Voice your opinion! HOW BAD DOES IT SUCK AT MERCK!!!

Not that bad really. Could be a lot worse. Lots of gripes here in CP, but I get a sense that it is a loud and gruntled minority. Most are not great but fine.

You could not be more wrong. The misery is everywhere, it has permeated every nook and cranny of the company. Morale is in the crapper and it's only going to get worse.

Considering the present state of the country, industry and company, I can deal with the 2% raise. Thank you. What pisses me off is that in this same environment our "leader" takes a 16% raise. That's BULLSHIT.

Then consider what a massive mistake it was to "partner" with the gangster-in-chief in the White House. Ken should surrender his pay increases over the past four years if he had any dignity at all.

You're the fucking idiot, no talent complainer, go somewhere else if Merck is so bad. Wait, you can't because you know you cannot get any better. Whining about two percent raises, what cave have you been hiding in, majority of workers in the USA have either gotten pay freezes or decreases. If we have people going postal we as an organization need to do a better job at hiring strong minded people instead of these pussies. Last thing, the favoritism you complain about is called networking, read a book about it. Blame yourself for your status, if you don't like it, do something about. What a whiny bunch of entitled bitches.

We should just be happy to have a job. These losers should just leave

We should just be happy to have a job. These losers should just leave

Frankly, I think most are trying to leave! However, with the pharm industry in general, there are more layoffs than jobs. Actavis just bought Forest labs, and Forest is scared. Purdue Pharma is laying off in droves, as is Novartis. Let me say that we were one of the very lucky ones who made it out of Merck and got a stellar package in this economy.

Of my friends/clients who are staying, the are in that 50-something range hoping to get a package to be bridged to retirement. He doesn't know what to do. So sad.

So why are you here, douche-bag? Are you the great American patriot who will teach us how to shut up and put up? Hey, here's an American concept for you: Free speech. Deal with it.

This Merckie hasn't ever been laid off, yet!! You'll never again make this easy of money. Wait to you have to start selling the services of a nursing agency!! But you're better than that!! You can get a specialty position selling some injectionable!! Wait. You can't!! You're stucky Nasonex into it's 17th year. Why?? Because it's easy frickin money!!! So, stop bitchin and start saving a little extra for your McMansion payments when you're searching for that perfect job!!

Not that bad really. Could be a lot worse. Lots of gripes here in CP, but I get a sense that it is a loud and gruntled minority. Most are not great but fine.

Actually, "most" have already been thrown out of the company or chose to run out of this burning building at break-neck speed. (Who could blame them?) My, how quickly we forget.

The leftovers that remain are sweating it out. Don't believe for a second that all is well among the ranks. If you do, you're playing right into management's hand---they're managing your perceptions at this point, which is the best they can do. It's a mess.

This Merckie hasn't ever been laid off, yet!! You'll never again make this easy of money. Wait to you have to start selling the services of a nursing agency!! But you're better than that!! You can get a specialty position selling some injectionable!! Wait. You can't!! You're stucky Nasonex into it's 17th year. Why?? Because it's easy frickin money!!! So, stop bitchin and start saving a little extra for your McMansion payments when you're searching for that perfect job!!

You are a total dipshit. Your assumptions are all totally off. You don't know the first thing about me or anyone else here, so stop your childish guessing games and man the f%&k up. This company sucks badly, everyone knows it. The only REAL whiny bitch here is you. Throwing a diaper fit every time someone gives Merck the big FU it so richly deserves.

All you can contribute is frothy foam at the mouth, spewing nonsense about some "nursing agency" and "McMansions". Get over yourself. Your shtick of trying to be oh so clever is just pathetic.
Face it: you're a caped crusader in pink diapers. Time to add a bib to your wardrobe because you are drooling all over yourself.

I heard the bonus number came it at 73%. Is that true?

Depends on your division but, the low 70s overall. The low survey scores are completely the failure of management but the robber barons that now run this company have turned the knife and use the low scores to further punish those they have failed with minimal merit and bonus pay. At this point it would be less insulting for them to just suspend merit increases and bonuses instead of using the horrific working conditions THEY created to justify handing out payments so far below the targets they set for us.

How the BoD can continue to award such high bonuses, salary increases and stock awards to the C-suite is a complete mystery. The fact that they take them while further screwing anyone who once made this company great is a complete outrage.

Depends on your division but, the low 70s overall. The low survey scores are completely the failure of management but the robber barons that now run this company have turned the knife and use the low scores to further punish those they have failed with minimal merit and bonus pay. At this point it would be less insulting for them to just suspend merit increases and bonuses instead of using the horrific working conditions THEY created to justify handing out payments so far below the targets they set for us.

How the BoD can continue to award such high bonuses, salary increases and stock awards to the C-suite is a complete mystery. The fact that they take them while further screwing anyone who once made this company great is a complete outrage.

I totally agree. I actually thought that below 80% of target meant no bonus at all. I guess that is flexible, but still a total insult. Many of us have sat around our kitchen table lately wondering why the Board seems lifeless. And I always wondered how those in the executive suite could sleep at night knowing what they are doing. I fear what the merit increase is going to be.

Some of the areas seem like a third world country with unkempt bathrooms, common areas and abandoned cube farms. I always thought you lead by example. In this case, they are thumbing their noses at the people who "run the railroad."

I think Merck senior mgmt needs a lot of prayer!

I totally agree. I actually thought that below 80% of target meant no bonus at all. I guess that is flexible, but still a total insult. Many of us have sat around our kitchen table lately wondering why the Board seems lifeless. And I always wondered how those in the executive suite could sleep at night knowing what they are doing. I fear what the merit increase is going to be.

Some of the areas seem like a third world country with unkempt bathrooms, common areas and abandoned cube farms. I always thought you lead by example. In this case, they are thumbing their noses at the people who "run the railroad."

I think Merck senior mgmt needs a lot of prayer!

They need to be in jail.

You're the fucking idiot, no talent complainer, go somewhere else if Merck is so bad. Wait, you can't because you know you cannot get any better. Whining about two percent raises, what cave have you been hiding in, majority of workers in the USA have either gotten pay freezes or decreases. If we have people going postal we as an organization need to do a better job at hiring strong minded people instead of these pussies. Last thing, the favoritism you complain about is called networking, read a book about it. Blame yourself for your status, if you don't like it, do something about. What a whiny bunch of entitled bitches.

Do you kiss your mother with that mouth? the favoritsim isn't networking....it is called unethical. You should not be vacationing with your manager/director. But then again, I see where your morals are.

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