Vimovo Second QTR total sales / Pozen


First half sales of VIMOVO(TM) (naproxen / esomeprazole magnesium) delayed-release tablets were $10.1 million; $6.3 million in Q2 2011.
• VIMOVO was launched in 5 additional European countries in the second quarter of 2011

So in the first 2 qtrs we sold 10.1 million dollars. This drug is on fire, and if AZ keeps selling it we may be putting a blank it on it to put out the fire. This drug is a dog.

In the second QTR there were on 6.3 million in total sales which i understand is obvious from the above information, but those numbers also include 5 additional countries in europe. So 10 million for a half a year in the US may actually be going in the wrong direction.

Please bring some water and put this fire out and kill it. What a waste of MCL reps at 40 percent market basket, and I dont know what the CNS division is doing with this drug. that is a lot of reps for 10 million dollars in total sales.

One other comment this is not how much they made in royalties this was total Vimovo sales. According to this same artical Pozen only made 600 k for the qtr.

Here is their quote from their financial statements on money made for pozen.

"for the second quarter of 2011, POZEN reported revenue of $4.6 million, comprised of royalty on sales of Treximet and VIMOVO, of $4.0 million and $0.6 million, respectively

This horse needs to go to the glue factory!!!!!!


A few of the customers like Walgreens just got the store manager's kids to put an Alleve and a Prilosec OTC package together with a rubber band and they're test marketing it on the shelves first, before buying in to the Rx version.

They only marked it up 10 times the cost of the Prilosec and Aleve packages prices sold separately, thinking if the store - compounded rubberbanded combination sells at the discounted price compared to AZ's compounded version of prilosec and aleve (which costs 14 times the price for the ingredients at retail), maybe the demand will be there.

Hey assholes- I'd rather sell this "dog" than stand in an unemployment line every week for a check. That's what 40% of our pharma rep friends are doing right now.

If you don't like Vimovo: you have 2 options

#1 quit. There's thousands of reps out there that would sell this shit with a smile on their face every day rather than be unemployed.

#2 You invent a better drug. You're obviously so goddam smart, you can probably invent 4 or 5 new drugs by the end of the weekend. I'd much rather sell something else but AZ is little limited in their current offerings.

Hey assholes- I'd rather sell this "dog" than stand in an unemployment line every week for a check. That's what 40% of our pharma rep friends are doing right now.

If you don't like Vimovo: you have 2 options

#1 quit. There's thousands of reps out there that would sell this shit with a smile on their face every day rather than be unemployed.

#2 You invent a better drug. You're obviously so goddam smart, you can probably invent 4 or 5 new drugs by the end of the weekend. I'd much rather sell something else but AZ is little limited in their current offerings.

How about #3 and #4: Pressure your employer to start acting responsibly. Stop wasting billions on government settlements and fines for violating the law. Stop wasting millions on frivolous products like Vivomo that damage the industry's reputation and AZ. Fire the jerks in HQ that are leading the ship and bring in a management team that knows what they're doing. On and on.

Instead you opt to be a minion. It's an impossible job market -- why don't you quit instead of judging those like me? Why do you feel like there are only two options available? Are you a robot?

what it all comes down to is people are whoring themselves out for a mediocre product that clearly is costing the company more to sell it than they bring in. Be glad for billion dollar profits because most companies can't float this type of negative business model.

for the reps selling it to complain is hysterical the company thought by putting you on the product you could sell it.... clearly it's not happening which now confirms the cutting of people in a few months.

Way to go!

what it all comes down to is people are whoring themselves out for a mediocre product that clearly is costing the company more to sell it than they bring in. Be glad for billion dollar profits because most companies can't float this type of negative business model.

for the reps selling it to complain is hysterical the company thought by putting you on the product you could sell it.... clearly it's not happening which now confirms the cutting of people in a few months.

Way to go!

When will you ever learn? Once again, we do NOT sell! We regurgitate what the brand team gives us. If a product then fails, the brand team must examine why and adjust accordingly, which is clearly what has happend thus far with Vimovo. However, you are correct in that it is the sales force who will be blamed.

what it all comes down to is people are whoring themselves out for a mediocre product that clearly is costing the company more to sell it than they bring in. Be glad for billion dollar profits because most companies can't float this type of negative business model.

for the reps selling it to complain is hysterical the company thought by putting you on the product you could sell it.... clearly it's not happening which now confirms the cutting of people in a few months.

Way to go!

The company thought the reps could sell it? So now that it's not selling it's the reps' fault?

Nice twisted logic, you sound like you work in HR. Anyone with 1/2 a brain knew this dog would never hunt, especially priced like it is and everyone can see what the 2 ingredients cost. Anyone paying for this is insulted and naturally resists paying like a zealot! It's the bozos at the top that are responsible for the failure of Vivomo, not the representatives.

It's like Exxon adding STP to it's gas and charging $50.00 per gallon compared to $3.50, and then blaming the gas stations for not selling the crap.

The company thought the reps could sell it? So now that it's not selling it's the reps' fault?

Nice twisted logic, you sound like you work in HR. Anyone with 1/2 a brain knew this dog would never hunt, especially priced like it is and everyone can see what the 2 ingredients cost. Anyone paying for this is insulted and naturally resists paying like a zealot! It's the bozos at the top that are responsible for the failure of Vivomo, not the representatives.

It's like Exxon adding STP to it's gas and charging $50.00 per gallon compared to $3.50, and then blaming the gas stations for not selling the crap.

This would never work at a gas station because most people pay for their own gas. Once I used premium gas by accident and heard about it, so even AZ wouldn't pay for someone else's waste. The government will though.

In pharma, you have someone else paying for your stuff, so the entire game is different. There are people who will get the Rx and not take it, only because someone else pays for it. They feel like they're getting something for nothing.

