VOCS is just a douche

The more you post on this, the more unbelievable you are. In the years past, you didn't have your (Really Stupid) Avatar. Then you would post, and answer your posts. How do I know? Your grade school verbiage and writing style.

So you admit that your so called post was never made by VOCS, and you assumed to be able to read the mind of the person making the post, and assumed that was VOCS. What is it the marines say about people who assume? You just can't stay away can you? By your own admition youve been following VOCS for 4 years. Talk about not having a life. You win the prize, jagoff. YOU ARE THE BIGGEST LOSER ON CAFEPHARMA!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Or, more likely, I was a pfizer rep for 30 years. You're too stupid to realize it. Prove differently, asswipe. In the meantime, thanks for the attention, and for proving my credibility.

Or more likely you just surf the net and cut out big fancy words that look like Pharma terms. Come on VOCS. Admit it. You were NEVER a Pfizer rep and certainly not for 30 years. I know this for a fact. First off, Pfizer does NOT keep reps that long on payroll. No way, no how, don't care what you claim they did for you...that is a boldface lie. Also, if you were a sales rep, what were your KPI's for your district per month? How many SLE's did you have to complete in order to maintain your quota? When forecasting your district, in alignment with the future growth of your district, hard sales vs soft sales, what was your prediction on both. Now if you can answer those questions....and answer them truthfully, then you may have some credibility on your claim of being a sales rep. These are BASIC, first year sales questions. You do not have to divulge any classified information to answer these, just answer the questions and you will have "bitch slapped" a lot of people on here and no one can claim you don't know what your talking about. Come on VOCs, the ball is in your court now. I will check back to see your answers.

So you admit that your so called post was never made by VOCS, and you assumed to be able to read the mind of the person making the post, and assumed that was VOCS. What is it the marines say about people who assume? You just can't stay away can you? By your own admition youve been following VOCS for 4 years. Talk about not having a life. You win the prize, jagoff. YOU ARE THE BIGGEST LOSER ON CAFEPHARMA!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

My point is made. You are a pathetic homebound moran trying to play with the big boys. You are regressing.

VOCs makes Dwight Schrute appear balanced.

Or more likely you just surf the net and cut out big fancy words that look like Pharma terms. Come on VOCS. Admit it. You were NEVER a Pfizer rep and certainly not for 30 years. I know this for a fact. First off, Pfizer does NOT keep reps that long on payroll. No way, no how, don't care what you claim they did for you...that is a boldface lie. Also, if you were a sales rep, what were your KPI's for your district per month? How many SLE's did you have to complete in order to maintain your quota? When forecasting your district, in alignment with the future growth of your district, hard sales vs soft sales, what was your prediction on both. Now if you can answer those questions....and answer them truthfully, then you may have some credibility on your claim of being a sales rep. These are BASIC, first year sales questions. You do not have to divulge any classified information to answer these, just answer the questions and you will have "bitch slapped" a lot of people on here and no one can claim you don't know what your talking about. Come on VOCs, the ball is in your court now. I will check back to see your answers.

Good post. VOCs must be lost in space trying to find information. About 4-5 years ago I asked him question that was PI related, yet with inside insight, and he gave some answer that was out in left field. VOCs is a pathetic loser.

Or more likely you just surf the net and cut out big fancy words that look like Pharma terms. Come on VOCS. Admit it. You were NEVER a Pfizer rep and certainly not for 30 years. I know this for a fact. First off, Pfizer does NOT keep reps that long on payroll. No way, no how, don't care what you claim they did for you...that is a boldface lie. Also, if you were a sales rep, what were your KPI's for your district per month? How many SLE's did you have to complete in order to maintain your quota? When forecasting your district, in alignment with the future growth of your district, hard sales vs soft sales, what was your prediction on both. Now if you can answer those questions....and answer them truthfully, then you may have some credibility on your claim of being a sales rep. These are BASIC, first year sales questions. You do not have to divulge any classified information to answer these, just answer the questions and you will have "bitch slapped" a lot of people on here and no one can claim you don't know what your talking about. Come on VOCs, the ball is in your court now. I will check back to see your answers.

Answers? Are you shitting me? Who do you work for ace? Not the pfizer I know. If you do work for pfizer now, you must have come over from one of the schlock houses we bought. KPI, SLE, district forcasting, hard sales and soft sales(only if you sell viagra). Listen shit4brains. I retired in '07. My business plan consisted of several S.M.A.R.T. goals, which we ignored for the rest of the year. In 30 years I had about 25 different business plan templates, and none of them meant anything. If you do work for pfizer, how about calling on some doctors instead of wasting time on SLE's and district forecasting. Holy shit!

