Virtual / Webex Detailing

Exactly! Let’s see how many reps will jump on and do a WebEx so that we can fire them one by one for some non compliant bullshit they dream up. “Oh the recording is turned off” right....
Completely ridiculous and insensitive what AbbVie wants us to do. These providers don’t give a shit about any of our drugs nor do they care to attend a WebEx even if we are bribing them with food! Clinics and providers are not concerned about drugs, what they are concerned about is catching Covid 19, their families, how to care adequately for their patients, their practices that are losing money hand over fist and their retirements. Not getting on a WebEx with a drug rep to see a stupid tile.
And they really don’t want a webex commercial about a product that lowers the immune system during a pandemic!

My experience has been and continues to be (including this last week) that Dr.'s want to know about our new products. IL-23 is changing the way dermatologist treat and our JAK is definitely a game changer in RA. Look at the data- the Dr.'s are craving for this because it will help patients. We are in a great position regardless of what division you are in because we have life saving- game changing- medicines. No other company can say that- maybe Merck but that is only in Oncology. Guys keep your head in the game!
How is a JAK and IL 23 life savers exactly?

The money it takes to train a rep is minimal compared to their annual salary. Someone has crunched the numbers, and once the predicted Remaining duration of Pandemic exceeds training costs a big chunk of reps are confirmed toast. Most are viewed as completely interchangeable. Hopefully business mode bounces back or people can find new careers.

This company doesn't exactly operate on a shoe string month-to-month budget. Although this situation is not ideal, Abbvie is financially positioned to deal with it better than most.

The money it takes to train a rep is minimal compared to their annual salary. Someone has crunched the numbers, and once the predicted Remaining duration of Pandemic exceeds training costs a big chunk of reps are confirmed toast. Most are viewed as completely interchangeable. Hopefully business mode bounces back or people can find new careers.

That isn't true. You have to severance out the reps your getting rid of and still pay unemployment. Then a few months later hire people back, train them, move cars around- all the "start up expenses" which is over 100k a rep easily. Plus once they start back in the field takes a few months to get "running".

Most of you reps will be terminated or furloughed by the end of the month. You serve absolutely no purpose right now, so why on earth would companies keep paying you. It is a certainty that the plans are drawn up and every day they debate when to pull the trigger. Going to be tough for you and your families, but that’s the boat you are in. Good luck.

I have good relationships with staff. Setting up webex calls with the “physician” to keep corporate happy. Play the game people don’t be stupid. Click click click... then Netflix for the rest of the day. Easy.

I find it comical that leadership in Rheum Corp is actually pissed that there aren't more virtual details and programs taking place. Delusional may be an understatement.