Voice your opinion! HOW BAD DOES IT SUCK AT MERCK!!!


Merck sucks so bad. I've rather dip my nuts in a boiling pot
of oil than work for them. Please sell consumer care so I want
have to burn my nuts.
Thanks. Cleveland

And Cleveland has one of the few good managers, Russ What's-his-name. Nice guy. There are just a few good ones. He's surrounded by some duds, though, not that I know all of them or anything. Ohio is pretty hit-or-miss. You'd really be unhappy where I am. I wouldn't hire a single one of these CTLs.

This company is in its worst shape in all the many years I've been here. The smiles and laughter I see at the meetings are transparently phony. We all know what's coming.

And Cleveland has one of the few good managers, Russ What's-his-name. Nice guy. There are just a few good ones. He's surrounded by some duds, though, not that I know all of them or anything. Ohio is pretty hit-or-miss. You'd really be unhappy where I am. I wouldn't hire a single one of these CTLs.

This company is in its worst shape in all the many years I've been here. The smiles and laughter I see at the meetings are transparently phony. We all know what's coming.

I'd bet that was Cleveland, TN checking in. You know, the MCC packaging plant. Nice to know OH sales manager is decent.

People at this company are so entitled, have some perspective people, tell me where you get paid handsomely for minimal work? Complainers on this board are a microcosm of whats wrong in America.

People at this company are so entitled, have some perspective people, tell me where you get paid handsomely for minimal work? Complainers on this board are a microcosm of whats wrong in America.

So why are you here, douche-bag? Are you the great American patriot who will teach us how to shut up and put up? Hey, here's an American concept for you: Free speech. Deal with it.

People at this company are so entitled, have some perspective people, tell me where you get paid handsomely for minimal work? Complainers on this board are a microcosm of whats wrong in America.

Disclaimer: I have many clients who work in all areas of Merck, and I formally worked in MRL and MMD.

Not all employees have it so good as sales. My friends and clients work, on average, 55+ hour weeks (no overtime) hoping to get a bonus and a better than puny raise. Granted, there are those who work in entitled areas. I just know it applies to very few.

To answer the question, I will tell you what my friend said, "At least it is not Afghanistan."

Poster #6. You are an idiot. It is not all about $ and not everyone sits around with their thumb up their ass. I was actually raised with a work ethic and I work hard for my money. I have given Merck a lot of blood, sweat and tears over the last 16 years. In the beginning of my employment, Merck actually cared about it's employees, not they do not. Just when you think there is nothing else they can take from you, they take your trashcan. Really? This alone is going to cause less production as people will parade back and forth all day to throw away a dirty kleenex and I don't blame them. I am not asking for all the freebies from yesterday-year, all I am asking for is a clean, healthy environment.

May be sales is paid very well, but from where I am sitting, with the crappy raises of the last few years (with 2% being a "good raise"), the increase in insurance costs, the increase in the cost of living, I am actually making way less than I was 6 years ago, and ok, I get it, it is our current environment, but the filth that begins in the parking garage and continues into the building as office area's is outright disgusting. The paper towels could not get any cheaper, the toilet paper is a joke. It is hard for me to believe I work for a multi billion dollar company.

Another disgrace is the way recent layoffs were handled. Sending a meeting request out to every single employee in the group the day before and allowing stress to mount this way is awful. And to announce it 5 months before it actually happens. Watching good, hard working individuals being escorted to the door, while manager "pets" or "friends" who show up for 5 hours a day and may work 2 of the 5 get promoted and have cocky attitudes that they are certain they are safe. Merck is fortunate that people are not dropping over dead on site from the stress, or going postal. This nonsense has been going on since 2003 and they preach about doing it with dignity and respect. SMH

Poster #6. You are an idiot. It is not all about $ and not everyone sits around with their thumb up their ass. I was actually raised with a work ethic and I work hard for my money. I have given Merck a lot of blood, sweat and tears over the last 16 years. In the beginning of my employment, Merck actually cared about it's employees, not they do not. Just when you think there is nothing else they can take from you, they take your trashcan. Really? This alone is going to cause less production as people will parade back and forth all day to throw away a dirty kleenex and I don't blame them. I am not asking for all the freebies from yesterday-year, all I am asking for is a clean, healthy environment.

May be sales is paid very well, but from where I am sitting, with the crappy raises of the last few years (with 2% being a "good raise"), the increase in insurance costs, the increase in the cost of living, I am actually making way less than I was 6 years ago, and ok, I get it, it is our current environment, but the filth that begins in the parking garage and continues into the building as office area's is outright disgusting. The paper towels could not get any cheaper, the toilet paper is a joke. It is hard for me to believe I work for a multi billion dollar company.

Another disgrace is the way recent layoffs were handled. Sending a meeting request out to every single employee in the group the day before and allowing stress to mount this way is awful. And to announce it 5 months before it actually happens. Watching good, hard working individuals being escorted to the door, while manager "pets" or "friends" who show up for 5 hours a day and may work 2 of the 5 get promoted and have cocky attitudes that they are certain they are safe. Merck is fortunate that people are not dropping over dead on site from the stress, or going postal. This nonsense has been going on since 2003 and they preach about doing it with dignity and respect. SMH

I'm shocked! did we not give you coach roaches and bed bugs? What else do you want?

