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Spoke with my manager today (CNS) said he had just got the word, it IS true.not all reps are going to get it. Only high prescribers. Not all managers have been notified.

Those will be weighted 30%. This sucks!

Listen ass wipe AZ reps. Vimovo will renew contract with Publicis. Also giving Crestor to
Publicis. Crestor sells itself. Vimovo has to be promoted to sell it. Looks like you guys
can't sell it making calls from kitchen.

Bydureon is a great product. Problem is Novo cleans your ass. You have 1% market share
after one year.

Any specialty drug given to AZ. Any primary care drug, given to Publicis. Get used to it.
Contract is wave of future.

National formulary coming soon. Will have two drugs to chose from in each category.
Still think you need all the reps???

Listen ass wipe AZ reps. Vimovo will renew contract with Publicis. Also giving Crestor to
Publicis. Crestor sells itself. Vimovo has to be promoted to sell it. Looks like you guys
can't sell it making calls from kitchen.

Bydureon is a great product. Problem is Novo cleans your ass. You have 1% market share
after one year.

Any specialty drug given to AZ. Any primary care drug, given to Publicis. Get used to it.
Contract is wave of future.

National formulary coming soon. Will have two drugs to chose from in each category.
Still think you need all the reps???

Crestor sells itself? Not when it's NDC blocked on large hospital system formularies dumbass! Oh, and so is Vimovo. The stand alone doctors offices are becoming more fewer and fewer every year. Those are the only guys worth selling to for the PSS's because AZ doesn't do S&#T to make sure their products get on the formularies of the big systems.

Want a novel idea? Set your price for all drugs at one low flat price wholesale. Then formularies and insurance companies won't matter. You could win on the volume alone. Think of all the billions that AZ could save by NOT giving insurance companies that $$ on rebates and "incentives" for formulary status...that is one way to get around the national formulary that I do believe is coming.

Easier said than done. Dutoprol was launched with that strategy in mind. You would be amazed how conditioned these docs are when it comes to plans and emr software programs. Sad....

Crestor sells itself? Not when it's NDC blocked on large hospital system formularies dumbass! Oh, and so is Vimovo. The stand alone doctors offices are becoming more fewer and fewer every year. Those are the only guys worth selling to for the PSS's because AZ doesn't do S&#T to make sure their products get on the formularies of the big systems.

Want a novel idea? Set your price for all drugs at one low flat price wholesale. Then formularies and insurance companies won't matter. You could win on the volume alone. Think of all the billions that AZ could save by NOT giving insurance companies that $$ on rebates and "incentives" for formulary status...that is one way to get around the national formulary that I do believe is coming.

You're writing about what AZ will be one day, if it continues to exist at all: a generics company. Win on volume. "Our quality is unmatched and our prices are lower."

There are some out there, but not many generic salespeople have jobs. It is coming, unless the pharma companies can really make something new, like a cure for the common cold, or a cure for herpes, any real cure. The repackaging, combinations, and XLs have run their course and time is almost up.

You're writing about what AZ will be one day, if it continues to exist at all: a generics company. Win on volume. "Our quality is unmatched and our prices are lower."

There are some out there, but not many generic salespeople have jobs. It is coming, unless the pharma companies can really make something new, like a cure for the common cold, or a cure for herpes, any real cure. The repackaging, combinations, and XLs have run their course and time is almost up.

There is no money for pharma in "curing" any disease. They are not interested in curing a damn thing. The big bucks are in treatment. When was the last disease cured? Polio?

Antibiotics cure disease. The pain and anesthesia drugs were giant leaps. PPIs helped a lot of people and Metformin was a biggie.

There are still big time needs for products to treat Malaria, which kills millions every year, and plenty of other third world type diseases. And then there's the common cold, which is the #1 killer of the elderly in the US. So what are the drug co's working on? XLs, combinations, and me-too isomers of Viagara. All of the enormous revenue from the glory decades went in to people's pockets, not back into the business of discovery, and here we are today.

I should be nominated as Captain Hindsight! Plenty of people saw this years in advance and now we're almost there.

don't hate. I earn my salary selling amazing az products

Amazing products, hmm let's see... There's Seroquel XR which is a once a day patent extension product of twice a day Seroquel IR, now generic... Nexium which is a mirror compound of Prilosec now generic with efficacy likely due to its higher dose than Prilosec, created again to hold on to the GI market... Symbicort which is a combination of two widely available generic products, created to compete with Advair... Crestor which is a decent product, but facing heavy generic competition within the statin market. Of course there is also Vimovo which is also two commonly prescribed products gone generic, naproxen and esomeprazole. Oh, and of course there is Brilinta which is holding on by a toehold with generic market leader Plavix.

Ha ha Good old big pharma at it's best! Recycle old drugs, squeeze all the $ out of them, flood the offices with reps, then screw the poor reps that challenge the doctors !

We're in charge here!

At least we think we are. The gubment folks had better keep this gig goin, cause it's goin pretty good fo me!

Eat shit patients, gubment payers, reps, all ob yu! Im a living large