vest trial

It is such an embarrassment that somebody from within the upper leadership in this company puts a post and Café Pharma pretending to be a cardiologist saying they’re impressed with the results. This company is such a scam and always has been! I still don’t understand how they’re getting away with what they get away with. The study is a complete failure and now the that you have the president of floodgate recruiting agency posting videos on LinkedIn stating that there’s a 36% reduction in mortality of this “great study” ? First of all it’s a relative risk risk reduction which doesn’t mean shit and it missed it’s Primary endpoint. I guess the recruiters have to keep lying along with Zoll so they can continue to get people to take the job that Everyone keeps quitting,so they get their recruiting fees. The lying just doesn’t end at that this corporation. It’s unbelievable. Most unethical company out there.