic centers. The company needs to become much more aggressive at the national level and in getting more positive buzz on sites like the Heart.org. I dislike a lot Gregg stone and his people but they would create buzz around Zontivity if they were involved with our brand.

CV rep here, The drug has value for sick cath lab patients with multi-vessel disease and in PAD. I have a number of cards writing the drug in both places. What is frustrating is that we are not getting enough support from the home office in regards to having available speakers for MMFs and in regards to creating positive buzz with academic thought leaders around the country. Many community-based cards are amenable to our messaging but we are getting killed in academic centers. The company needs to become much more aggressive at the national level and in getting more positive buzz on sites like the Heart.org. I dislike a lot Gregg stone and his people but they would create buzz around Zontivity if they were involved with our brand.

There is a CD in Cincinnati that will saw anything for a buck get in touch with the local hospital rep they will

The only place zontivity succeeded was in patients that already demonstrated tolerability to anti-platelet therapy. And they still bled more! In other patient types, the bleeding was unacceptably high including stable TIA patients.

Why oh why would we use that over drugs we already know?

Ask your manager or director to explain in one sentence why this drug should be used instead of effient.

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