Vikor Scientific

Gush and KOR were both major losers and if Shorty didn’t have PPE funds he’d be selling soap to get by.Oh maybe not, he’d go back to his wife, and say I’m sorry babe I really F’d up, can your family float me a few more mil until I sell this bag of trash at West Edge. It won’t be generational wealth but maybe I can get out from underneath all the fun I’ve had on taxpayers backs.

Gush and KOR were both major losers and if Shorty didn’t have PPE funds he’d be selling soap to get by.Oh maybe not, he’d go back to his wife, and say I’m sorry babe I really F’d up, can your family float me a few more mil until I sell this bag of trash at West Edge. It won’t be generational wealth but maybe I can get out from underneath all the fun I’ve had on taxpayers backs.

His ex is smarter than to take that moron back. She let Mary have that hick.

The FEDS are circling....tick tock Short Man.....tick tock
This is shocking right? Shorty thinks he has a plan - but again he’s an idiot. I hope other employees realize their short lived good fortune, if you call it that, is done. Go back to reality with realistic compensation and benefits. You and your families will be glad you did the right thing because short stack has NEVER had you or your family first. #truth