is another big let down....who would have thought.
glad we didn't years for another study to further cloud the issue.
glad we didn't years for another study to further cloud the issue.
Love the way ZOLL is spinning this. No way will I drink this kool aid, I’m not selling this year from now ZOLL will have <100 TMs and 100 SSRs. Many TMs will be getting emails from recruiters this week. Get your resumes ready Sunday. Don’t wait!
Doesn’t matter how Zoll spins this... no insurance company will pay for it!
Was and will always be a total scam.
Any ex life vest rep wronged by this company is celebrating!
Layoffs Monday for sure.
Did someone say Bob G had a big house with a big mortgage?
Maybe it will be for sale in the near future and if the bank takes it....
They are acting like this is the most important trial with better than expected results even though it failed....wtfWhat else are they going to do at this point but spin it. Did anyone else notice the statistically significant reduction in stroke death “due” to the LifeVest. What if you removed those deaths (4 in control and 0 in LV arms) that were clearly due to chance and not LifeVest from the all cause mortality number? Would the result still be statistically significant for all cause mortality? It’s clear this trial was flawed as it took 10 years to complete a trial on a product worn for 90 days. I don’t think this is the complete end of LifeVest as physicians will continue to prescribe for only the most severe low EF or those that have ectopy in the hospital. Quite a stretch to call this a positive result though.
Regardless of whether you believe the mortality result is real, I’d want to see 1 yr data from this trial (not WEARIT-II) to show these patients will not just die anyway.