Answers? Are you shitting me? Who do you work for ace? Not the pfizer I know. If you do work for pfizer now, you must have come over from one of the schlock houses we bought. KPI, SLE, district forcasting, hard sales and soft sales(only if you sell viagra). Listen shit4brains. I retired in '07. My business plan consisted of several S.M.A.R.T. goals, which we ignored for the rest of the year. In 30 years I had about 25 different business plan templates, and none of them meant anything. If you do work for pfizer, how about calling on some doctors instead of wasting time on SLE's and district forecasting. Holy shit!

VOCS, why are you here if you are retired? That alone proves you are a loser. And you have been retired since 2007. You have been doing this for over 4 years in your retirement? Wow.

Answers? Are you shitting me? Who do you work for ace? Not the pfizer I know. If you do work for pfizer now, you must have come over from one of the schlock houses we bought. KPI, SLE, district forcasting, hard sales and soft sales(only if you sell viagra). Listen shit4brains. I retired in '07. My business plan consisted of several S.M.A.R.T. goals, which we ignored for the rest of the year. In 30 years I had about 25 different business plan templates, and none of them meant anything. If you do work for pfizer, how about calling on some doctors instead of wasting time on SLE's and district forecasting. Holy shit!

No VOCS I was not shitting you, and Like I said, these were basic questions, and your response just proved my point, that you never have, nor never worked for Pfizer, or any other Pharma company.You could not even answer BASIC questions that any salesman could answer. Problem was you did not understand what the acronyms stood for...once again proving your a liar. You can stay on here all you want insulting people, calling them names, "shit4brains" or whatever other witty terms you hear from a 5 year old. But the truth is, you never worked in this industry, and that point has been made and proven. So if you must feel better about yourself and continue to stay on here and insult everyone so be it. This is the only response you will get from me, as I do not waste my time with 'pretenders' who try to be something they are not. So say what you will if that makes you feel like a big man. I proved my point.....your a loser, a liar, and fake. Enjoy your "retirement." ....yeah right.

Actually, my answer proves that I retired from Pfizer. However, since pfizer is now an amalgam of several different companies, maybe your acronyms are valid. When did they occur? Are you telling me that they were around in 1975? Or 1980? Are you stupid enough to think that your acronyms have been part of pfizer for over 30 years? Your company wasn't a part of pfizer for 30 years. All you've proven is that you are a complete idiot, on so many levels. BTW, my health insurance card is quite valid, so I guess I did actually retire from charlie.

I retired in 2006 and I don't recognize any of that either. Hard and soft sales? Is that a part of the territory analysis that they'd make the newbies do and report at POA meetings?

Actually, my answer proves that I retired from Pfizer. However, since pfizer is now an amalgam of several different companies, maybe your acronyms are valid. When did they occur? Are you telling me that they were around in 1975? Or 1980? Are you stupid enough to think that your acronyms have been part of pfizer for over 30 years? Your company wasn't a part of pfizer for 30 years. All you've proven is that you are a complete idiot, on so many levels. BTW, my health insurance card is quite valid, so I guess I did actually retire from charlie.

VOCs= Liar & FAKE!

Actually, my answer proves that I retired from Pfizer. However, since pfizer is now an amalgam of several different companies, maybe your acronyms are valid. When did they occur? Are you telling me that they were around in 1975? Or 1980? Are you stupid enough to think that your acronyms have been part of pfizer for over 30 years? Your company wasn't a part of pfizer for 30 years. All you've proven is that you are a complete idiot, on so many levels. BTW, my health insurance card is quite valid, so I guess I did actually retire from charlie.

Actually your answers prove that you DID NOT retire from Pfizer. No Pfizer is not an amalgam of several different companies. Pfizer bought out other companies, so Pfizer is the only company that exists. King Pharma/Wyeth do not exist and that mindset is what is messing with people. They did not merge, they did not become partners, they got bought out.
Yes, my acronyms are very valid. And besides those are industry acronyms not just Pfizer ones, which just revalidates my point. Yes acronyms such as the ones I asked you about have been around and have been valid for a long time. The fact that you do not know what they are is not something you should be ashamed of. People who do not work in the industry should have no idea of what they mean. The fact that your health insurance card is valid also does not prove a damn thing. VOCS, do you take people for fools? I mean come on, my daughter's health insurance card is valid, but that does not mean that she works in the industry. LOL
Give it, and all the rest of us a break VOCS. You are a leech, who has nothing better to do so you post on these sites and try to persuade people to believe that you either do work or used to work in the industry. Truth is you never have and you never will. But if you feel better telling everyone you did....then so be it. You are a paid blogger with no industry knowledge except what you've read on this site and found online. you can debate this fact however you wish...and I'm sure that some eloquent term like Sh%t4brains, or Jagoff is going to come out of your mouth, but that will just prove my point even more. Best of luck to you ...you liar!

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