Poster #6. You are an idiot. It is not all about $ and not everyone sits around with their thumb up their ass. I was actually raised with a work ethic and I work hard for my money. I have given Merck a lot of blood, sweat and tears over the last 16 years. In the beginning of my employment, Merck actually cared about it's employees, not they do not. Just when you think there is nothing else they can take from you, they take your trashcan. Really? This alone is going to cause less production as people will parade back and forth all day to throw away a dirty kleenex and I don't blame them. I am not asking for all the freebies from yesterday-year, all I am asking for is a clean, healthy environment.

May be sales is paid very well, but from where I am sitting, with the crappy raises of the last few years (with 2% being a "good raise"), the increase in insurance costs, the increase in the cost of living, I am actually making way less than I was 6 years ago, and ok, I get it, it is our current environment, but the filth that begins in the parking garage and continues into the building as office area's is outright disgusting. The paper towels could not get any cheaper, the toilet paper is a joke. It is hard for me to believe I work for a multi billion dollar company.

Another disgrace is the way recent layoffs were handled. Sending a meeting request out to every single employee in the group the day before and allowing stress to mount this way is awful. And to announce it 5 months before it actually happens. Watching good, hard working individuals being escorted to the door, while manager "pets" or "friends" who show up for 5 hours a day and may work 2 of the 5 get promoted and have cocky attitudes that they are certain they are safe. Merck is fortunate that people are not dropping over dead on site from the stress, or going postal. This nonsense has been going on since 2003 and they preach about doing it with dignity and respect. SMH

Spot on! I actually know 2 people who had strokes on site due to the stress.

From the perspective of experience spanning several of the
world's largest pharma co(s), Merck clearly ranks at the bottom.
WHY? Because of Merck's widespread poor management style in treatment of its employees.

While every top global pharma co. goes through business cycles, I've witnessed Merck's management style & tactics that consistently and clearly strive to demotivate otherwise highly talented top performing individuals.
Such approach to employees is NOT a hallmark by which top world class companies succeed, driven by its employee strengths & contributions.

Poster #6. You are an idiot. It is not all about $ and not everyone sits around with their thumb up their ass. I was actually raised with a work ethic and I work hard for my money. I have given Merck a lot of blood, sweat and tears over the last 16 years. In the beginning of my employment, Merck actually cared about it's employees, not they do not. Just when you think there is nothing else they can take from you, they take your trashcan. Really? This alone is going to cause less production as people will parade back and forth all day to throw away a dirty kleenex and I don't blame them. I am not asking for all the freebies from yesterday-year, all I am asking for is a clean, healthy environment.

May be sales is paid very well, but from where I am sitting, with the crappy raises of the last few years (with 2% being a "good raise"), the increase in insurance costs, the increase in the cost of living, I am actually making way less than I was 6 years ago, and ok, I get it, it is our current environment, but the filth that begins in the parking garage and continues into the building as office area's is outright disgusting. The paper towels could not get any cheaper, the toilet paper is a joke. It is hard for me to believe I work for a multi billion dollar company.

Another disgrace is the way recent layoffs were handled. Sending a meeting request out to every single employee in the group the day before and allowing stress to mount this way is awful. And to announce it 5 months before it actually happens. Watching good, hard working individuals being escorted to the door, while manager "pets" or "friends" who show up for 5 hours a day and may work 2 of the 5 get promoted and have cocky attitudes that they are certain they are safe. Merck is fortunate that people are not dropping over dead on site from the stress, or going postal. This nonsense has been going on since 2003 and they preach about doing it with dignity and respect. SMH

You're the fucking idiot, no talent complainer, go somewhere else if Merck is so bad. Wait, you can't because you know you cannot get any better. Whining about two percent raises, what cave have you been hiding in, majority of workers in the USA have either gotten pay freezes or decreases. If we have people going postal we as an organization need to do a better job at hiring strong minded people instead of these pussies. Last thing, the favoritism you complain about is called networking, read a book about it. Blame yourself for your status, if you don't like it, do something about. What a whiny bunch of entitled bitches.

It is so bad working for this POS company that they now base your bonus on whether you answer the questions on the surveys in away that makes the company score card high

You're the fucking idiot, no talent complainer, go somewhere else if Merck is so bad. Wait, you can't because you know you cannot get any better. Whining about two percent raises, what cave have you been hiding in, majority of workers in the USA have either gotten pay freezes or decreases. If we have people going postal we as an organization need to do a better job at hiring strong minded people instead of these pussies. Last thing, the favoritism you complain about is called networking, read a book about it. Blame yourself for your status, if you don't like it, do something about. What a whiny bunch of entitled bitches.

Sadly, the best have already left Merck because they were lured away by better offers from other pharm or biotech companies. This is going back to the 1990's when lucrative early retirement packages were offered. Now, I am only talking from a West Point and Rahway perspective. And about the 2% raise, that has been actually considered a stellar raise in the last five years. It's been more like less than 1.5%. And with benefit increases, everyone was falling behind a little bit every year for at least the last 6 years. It was no secret that Merck was compressing salaries. It's like the fable of the Blind Man and the Elephant. It really depends on which part of the elephant you are touching.

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