Virtual / Webex Detailing

While we are off volunteer to help out in the office. They can use the help and will welcome it. Expense a m-85 reusable mask on amazon ($85). Use hand sanitizer. Better yet if you have recovered you have nothing to worry about and will be in high demand. I'm going to help out one of bigger offices with processing prior authorizations along with the Walgreens SP rep.

You are not "off." Furthermore if you are in Rheum, you're getting ready to get hit with an intensive training schedule. This is not "free time."

While we are off volunteer to help out in the office. They can use the help and will welcome it. Expense a m-85 reusable mask on amazon ($85). Use hand sanitizer. Better yet if you have recovered you have nothing to worry about and will be in high demand. I'm going to help out one of bigger offices with processing prior authorizations along with the Walgreens SP rep.

We are not "off." Furthermore, if you are in Rheum, an intensive training program is getting ready to be implemented. This is not "free time."

We are definitely trained well enough in our disease states to see some of the easier patients. Think of a triage at the office. Sooner or later the MA's and RN's are going to come down with covid-19 and be out for 3 weeks. If one of us gets this china flu and after the self quarantine gets the OK- no reason we couldn't help out. I could easily do a skin cancer screening in one of my dermatology offices- leaving him to do more pressing cases. I check my kid every 6 months- I was the one that found a suspcious mole and suggested to his Dr. that it be removed. Same thing across many of the disease states we call on. MA's and RN's aren't any better trained then we are. Have more confidence in your knowledge brother!

No reason one of our Rheumatology reps couldn't do some of the follow up visits on a PSA or RA patient- its really not that hard. Could even get them on a different regime if it wasn't working- or at least suggest one to the Dr. to make it easier on him while he is treating a Lupus patient. A RN or MA could never do that. But even if they could they will be out sick. This is a unprecedented time where we can help our our offices in a way that has never been done before!

Sorry, but I’m not interested in having a drug rep do mole patrol on me during my annual visit. It’s embarrassing enough to have a physician do it. I don’t know jack about you or your education so I respectfully take a pass. As for doing WebExs with the offices, speaking from personal experience, it took nearly a week to get that crap running properly and get the bugs out. I will not be subjecting my offices to this kind of bs and had anyone approached me with it while I was working in my own office I would have laughed them out the door and asked them to not bother coming back.

Humira reps must keep communication with their doctors. Remind them how much it suppresses the immune system!!!! A great point at a time like this .
No doc in their right mind would write a humira script now

Sorry, but I’m not interested in having a drug rep do mole patrol on me during my annual visit. It’s embarrassing enough to have a physician do it. I don’t know jack about you or your education so I respectfully take a pass. As for doing WebExs with the offices, speaking from personal experience, it took nearly a week to get that crap running properly and get the bugs out. I will not be subjecting my offices to this kind of bs and had anyone approached me with it while I was working in my own office I would have laughed them out the door and asked them to not bother coming back.

I've had quite a bit of success educating physicians on WebEx. This will be a good time for this as Rheumatology will be much slower now since no one is really seeing new patients. We have a best in class JAK and most Dr.'s are going to want to know the ins and outs of this new product. It is unfortunate timing with our launch but we are still in a pretty good place. I really think this product is going to change Rheumatology much like Humira did. Exciting times indeed!!!

“I will now begin my WebEx. I will begin with the roll call. One at a time, please tell me who is listening?”

(crickets chirping)

OEC Person: “I’m here. You’re fired”

Exactly! Let’s see how many reps will jump on and do a WebEx so that we can fire them one by one for some non compliant bullshit they dream up. “Oh the recording is turned off” right....
Completely ridiculous and insensitive what AbbVie wants us to do. These providers don’t give a shit about any of our drugs nor do they care to attend a WebEx even if we are bribing them with food! Clinics and providers are not concerned about drugs, what they are concerned about is catching Covid 19, their families, how to care adequately for their patients, their practices that are losing money hand over fist and their retirements. Not getting on a WebEx with a drug rep to see a stupid tile.

