VOCS is just a douche


I must have hurt this loser's feelings. Gee shit4brains, I'm so sorry. You must be one of those sensitive, but irreplaceable "PAIN" reps.

No he is just speaking the truth here. I have seen some of your posts and I too think your an asshole. you cannot hold on an intelligent conversation, and when you are at a loss for words you resort to name calling such as jagoff and shit4brains. Real nice dialect there. Why don't you just stop insulting people on these boards and either contribute something to the conversation, or just not post anything?
Oh and you'd BETTER NOT think of trying that crap with me. I will make you sorry that you ever attempted to be funny...or think your funny. I do not find you humorous whatsoever.

No he is just speaking the truth here. I have seen some of your posts and I too think your an asshole. you cannot hold on an intelligent conversation, and when you are at a loss for words you resort to name calling such as jagoff and shit4brains. Real nice dialect there. Why don't you just stop insulting people on these boards and either contribute something to the conversation, or just not post anything?
Oh and you'd BETTER NOT think of trying that crap with me. I will make you sorry that you ever attempted to be funny...or think your funny. I do not find you humorous whatsoever.

I agree with you too. VOCS is a loser loser loser. Please VOCS go see the doc and up the medication. It's not controlling whatever mental illness you have. Do yourself and those around you a favor.

No he is just speaking the truth here. I have seen some of your posts and I too think your an asshole. you cannot hold on an intelligent conversation, and when you are at a loss for words you resort to name calling such as jagoff and shit4brains. Real nice dialect there. Why don't you just stop insulting people on these boards and either contribute something to the conversation, or just not post anything?
Oh and you'd BETTER NOT think of trying that crap with me. I will make you sorry that you ever attempted to be funny...or think your funny. I do not find you humorous whatsoever.

You are obviously a shit4brains jagoff. You aren't worth my time. Go sell some "PAIN" meds.

I kind of like VOCS. Don't take this site so seriously people! How can he be a bully if he doesn't know you? You aren't really being singled out since all of you post anonymously.

VOCS is all over this board, displaying his dull intellect. He obviously has no life and is quite bitter about it. He insults people because he cannot hold an intelligent conversation and my guess is he is a wuss in real life, pushed around constantly by people.

VOCS is all over this board, displaying his dull intellect. He obviously has no life and is quite bitter about it. He insults people because he cannot hold an intelligent conversation and my guess is he is a wuss in real life, pushed around constantly by people.

Intelligent conversation here? Keep rolling em, jagoff.

Intelligent conversation here? Keep rolling em, jagoff.

People, see the idiot VOCs for what he is-A constantly online internet troll. About 4 years ago he tried to come up with this bogus bio, but he wasn't consistant about his facts. Plus he is ignorant about pharma, our products, and the scientific terms.

He's just another big guy pretending to have some importance, when we all know otherwise.

People, see the idiot VOCs for what he is-A constantly online internet troll. About 4 years ago he tried to come up with this bogus bio, but he wasn't consistant about his facts. Plus he is ignorant about pharma, our products, and the scientific terms.

He's just another big guy pretending to have some importance, when we all know otherwise.

Show us the thread, jagoff.

Intelligent conversation here? Keep rolling em, jagoff.

my point exactly! He cannot come up with anything witty to say so he insults people. VOCS your just a piece of shit loser. And I"m sure you do get pushed around by everyone in real life, which is why you have to be a cyber presence bully.

For those who don't think I worked for uncle charlie(if you don't know what that means, you're not a real pfizer rep), here's my product bio. I started during the second launch of minipress, a three time a day alpha blocker for hyp. It was our biggest product until procardia. I was selling vibramycin, sinequan and diabinese. Then vibratabs came out as well as 75 and 150mg sinequan. Procardia was our big launch in '82, followed by feldene. Procardia did OK but really took off when we launched procardia xl for hypertension. That led the way for norvasc(I believe our best product ever-from a salesman's point of view). Then came zyrtec, zithromax and viagra. And, of course lipitor. It was the nineties when we started co-promoting with team members. And that destroyed the job.

Now, for the fool that wants to say I never worked for pfizer, kiss my ass.

For those who don't think I worked for uncle charlie(if you don't know what that means, you're not a real pfizer rep), here's my product bio. I started during the second launch of minipress, a three time a day alpha blocker for hyp. It was our biggest product until procardia. I was selling vibramycin, sinequan and diabinese. Then vibratabs came out as well as 75 and 150mg sinequan. Procardia was our big launch in '82, followed by feldene. Procardia did OK but really took off when we launched procardia xl for hypertension. That led the way for norvasc(I believe our best product ever-from a salesman's point of view). Then came zyrtec, zithromax and viagra. And, of course lipitor. It was the nineties when we started co-promoting with team members. And that destroyed the job.

Now, for the fool that wants to say I never worked for pfizer, kiss my ass.

right you worked for pfizer, so why are you such an asshole?

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