VOCS is just a douche

For those who don't think I worked for uncle charlie(if you don't know what that means, you're not a real pfizer rep), here's my product bio. I started during the second launch of minipress, a three time a day alpha blocker for hyp. It was our biggest product until procardia. I was selling vibramycin, sinequan and diabinese. Then vibratabs came out as well as 75 and 150mg sinequan. Procardia was our big launch in '82, followed by feldene. Procardia did OK but really took off when we launched procardia xl for hypertension. That led the way for norvasc(I believe our best product ever-from a salesman's point of view). Then came zyrtec, zithromax and viagra. And, of course lipitor. It was the nineties when we started co-promoting with team members. And that destroyed the job.

Now, for the fool that wants to say I never worked for pfizer, kiss my ass.

you can copy things of the internet all you want VOCS. From the way you wrote your "bio", and i use that term loosely, everyone can tell you NEVER worked for Pfizer or any other Pharma company. Keep up the cover though, you may get someone to believe it. Your such a fucking loser.

Show us the thread, jagoff.

Look Mr. Fake:

1. The onus is on you. You are the one making up the lies. Yes, you had this nice and neat little fake history a few years back. Then when you were asked about Pharma terms, you weren't just off, you were clueless!

2. Your latest bio is even a bigger joke. Any 3rd grader can find the product launch history.

Keep trying Mr. Fantasy.

Look Mr. Fake:

1. The onus is on you. You are the one making up the lies. Yes, you had this nice and neat little fake history a few years back. Then when you were asked about Pharma terms, you weren't just off, you were clueless!

2. Your latest bio is even a bigger joke. Any 3rd grader can find the product launch history.

Keep trying Mr. Fantasy.

Really shit4brains? Then find it and post it. My history was from my memory. I was hired by BJ. ID him, asshole. The 1982 Hall of Fame trip was at the Arizona Biltmore. Find that on the web. The web didn't even exist then.

Really shit4brains? Then find it and post it. My history was from my memory. I was hired by BJ. ID him, asshole. The 1982 Hall of Fame trip was at the Arizona Biltmore. Find that on the web. The web didn't even exist then.

No need to it's fact. Any of your 'clever' bio is easily accessible. So you are having false memories.


No need to it's fact. Any of your 'clever' bio is easily accessible. So you are having false memories.


Or, more likely, I was a pfizer rep for 30 years. You're too stupid to realize it. Prove differently, asswipe. In the meantime, thanks for the attention, and for proving my credibility.

Case closed. You didn't know it then. You are a fake. The burden of proof is on you.

Your spelling has improved over the 4 years. You finally figured out the dictionary thing.

Case closed. You can't prove your point. You can't recreate any evidence of your claim. And my hand is getting sore from slapping you around. Next victim.

Case closed. You can't prove your point. You can't recreate any evidence of your claim. And my hand is getting sore from slapping you around. Next victim.

VOCs it has already been proven. Where have you been? It was proven about 4 years ago. I guess you think you have re-invented yourself as a credible poster.

No need for me to do the phony "Slapping, Next Victim...." It's over. Done. We all know. Check out any post's, except for the ones that you do yourself. Game over.

Or, more likely, I was a pfizer rep for 30 years. You're too stupid to realize it. Prove differently, asswipe. In the meantime, thanks for the attention, and for proving my credibility.

Prove differently shit stain? Who is stupid, and believes his own bull shit? Now I'm laughing.

If you need proof of what a complete loser this guy is, click on his user name and see the 1,000s of posts he has made in a couple of years. Who else makes a user name on cafe pharma.....loser. Can you imagine how many other sites he posts on? He is most likely in his underwear, unshowered, eating cheese doodles and posting anywhere he can get attention. This cracked me up when I saw all his posts. Go ahead, take a look, but don't waste time reading..... it is complete nonsense. Good Luck VOCS, you really need luck to get you cleaned up and doing something half way productive. Really, think about it.

Yes he's a douche. And I have seen what happens when you click his name. Enough to fill a sewage treatment plant.

If only he had some self awareness that included reality.

My minions are climbing out of the walls. Can find everything I've ever posted, but can't prove their claim about my lack of pharma knowlege. Because it doesn't exist. Or they made up some post but couldn't attribute the answer to me, which is why I use the Avatar. So keep coming back for more bitch slapping minions. I enjoy this.

My minions are climbing out of the walls. Can find everything I've ever posted, but can't prove their claim about my lack of pharma knowlege. Because it doesn't exist. Or they made up some post but couldn't attribute the answer to me, which is why I use the Avatar. So keep coming back for more bitch slapping minions. I enjoy this.

The more you post on this, the more unbelievable you are. In the years past, you didn't have your (Really Stupid) Avatar. Then you would post, and answer your posts. How do I know? Your grade school verbiage and writing style.

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