Exactly! Let’s see how many reps will jump on and do a WebEx so that we can fire them one by one for some non compliant bullshit they dream up. “Oh the recording is turned off” right....
Completely ridiculous and insensitive what AbbVie wants us to do. These providers don’t give a shit about any of our drugs nor do they care to attend a WebEx even if we are bribing them with food! Clinics and providers are not concerned about drugs, what they are concerned about is catching Covid 19, their families, how to care adequately for their patients, their practices that are losing money hand over fist and their retirements. Not getting on a WebEx with a drug rep to see a stupid tile.

Spot on. Someone's web-ex brain child idea is dying on the vine, as it should.

Exactly! Let’s see how many reps will jump on and do a WebEx so that we can fire them one by one for some non compliant bullshit they dream up. “Oh the recording is turned off” right....
Completely ridiculous and insensitive what AbbVie wants us to do. These providers don’t give a shit about any of our drugs nor do they care to attend a WebEx even if we are bribing them with food! Clinics and providers are not concerned about drugs, what they are concerned about is catching Covid 19, their families, how to care adequately for their patients, their practices that are losing money hand over fist and their retirements. Not getting on a WebEx with a drug rep to see a stupid tile.

My experience has been and continues to be (including this last week) that Dr.'s want to know about our new products. IL-23 is changing the way dermatologist treat and our JAK is definitely a game changer in RA. Look at the data- the Dr.'s are craving for this because it will help patients. We are in a great position regardless of what division you are in because we have life saving- game changing- medicines. No other company can say that- maybe Merck but that is only in Oncology. Guys keep your head in the game!

Spot on. Someone's web-ex brain child idea is dying on the vine, as it should.

Yes its a money wasting idea and compliance
nightmare. We all need to be cautious about offending our physicians with the constant calls and requests. I hope a metric is not assigned to this.

Overall though, I am grateful to have a job and happy AbbVie is donating money and supplies. AbbVie is a good company.

Mailing a handwritten letter to each of your physicians expressing appreciation and gratitude will most likely go much further than a webex detail. Want to take it a step further? Try sending the letter USPS Priority Mail. Who doesn't open a handwritten envelope or priority mail?

Mailing a handwritten letter to each of your physicians expressing appreciation and gratitude will most likely go much further than a webex detail. Want to take it a step further? Try sending the letter USPS Priority Mail. Who doesn't open a handwritten envelope or priority mail?

I agree our Dr.'s want to know that we are there for them.

Most of you reps will be terminated or furloughed by the end of the month. You serve absolutely no purpose right now, so why on earth would companies keep paying you. It is a certainty that the plans are drawn up and every day they debate when to pull the trigger. Going to be tough for you and your families, but that’s the boat you are in. Good luck.

Most of you reps will be terminated or furloughed by the end of the month. You serve absolutely no purpose right now, so why on earth would companies keep paying you. It is a certainty that the plans are drawn up and every day they debate when to pull the trigger. Going to be tough for you and your families, but that’s the boat you are in. Good luck.

Hey troll, we’ve already been told there will be no layoffs and that goes for all employees not just reps. I’ve worked here for over 20 years and haven’t been lied to yet so how about you go bother someone else.

Hey troll, we’ve already been told there will be no layoffs and that goes for all employees not just reps. I’ve worked here for over 20 years and haven’t been lied to yet so how about you go bother someone else.

The other massive pandemics during the past 20 years do indeed provide a good precedent...

The original promise was made when people thought this was going to be over in April. I hope you are right, but everyone should be worried about their jobs at this point.

Abbvie has a lot of time and money in training the reps, as well as the reps relationships in the field. They don't want to have a massive furlough. They are handling this in an admirable way. That being said if this goes on for several months, all bets are off.

Abbvie has a lot of time and money in training the reps, as well as the reps relationships in the field. They don't want to have a massive furlough. They are handling this in an admirable way. That being said if this goes on for several months, all bets are off.

I agree. Before Abbvie I was involved in a lay-off, I’m so far impressed with Abbvie s reaction but bottom line it’s a business, and the business model is changing. I am in a territory with over 50% no see, and the trend was getting worse before Covid. I have two kids that hopefully will get into college in a few years. I’m very concerned this job will be here in a few years.