FAIL: We don't give away trinkets.

Yes you do, and the rich doctors fight for them, not because they need them or can't afford to buy them, but because they're FREE. You need an English Dictionary first, then learn something about human nature.

How about responding to what I wrote, starting with what's below, instead of responding with attacks about me? Why do you keep diverting away from the substance here?

Answer: Because you're in the wrong, deep down you know it but on the surface you're a narcissistic jackass who gets paid $100,000.00 plus a car every year to get doctors to sign a computer screen and kiss up, and you can't face this reality. Hopefully, soon US healthcare will begin to undertake true reforms, and you'll be a good place to make flagrantly obvious cost reductions.

How about #3 and #4: Pressure your employer to start acting responsibly. Stop wasting billions on government settlements and fines for violating the law. Stop wasting millions on frivolous products like Vivomo that damage the industry's reputation and AZ. Fire the jerks in HQ that are leading the ship and bring in a management team that knows what they're doing. On and on.

Instead you opt to be a minion. It's an impossible job market -- why don't you quit instead of judging those like me? Why do you feel like there are only two options available? Are you a robot?

FAIL: We don't give away trinkets.

Yes you do, and the rich doctors fight for them, not because they need them or can't afford to buy them, but because they're FREE. You need an English Dictionary first, then learn something about human nature.

Answer: Because you're in the wrong, deep down you know it but on the surface you're a narcissistic jackass who gets paid $100,000.00 plus a car every year to get doctors to sign a computer screen and kiss up, and you can't face this reality. Hopefully, soon US healthcare will begin to undertake true reforms, and you'll be a good place to make flagrantly obvious cost reductions.

Now you are attacking doctors? Yes, I make big bucks and pay big taxes to support idiots like you. Remember, when I stop earning a pay check you will be knocked off the tit.

FAIL: We don\'t give away trinkets.

Yes you do, and the rich doctors fight for them, not because they need them or can\'t afford to buy them, but because they\'re FREE. You need an English Dictionary first, then learn something about human nature.

How about responding to what I wrote, starting with what\'s below, instead of responding with attacks about me? Why do you keep diverting away from the substance here?

Answer: Because you\'re in the wrong, deep down you know it but on the surface you\'re a narcissistic jackass who gets paid $100,000.00 plus a car every year to get doctors to sign a computer screen and kiss up, and you can\'t face this reality. Hopefully, soon US healthcare will begin to undertake true reforms, and you\'ll be a good place to make flagrantly obvious cost reductions.

What trinkets do you speak of? We cannot give away pens, pads, models, promo items... this all ended with Pharma guidelines. We are handcuffed today with compliance rules and heavily regulated. It does not appear you are actually in Pharma or know what you speak of.

Stop trying to divert the topic to issues about the anonymous poster on the other side of the argument from you, and focus instead on the issues. (I'm not on the tit, ex-pharma, and surely you still give away things to doctors at trade shows but it's completely irrelevant to the point being made, which was that people will take freebies even if they don't need them.)

Stop trying to divert the topic to issues about the anonymous poster on the other side of the argument from you, and focus instead on the issues. (I'm not on the tit, ex-pharma, and surely you still give away things to doctors at trade shows but it's completely irrelevant to the point being made, which was that people will take freebies even if they don't need them.)

Uh, people can only take freebies IF they are being offered... and yeah, if you have the facts wrong it does make a difference. You don't even know what's going on.

As relates to trade shows:

The regulations forbid exhibitors to give anything away to physicians that doesn’t have educational value or aids in the treatment of a patient. That means no coffee mugs, pens, note pads, stethoscopes, tongue depressors, thermometers, tote bags or any other knickknack that a specialty advertising company can put a logo on. In addition, companies are no longer allowed to offer doctors free dinners, lunches or invitations to entertainment such as private shows by top entertainers.

Stop trying to divert the topic to issues about the anonymous poster on the other side of the argument from you, and focus instead on the issues. (I'm not on the tit, ex-pharma, and surely you still give away things to doctors at trade shows but it's completely irrelevant to the point being made, which was that people will take freebies even if they don't need them.)

Uhh? You made the point jackass. Guess you are diverting the subject in which you know nothing about. It is the first half of the month, shouldn't you be eating Twinkies with your food stamps instead of babbling?

Tick tock, tick tock.

Keep on arguing your worthless minutia and avoiding the issue if it makes you feel better. There's a gigantic purple elephant in the room, and he's only getting more obvious to everyone -- everyone including the once-duped public that pharmaceutical companies innovate and extend people's lives, so the prices are therefore justified. So what if pharma wastes billions on idiot representatives who do nothing except suck up paychecks and benefits? (and you claim I'm on the tit?)

The point in this thread was that Vivomo isn't selling. I say it's because people see the price is so high -- even the insurance companies, after all of their rebates, discounts, and other tricks, object to reimbursing for two OTC products combined and protected by a patent, priced astronomically. Make a contribution to society, if you expect to make money. Get off the public tit!

Tick tock, tick tock.

Keep on arguing your worthless minutia and avoiding the issue if it makes you feel better. There's a gigantic purple elephant in the room, and he's only getting more obvious to everyone -- everyone including the once-duped public that pharmaceutical companies innovate and extend people's lives, so the prices are therefore justified. So what if pharma wastes billions on idiot representatives who do nothing except suck up paychecks and benefits? (and you claim I'm on the tit?)

The point in this thread was that Vivomo isn't selling. I say it's because people see the price is so high -- even the insurance companies, after all of their rebates, discounts, and other tricks, object to reimbursing for two OTC products combined and protected by a patent, priced astronomically. Make a contribution to society, if you expect to make money. Get off the public tit!

Is the gigantic purple elephant named Barney? If so, can I have some of what you're smokin'?

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