Vorapaxar flops at ACC


Well, even the PI does not think this drug will get FDA approval. It has a 1.2 percent benefit above standard of care but about a 2 percent greater risk of bleeding over standard of care. I would call that a wash. SP's billion dollar blockbuster is worthless. The PI actually recommened the other two more potent ADPs instead of Plavix or this drug. Wow, fast Freddie and Carrie - two dirtballs proabably still employed, highly rated executives and they are nothing but scum who could not run a research organization if their lives actually depended on it. Hey, but they were masters of the corporate game. Almost all smoke and mirrors is what Merck bought.


When a company increases the dividend and buys back stock, it tells you it has no faith in R&D. Rather than taking that money and investing in itself, it would just give it away. Just think about it. We have no pipeline, the FDA is slapping us around, and QA/QC is a joke. If Merck felt that it could be turned around with the current staff it would throw money at the problems. Even with the pipeline issues, they have cut R&D spending every year over the past 3 years. They understand that throwing good money after bad is a waste of time. When China is full ramped up (sooner than later now) we will have real scientists who are hungry and have a desire to work. The pipeline will open up and everyone will be happy again. Except the US R&D department. They will become a distant memory of a time that should be long forgotten. They are complete and utter failures.

flop after flop after flop

From story on associated press:

After three years, about 9 percent of those given vorapaxar had suffered a heart attack or a stroke or had died from heart-related causes versus more than 10 percent of those not given the drug. Moderate or severe bleeding occurred in about 4 percent of those on vorapaxar versus just more than 2 percent of the others, said the study'sy leader, Dr. David Morrow of Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston.
"This is not a drug that I would put in my personal medicine chest," said Dr. Eduardo Marban of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles."

At least we got saph-risk, dull-era, & bust-eprevir from Schering :-(

"This is not a drug that I would put in my personal medicine chest," said Dr. Eduardo Marban of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles."

At least we got saph-risk, dull-era, & bust-eprevir from Schering :-(

Peter Kim is here in Chicago at the American College of Cardiology’s (ACC's) 2012 Annual meeting. One wonders what that means exactly. All the more so since he drinks vino like Gatorade and is absolutely useless to talk to. Half the table left last night after 30 min because he guffaws incessantly like a 100 dB mule.

So much for 15 X 15. LOL - We are going to be lucky if it is 5 X 15. You think our Execs will lose their jobs but end up with HUGE golden parachutes anyway? I bet they will each find a way to spin their straw into more gold while we (the salesforce) get a 3 month severance and a kick out the door. R&D is already headed to Chiina. How does sht like this happen? Other companies can design trials and drugs that succeed. Are our execs really this poor at steering the ship that used to be Merck? We cannot even get a "me-too" put through. Personally, I think everyone at the top is too busy playing CYA to get anything meaningful done.

You would drink too if every product under your watch was a failure. I ask again: How is it that these miserable human beings make millions, are given huge responsibilites that they continually f-up and all they get is a glowing Wikipedia page and more money/fame rather than a swift kick in the ass?

Well, even the PI does not think this drug will get FDA approval. It has a 1.2 percent benefit above standard of care but about a 2 percent greater risk of bleeding over standard of care. I would call that a wash. SP's billion dollar blockbuster is worthless. The PI actually recommened the other two more potent ADPs instead of Plavix or this drug. Wow, fast Freddie and Carrie - two dirtballs proabably still employed, highly rated executives and they are nothing but scum who could not run a research organization if their lives actually depended on it. Hey, but they were masters of the corporate game. Almost all smoke and mirrors is what Merck bought.


Don't blame SP---blame the idiots at Merck. It is they who were too stupid to see that they were buying a bowl of feces.

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