Vikor Scientific

I can shorty in a mtg telling you how good you are NOT because you have the wrong mindset. You’re no Warren you’re no Jamie, kiss my A _ _ like they do and you’ll make money.

Really short stack ? Get ready for the cement cell, hope you wake up some day realizing how many families you’ve destroyed with your narcissistic leadership, if you call it leadership.

More like little Napoleon - or Gap for Kids. Both fit .

I was on a conf call a few days ago and short stack was on his banter. What a Fn narcissist - he doesn’t get business, he really should sell cars at carmax.

Sorry boss but I’m leaving with many others as soon as I can find a role without being ridiculed and the employer pays a fair share or quality health benefits.

You do suck as an individual if you didn’t know that already.

Got my mindset # ready for a good week of pushing samples. Hope the doors stay open at WestEdge as this has been life changing income for me. SB I can’t say thank you enough.

Yep, any job is better than cleaning those porta-potties you were before, but if you work with Too Short you’re accustomed to having to use disinfectant at the end of each day, because that guy is pure Mississippi dookie

Yep, any job is better than cleaning those porta-potties you were before, but if you work with Too Short you’re accustomed to having to use disinfectant at the end of each day, because that guy is pure Mississippi dookie
I shower after conf call because I feel Mr Slippery on the phone, sad but it’s short lived.

Got my mindset # ready for a good week of pushing samples. Hope the doors stay open at WestEdge as this has been life changing income for me. SB I can’t say thank you enough.
Really????? Life changing income, you must have been working at 7 eleven before vikor if short stack is paying you life changing income.

Excited to sell for Vikor today and push push push for testing as Shorty tells us, we need to keep the lights on. Shea and I live a good life and depend on you. By the way, our matching Mercedes lunch box suvs leases are up so please go get me urine samples.

Good God! Who is the medical director at Vikor? I just picked off some of their accounts in the upper NW. Who is the genius that said that getting urine samples from a diaper is ok? Whoever it is should be thrown in jail!

Probably Jamie Short Stacks idol LOL. I highly doubt Dr Patel would recommend this as his credentials are well respected. But when Shorty has a boat payment to make, anything goes to get samples in the door and that’s why the Feds have eyes on him and West Edge.

Instead of Shorty being a soap salesman for Amway, maybe he needs to be rebranded as the diaper man, just a thought. Shorty what’s the “up coding” financial benefit for you to make your boat and lunchbox Mercedes’s benefit? If you’re not sure, ask the feds, they know.

Also, who is the genius that came up with UTI antibiotic resistance via PCR? There is ZERO clinical evidence, hence the reason why it's denied by insurance. Culture is the only accepted methodology. This is what happens when you have a couple of non-clinical nutjobs running a lab.